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    I am having trouble with some of the Kurrentschrift on this page and would really appreciate some help. I understand there's a reference to "Reichswehrdienst" and the wearing of a "Reichswehrabzeichen" (in the red box). But, I need a more precise translation of the page.




    Posted (edited)

    I can help you with some words more or less, hopefully others can add and/or correct me:


    [a firstname] Stier(?) Schütze seit dem 9/12/18. Dem
    [..] Truppenteil und [..] [..] am
    31/3/20 im [..] und dem Reichswehrdienst(?)
    [..] [..] entlassen
    [..] [..] Stockach im Baden-Württemberg


    [a firstname] Stier(?) ist beschäftigt(?) beim Reichswehrabteilung(?)
    [..] im [..] [..]
    Dirigent(?) zeit [..] in der Reichswehrabteilung(?)
    [..] unterstützt und für gesund(heit)(?) [..]
    Mark 50 [..] und Mark 550 [..]
    1 [..] mitgenommen(?)
    Infolge Heeresverminderung entlassen.


    Vereidigt 6/11/19


    [..] [..] Frankfurt am Main


    Hauptmann und Kompanie Führer


    Edited by drspeck

    Thank you for your help.


    Fortunately, someone on WAF filled in the blanks for me. Here's the info for anyone who's curious.



    Oberjäger Stier gehörte seit dem 9.12.18 dem
    untenstehendem Truppenteil an und wurde am
    31.3.20 in Ehren aus dem Reichswehrdienst
    […] entlassen.
    [= Bezirkskommando] Stockach / Ba. [= Baden]
    Oberj. Stier ist berechtigt, seine Reichswehrab-
    zeichen in Zivil weiterzutragen.
    Geeignet zur Verwendung in der Reichswehr.
    Ärztlich untersucht und für gesund befunden.
    M. 50 Entlassungsgeld und M. 550,- Treueprämie.
    1 Entlassungsanzug mitbekommen.
    Infolge Heeresverminderung entlassen.




    Hauptm. u. Komp.F. [= Hauptmann und Kompanieführer]

    z.Zt. [zur Zeit] Frankfurt M [= Frankfurt am Main]


    Oberjäger Stier had been a member of the unit mentioned below since 9/12/18 and was honorably discharged from Reichswehr service to [...] on 31/3/20.
    District Command Stockach / Baden
    Oberj. Stier is authorized to continue wearing his Reichswehr badges with civilian dress.
    Suitable for service in the Reichswehr.
    Medically examined and found to be healthy.
    50 Marks discharge payment and 550 Marks faithful service bonus.
    Issued 1 discharge uniform.
    Discharged due to downsizing of the army.

    Sworn in:



    Hauptmann and acting company commander

    presently at Frankfurt am Main/Bonames"]


    I have his military pass and here is the summary of his service.




    Unteroffizier Alfred Stier served mainly on the Western front all of 1917-1918. Although for a time in late 1917 he was on the Eastern front as it says in his battle list that he was there when the truce and armistice was declared as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution, I presume. He was wounded or at least ill at some point in early 1918 as he was in hospital in April and May 1918 and got the EKII on April 30, 1918. He was back on the Western Front until Nov 11, 1918 finishing up in the 2. Garde Regt. He then immediately continued with the Garde Regt. with the rank of Oberjäger, when it became 1. Garde-Landesschützen-Abteilung, Detachement von Neufville on Dec. 9, 1918. He was with Detachment von Neufville right through to May 31, 1920, by which time it was part of Reichswehr-Brigade 25. So, he would have been involved in all the Freikorps von Neufville actions right from the beginning (the the battle with and suppression of the workers 'and soldiers' council in Frankfurt am Main in 1919 and support for the Ehrhardt-Brigade during the Kapp Putsch in Berlin in April 1920 etc.) As the page that I attached says, he was discharged because of downsizing of the army. Given his long service, he would have been entitled to the Freikorps von Neufville Treukreuz, either on ribbon or the pinback cross.

    The Freikorps connection, particularly with Detachment von Neufville and his long service in that Freikorps is what makes this pass. Otherwise, it's fairly standard.



    Stier 12_13sm.jpg

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