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    Recently I am fortunate enough to buy this nice photo of Saxon officer showing his medal bar with his SAR1KD, EK2 1870 and D 70/71. With research I can put a name on this nice photo : This photo was taken in 1887 and he was Hauptmann. His name is Moritz Schneider (born in 1848).

    The most interesting thing doing research is about the SAO. I have found that he received the SAO in 1900.

    But after looking through the Saxon RL, I have found he has received SAOXaR in 1907. This information is confirmed by the article of Schulze-Ising published in OMM in 1990. The only problem is in the Roth’s book there is no date to put on it. For Roth the only SAO awarded to Schneider is without XaR.

    So the question is : is there a mistake about writing orders in the RL or is Schneider received both orders ? So if someone has more information about this officer let me know/ Thanks per advance

    He received the following orders and medals :

    SAR1KD : 1.10.1870

    SAO : 20.06.1900

    SAOXaR : 1907

    SV3a : 4.07.1889

    EK2 1870 : 6.11.1870

    El zu EK2 : 1895

    DAK : 16.4.1892

    RAO4 : 10.09.1889

    D 70/71 : 1871

    PZM : 22.03.1897

    SCM : 1907

    PRKM2 : 22.02.1910

    SEHC2 : 1898

    His promotions :

    Kadet : 1864

    Fähnrich : 1869

    Sekond-Leutnant :29.07.1870

    Premier-Leutnant : 23.02.1875

    Hauptmann : 1.04.1881

    Major : 16.09.1891

    Oberstleutnant : 12.09.1896

    Oberst : 26.03.1899

    z. D. : 19.06.1900

    Generalmajor : 21.05.1914

    Generalmajor a. D. : 31.03.1920

    Sources :

    Saxon Ranglisten : 1870 - 1914

    Militär Veordnungsblatt : 1870 – 1914.

    NIMMERGUT (J.), Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen bis 1945, München, Zentralstelle für Wissenschaftliche Ordenskunde, t. 3 , Sachsen-Württemberg, 1999, pp. 1152-1297.

    ROTH (E.), Die Verleihungen des Kgl. Sächs. Albrechtsordens und des Albrechtsordens mit Schwertern (bis 1914), Offenbach, Phaleristischer Verlag, 1998, 259 p.

    ROTH (E.), Die Verleihungen des Hausordens der Rautenkrone, des Verdienstordens, des Verdienstordens mit Schwertern (bis 1914), sowie der Damenorden des Königreichs Sachsen, Offenbach, Phaleristischer Verlag, 1998, 184 p.

    SCHULZE-ISING (A.), „Der Albrechts Orden mit Schwertern am Ring“, Orden Militaria Magazine,

    n° 34, 1990, pp. -14-15.



    I have just read one article from our Friend Andreas Schulze-Ising and it seems that Schneider has never received the swords on ring to his SAO. So this is probably a mistake from the writter of the Rangliste.


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