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    On the first photo it's the use of both eagles, breast eagle and police eagle, I guess ?

    ( Have to look through my photos, I think I have such a photo too )

    Second one I can not see what's on the gorget. Can You make it a bit bigger ?



    Hi Robert,

    I knew you would get it right.

    The first photo is very unusual in showing the Feldgendarmerie sleeve eagle being worn on the tropical tunic. Normally only the cuffband would be worn. I have only seen two or three photos where the arm eagle is worn.

    The second one you are also correct. At first glance just another Feldgendarmerie NCO, but on closer inspection after enlarging the photo ( the original photo is very small) you can see he wears the much rarer Gorget "Zugwachabteilung".

    The are two versions of the Gorget, one with "Zugwachabteilung" and the other simply "Zugwache".

    Guest Rick Research

    Ha! Two MORE things:

    There shouldn't be any Sergeants' collar litzen on a tropical tunic (naughty man) :shame:


    in the second one, a "Ringkragen" was only to be worn on duty and..... he's DRINKING!!!!! :shame:

    It all depends on what you look for.... :catjava: :cheeky:


    NCO braid on the collar is quite correct on the tropical tunic though I've seen examples of it being omitted on late tropical tunics. Only one I can think of where NCO braid was not to be worn was the panzer wrap.

    All of these are Feldgendarmerie NCOs with collar braid.


    Superb photos Robert !

    Another type I found very difficult to obtain was the Feldgendarmerie officer with bullion police sleeve eagle. Eventually I found a few, but most officer pictures do not show the police sleeve eagle.

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