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    Romanian WW1 Medal Bars located at the Romanian Military Museum

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    Hallo Gentlemen; :beer:

    I spotted this exhibit on a recent visit to the Romanian Military Museum,

    in Bucharest, on the 18th of March 2008.

    Awarded to Captain MATEI VASILIU for service in the battles of 1916.

    Medal Bar:

    Romania:- Order of the Star of Romania.

    Romania:- Balkan War 1912 / 13 Campaign Medal.

    Romania:- Cross of War with battle-bars: BUCHARESTI, DUNAREA, MARASESTI, DOBROGEA, CARPATIA.

    Romania:- Inter-Allied Victory Medal (Official Type).

    Poland:- Military Virtue Cross.

    Russia:- Order of Saint Anne.

    Romania:- Honour Decoration of the Romanian Eagle 1933 (awarded to Romanian Senators and members of Parliament).


    Romanian Order of MIHAI VITEAZUL 1916 Model / " MICHAEL THE BRAVE" 1916 Model,

    this is the Romanian equivalent to the British Victoria Cross.

    Great Britain:- Military Cross.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:

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    Medals awarded to a Boy Scout HARALAMBIE MATEESCU for service in World War 1.

    Romania:- Cross of War with Battle Bars: T.G. OCNA (Targul Ocna), OITUZ, CARPATI, ARDEAL.

    Romania:- Queen Maria Cross 1917, (Third Class).

    Romania:- Inter Allied Victory Medal.

    Romania:- Military Virtue Medal.

    Kevin in Deva :beer:

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    I hope you liked the visit to the MMN, Kevin.


    Romanian Order of MIHAI VITEAZUL 1916 Model / " MICHAEL THE BRAVE" 1916 Model,

    this is the Romanian equivalent to the British Victoria Cross.

    Matei Vasiliu received the Order of Michael the Brave on 10 July 1917 as a lieutenant "for the gallantry with which on 12 October 1916 resisted on the position on Clăbucetul Taurului mountain not willing to leave it until he received written orders. Then he broke the front to Azuga saving all the 4 machine gun sections and took a new fighting position. He also distinguished on 23 November 1916 at T?ncăbeşti when he secured the retreat of the whole regiment, being wounded two times."

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    Medals awarded to the WW1 Transylvanian Heroine LUCRETIA CANJA.

    Romania:- Cross of War 1916 - 1918

    Romania:- Military Virtue Cross.

    Romania:- Inter-Allied Victory Medal of WW1.

    The sash I believe was worn post WW1 as a Veteran,

    Heroine of the Battle of OLT 2-3 September 1916,

    with name and commune on the yellow strip,

    County and Country on the Red strip.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:

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    Hallo Carol I, :beer:

    and thank you for the additional information, I had a great visit, basically I was the only person there for the whole day. :jumping:

    And had a nice walk around all the displays, the only downside, lighting glare on the glass causing some pictures to be out of focus :(

    There could have been a little more additional information supplied with regards the personal awards on display, as there is room in the display cases.

    Outside I got some nice pictures of the Artillery park, and tanks.

    Kevin in Deva. :beer:

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    Decorations awarded to Captain ALEXANDER FILITTI,

    of the 9th ROSIORI REGIMENT.

    Romania:- Order of the Crown Civil Award.

    Romania:- Cross of War 1916 -1918 with Battle-bars, DUNAREA, CARPATI, JIU, 1919.

    Romania:- Officers 25 years Service Medal.

    Kevin in Deva :beer:

    Edited by Kev in Deva
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    A Romanian W.W.1. period Medal Bar to:

    2nd Lieutenant CORNALIU TEODORINI

    Romania:- Order of the Star.

    Romania:- Order of the Crown with swords.

    Romania:- Order of the Crown Civil.

    Romania:- Balkan War 1912 / 13.

    Romania:- Cross of War.

    Romania:- Inter-Allied Victory Medal.

    Czechoslovakia:- Order of the White Lion.

    France:- Legion of Honour.

    Edit: Yugoslavia:- Order of Yugoslav Crown.

    Poland:- Order of Poland Restored.

    Kevin in Deva :beer:

    Edited by Kev in Deva
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    A Romanian W.W.1. period Medal Bar to:

    2nd Lieutenant CORNALIU TEODORINI


    Corneliu Teodorini rose to the rank of General de Divizie (Major General) in WWII and was awarded the Order of Michael the Brave 3rd class on 18.02.1943 and 2nd class on 20.12.1943. Before that he also received the German Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.

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    Decorations awarded to Captain ALEXANDER FILITTI,

    of the 9th ROSIORI REGIMENT.


    Romania:- Order of the Crown Civil Award.

    Romania:- Cross of War 1916 -1918 with Battle-bars, DUNAREA, CARPATI, JIU, 1919.

    Romania:- Officers 25 years Service Medal.

    Alexandru Filitti was a WWI hero who commanded as a captain the 3rd squadron of the 9th Roşiori Regiment during the Robăneşti Charge. On 10.11.1916 the Romanian cavalry squadron destroyed a German battery that threatened the retreat of the remains of the 1st and 17th Divisions following the Jiu Battle. Only 18 of the 110 cavalrymen survived the charge. After WWI Alexandru Filitti rose to the rank of general.

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    Medals awarded to a Boy Scout HARALAMBIE MATEESCU for service in World War 1.



    Romania:- Military Virtue Medal.

    From 1916 on, the wartime Military Virtue Medal (in the shape of a cross) was the highest gallantry award for all those who did not belong to the officers' ranks and hence the equivalent of the Order of Michael the Brave for them. This is also valid nowadays in the new system of national orders.

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