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    unkown prussian staff officer, please help with medals and name

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    Hi Gents,

    another staffofficer from my collection until now nameless

    RAO 4




    Japan Spiegelorden ?

    Niederlande Orden Oranjen Nassau

    Württemberg Friedrichsorden Ritterkreuz 1. class

    Baden Zähringer Löwe


    Waldeck Verdienstorden



    Edited by dedehansen
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    Thanks Glenn, as usual very good work

    RAO 4




    Japan Verdienstorden der aufgehenden Sonne 5th class

    Niederlande Orden Oranje Nassau Offizierskreuz

    Württemberg Friedrichsorden Ritterkreuz 1. class

    Baden Zähringer Löwe Ritterkreuz 2nd class

    Waldeck Militärverdienstorden 3rd class

    Waldeck Verdienstorden 3rd class



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