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    Luftwaffe Ace Karl Gratz

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    Karl Gratz


    24.1.1919 Wiener Neustadt / Austria

    RK 1.7.1942 as Unteroffizier, DK 26.7.1943, EP 8.6.1942

    Here's all I could find. It's from this website: http://www.jg52.de/gb-gratz.htm

    "Charlie" Gratz was transfered to 8./JG 52 in Russia in fall 1941 and scored his first victory in February 1942. During summer he added victories to his tally like a string of pearls. He was awarded Knightscross after 54 victories, scoring a further 29 in fall 1942. Acting as an instructor for a couple of months he was posted to II./JG 2 deployed at the Channel in March 1943. He made a good impression from the start, shotting down two Spitfires on the 4/4/1943, his 85th and 86th kill respectivly. He scored a total of 17 kills in the West before he was transfered back to his old Gruppe at the Eastern Front. He scored his 104th kill on the 22/5/1944 and after receiving his commission he took over the command over 10./JG 52 on the 1/1/1945. From the 16/2/1945 up to the end of the war he bagged another 18 enemy planes. As with many other memebers of JG 52 he was handed over the Soviets, despite surrendering to American troops and had to spend four years imprisoned.

    Approximatly 900 missions

    138 victories, including 17 in the West. 3 of them were four engined bombers.

    :beer: Doc


    Edited by Riley1965
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    Karl gratz was awarded the following as far as i could find them:

    * Honour Goblet - as a Uffz. - date : 08.06.1942

    * Knights Cross - as a Uffz. - date : 01.07.1942 - Unit: 8./J.G. 52

    * German cross in Gold - as a Fw. - date : 08.06.1943 - Unit: 8./J.G. 52

    De not be surpised that a KC was awarded before a German cross, these things did happen and is often seen with Luftwaffe personel.

    Hope this does help.

    Cordial greetings,

    ps: did just see that Doc already posted the info :speechless:

    Edited by Stijn David
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