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    Adolf von Herzberg, geboren Danzig 28.07.1820; 07.05.1849 Premierlieutenant im mecklenburg-schwerinschen Exercir-Bataillon, 01.10.1849 Bataillonsadjutant, 29.10.1851 zum Leichten Infanterie-bataillon, 18.09.1852 zum Generalstab, 06.04.1856 Hauptmann, 01.06.1857 Compagniechef im Grenadier-Garde Bataillon, 28.07.1858 Fl?geladjutant SKH des Grossherzogs, 05.10.1860 Major, 19.06.1864 den Abschied bewilligt, 20.06.1864 in k?niglich preussischen Milit?rdiensten als Major im Grossen Generalstab, 10.12.1864 zum Generalstab der 5. Armee Division, 08.06.1866 Oberstlieutenant, 16.08.1866 Commandant des III. Bataillons des F?silier-Regiment Nr. 36, 18.01.1876 als Generallieutenant zu den Offizieren von der Armee, 04.02.1879 mit Pension zur Disposition.

    D70/71; GHLO2a; GHVP2b; MecklW2a; MeckK1; 07.09.1870 OHO2bX; PrRA2mSt&E&XaR; PrRA2mSch&Xor, PrKr1mXaR, PrKr3X, EK1, PrDK, Pr64, Pr66, PrZM, WaldV1, WFO1 ?EK3X, RStS1

    :speechless: Wouldn't a higher class make that a lower class is not being mentioned anymore? :speechless:

    Hope someone can explain this to me



    Guest Rick Research

    His Crown 3rd X would have continued being worn forever, but the bizarre Prussian habit of "on Ring" swords meant he was ALSO wearing that with his ultimate 1st Class of the Crown Order. He must have had a 2nd Class with "X am Ringe" that isn't listed, since it was replaced by the 1st Class version.

    I'm afraid I am too confused by the appendages and oddities of his Red Eagles to even imagine what those LOOKED like! :speechless1:


    His Crown 3rd X would have continued being worn forever,

    So next to his later first Class? Why was this? Seems odd, 2 grades of the same order to be worn at the same time.

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