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    As the US Civil War research section seems to be the correct place to ask, does anyone know where I can find a recording/download of the famous Southern Confederate unofficial anthem 'Dixie' on the Internet? Thanks in advance.



    As the US Civil War research section seems to be the correct place to ask, does anyone know where I can find a recording/download of the famous Southern Confederate unofficial anthem 'Dixie' on the Internet? Thanks in advance.


    Try goofling "Folk music", and "American". There are a number of sites with downloadable music files.



    And some of the KKK and other white supremicist hate-sites will probably have it too. You'll probably find some Nazi stuff there too.


    Ignore post #3. And from a Club Host! :shame:

    Try searching "Bobby Horton." Or try this site: http://www.civilwarmusicstore.com/

    I'm assuming you want the original...

    Southrons hear your country call you;

    Up less worth that death befall you.

    To arms! To arms! To arms;

    for Dixie.


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