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    A few pics of a diorama made a long time ago (more than 20 years ago!), quite some scratchbuilding job here as I remember.

    The bridge was entirely made at home with plaster, as well as the inside of the house in ruins. The river of course was made by me with some kind of epoxy material which I can't remember exactly anymore. Also made the windows with those broken "glasses" made of thin transparent plastic sheets.

    I called this scene "Ambush". It takes placed not far from Cherbourg, France, early during the war. One of the Partisans inside the house is ready to make the bridge blow with his detonator. There is even a cable going around the house, connected to a few "dinamite" charges placed under the bridge, so if this was a real picture of a real situation, it would have been taken just a second before the big boum... :P

    Hope you guys enjoy it.


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    Nice work. Are you still modelling??


    Thanks. I'll post more later.

    Well, actually no, even thought I still have a lot of different kind of models stocked, that I kept for when I'll be retired. Unfortunately I feel that my eyes wouldn't be able to help on small details as 20+ years ago... :(



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    Another diorama.

    This one I called it "Falaise". It's a small town in Normandy, NW of France. This is a scene in 1944, after D-Day. There is some confusion, that's why there are different type of units together: elements of a Flak Division with elements of a PZ Grenadier Regiment. An officer is watching the skies for Allied aircraft... the flak crew is making a pause for eating a bit of something... Others are tuned on the radio, trying to establish contact and receive whatever orders might be...


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