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    My War by Colby Buzzell

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    Hi Guys,

    I just finished reading Buzzell`s book about his time during the Iraq war during 2004, a very good read if you haven`t read it. Anyway at the end of the book he says how all his unit where awarded the ARCOM Army Commendation Medal, regardless of what they`d done in Iraq, they all got it, and that it " Was a bottom of the totem pole and doesn`t mean sh~#" (p396). I was wondering how often does this happen for a whole unit to be awarded the medal. What does the average Joe have to do to get it, and how come they gave it to everyone. Is Buzzell just bitter and twisted, or is this award really held in such low regard? Has it ever been awarded to any British Soldiers, for service in Iraq, like the Bronze Star has? If so what did they do to get it? He also makes referance to the issue of CIB & CMB, claiming that one of the young medics had an ND, treated the guy that he shot, and was thus awarded the CMB. Again whats the score here, Buzzell all bent out of shape or is this a genuine and regular thing? Finally he also states that more guys got the Purple Heart for being wounded by schrapel from mortars on the way to the Chow Hall, then they ever did out in the field, anyone like to pass comment on this or anything else he says? Anyway if you haven`t read his book its well worth the effort.


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