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    In addition can anyone tell me what the eqivilant rank in the US Army during WW2 would, be for a British RAMC Lance Corporal.

    Where US medics classed as Technicians?

    I think the progression was from Private to PFC, and then up through the technician ranks. Just look for the "T" underneath the chevrons when you come across pictures of medics ranked above PFC.

    I know that NATO currently considers a British Lance Corporal and an American PFC to be equivalent, but I can't find anything concrete.


    Hi Guys,

    Can anyone tell me whether these are the style of PFC stripes that would have been worn by the 101st Airborne during WW2, on their jump suit jackets?


    Provided that the background is a dark navy, and not black (hard to tell from the pic), they look like the right style. From what I gather, there aren't a lot of photographs showing PFC chevrons being worn on the M42 jacket.

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