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    Erinnerung an meine Wehrdienstzeit Photo Album

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    This is a companion post to the one I posted in the Personal Research Facility:

    Hello fellows,

    I recently picked up a great little "Erinnerung an Meine Wehrdienstzeit" official Heer Photo album dated Weihnacht (Christmas) 1936 to a soldier in the 14th Tank Defence Company (Anti-tank unit) of the 2nd Infantry Regiment. I have searched online for many hours and have not been able to find much of anything on the 2nd Infantry Regiment at all, just on a list of Reichsheer regiments from the 1930's. I assume this regiment was renamed and absorbed into another division or regiment so I was wondering if anyone knew which one? As for the 14.Panzer-Abwehr Kompanee (mot.), I have seen a lot of info about this company with regards to Kurt (Panzer) Meyer as he took over this company (or another company with the exact same name?) in 1936 and was commander of it through the invasion of Poland in 1939. I was wondering if this is the same motorized panzerabwehr company? I could not really find a detailed description of individual regiments and companys, so any links or some information to start out with would be greatly helpful.

    The 3rd page in the book has a picture of Field Marshall Blomberg and two other higher ups that I couldn't identify are on page 2 and 4, and the soldiers name is handwritten but I cannot decipher it (It looks like Pritzen von Flugh) or something like that. There will be a close-up of the signature coming. There are many pictures of officers hanging out and setting up tents for the motorized division (all what appear to be Mercedez-Benz's cars with big skinny mudder tires on them with heavy treads) and a couple nice shots of the whole Kompanee in cars ready for inspection. In total there are about 100 pictures and a few postcards and AH collector cards in the book, about 25 of the pics are the Canadian soldiers who "obtained" the book from the German Infantryman.

    In summary, please lend any information (no matter how small it may seem, I am still very short in resource material!) about this specific 2nd Infantry Regiment (marked on cover Inf.-Rgt.2) and more specifcally, the 14th Motorized Panzer-Abwehr Kompanee (marked 14. (mot. Pz.-Abw.) Komp on the album. I have not been able to find any good info on it at all. Sorry, I still cannot post pics but I will get them to Larry as soon as I can so he can post them for me.

    Cheers and thanks for any help and links!


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    Thanks for posting my pics for me Larry, you are a true gentleman! As you can see, the name is very hard to decipher, but maybe one of you experts on German handwriting can get a clearer picture for me. Also, like I mentioned before, and links or info on the German 2nd Infantry Regiment in 1936 are greatly appreciated, even if anyone knows what it was renamed or absorbed into later on. Like I said, the 14th Motorized PanzerAbwehr company is mentioned quite profusely in connection with Kurt Panzer Meyer, but I am not sure if it is the exact same unit (I am no expert on German hierarchy, obviously, so any help is awesome!) so any clarification would be very helpful. Overall, it is a great little photo album and I would post more pics of the actual wartime photos but it is quite fragile and I don't want to risk any further damage to the binding. ANY comments on the album itself, the signature, or the specific Kompanee and Regiment are very welcome and appreciated!



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    • 2 months later...

    Hello gents, just thought I would bump this one up as I have had no responses on it yet. Somebody has to know something about this regiment and photo album, I have mentioned everything I know about it in the previous posts, so any confirmation or clarification of those facts are great, as well as ANY additional information. Please share your knowledge!

    Cheers and thanks in advance!


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    • 2 months later...

    Hi Gents,

    Looks like I probably should have posted this thread in the Heer and Waffen- SS: General Militaria section as it is not getting a response here in documentation, and it isn;t actual award documentation so it probably belongs there in the other section (If the Chairman agrees he can move it there if he wants). Again, any comments or info on this piece are very appreciated!



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    • 1 year later...

    Hi Pat, sorry I did not notice your post before.

    That is an unusual name for a German.

    The name reads: van Heys

    Dem Sch?tzen van Heys (To the rifleman van Heys)

    Edited by Naxos
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    Perhaps he was a Dutch volunteer? Or just someone in Germany with a Dutch last name. There are many pics, many showing the Benz-like cars mentioned earlier in formation and being repaired and pulled out of mucky roads. Really nice piece of early army history. Does anyone know anything about this regiment?



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    Thanks Hardy for the links! I don't read much German so if anyone has a quick translation summary of their action that would be very helpful (or if anyone using Safari for a browser knows how to translate a page).



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