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    Battle of Shaho, Russo-Japanses War photo

    Brian Wolfe

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    Hello All,

    I just purchased a stereoscope card from an antigues mall taken during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904. The card's title is, " In the Trenches- Awaiting a Charge by the Enemy, Valley of the Shaho".

    From Wikipedia:

    The Battle of Shaho was a land battle of the Russo-Japanese War fought along a 37-mile front centered at the Sha River on the Mukden-Port Arthur spur of the China Far East Railway just north of Liaoyang, Manchuria.

    Check out Wikipedia for more details of this battle and the Russo-Japanese War in general.

    On the rear of the card is printed this observation,

    An American Missionary at Saga, Japan - Rev. H.V.S. Peeke - writes to friends in the United States:

    "I think you were a little surprised at the way Japan launched out with her navy and army. I cannot say that we residents were. We were not sure how far Russia's arrogance would carry her, but we knew that Japan was regarding this as a life and death question, and rather than take the slightest risk of falling into the purgatory in which Finland is suffering, she would pour out the last drop of blood and spend the last dollar of treasure. We knew too, that the Japanese army and navy were as good as money and discipline could make them.

    As to the outcome, prophesying is poor business, but I hope to see Japan push the Russians out of Korea and Manchuria, and take the Manchurian section of the railroad as pay for her pains. I think, too, that the powers will leave her alone if she avhieve this by force of arms. It must be remembered that with the powers that Japan has not a single broken promise to her discredit, while Russia has a long list."

    Japan certainly feels that she is resisting an oppressive, and rebuking a perfidious nation. God speed the Right.

    Well the old Rev. sure had an opinion. It is interesting how this struggle was to be a pattern for the First World War in many aspects.

    I hope you enjoy the photo and the thoughts of Rev. Peek.

    Cheers :cheers:


    Edited by Brian Wolfe
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