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    I don't have a scan of the original, just a poor attempt to draw the word:Wort.jpg.905bd6b90a435ceb507381158e0024b

    The full quote is "Hat durch Ruhe und energisches [Zufassen/Zufasten ??] es ermöglicht, den in Sumpf steckengebliebenen Munitionswagen im feindlichen Feuer vorzubringen."



    Thanks for the help!

    This particular citation was for a recipient of the Anhalt Friedrichkreuz.  I must admit I find the citations for support soldiers interesting, as they give an insight into what was considered Iron Cross- or Landesorden-worthy for people who weren't storming enemy trenches or taking out MG nests.  It is also better when they give specific details, rather than generic statements like "Tapferes Verhalten vor dem Feinde" or "Hat sich durch Mut und Unerschrockenheit ausgezeichnet".

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