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    Anybody help identify this emblem on a WKC model 1058 Third Reich dovehead army- sword is probably from mid 1930s but haven't had any luck yet..!



    Hello Trevor, the shield on the langet looks as a coat of arms , the bird on it says Falke ( Falcon ) or some name related as Falkenhayn , Falkenstein , Falkenhorst, Falkenberg and so on


    Thanks .it also has this inscription on the blade , in German..." Make the people's soul strong." Ludendorff. Date is etched 09.04.1935 ( that was his 70th birthday)

    Will try and post a pic of blade





    Simius , Luddendorf was in his late years a German pagan , he throw away every Christian credence and adopted the Paganism of the old Germans. he was influenced strongly by Mathilde von Kemnitz his second wife , Mathilde Luddendorf was a leading figure of the Volkisch movement. About luddendorf 70 birthday the famous surgeon Ferdinand Sauerbruch wrote that he was congratulating the General with a bunch of friends and suddenly arrived Hitler, after a brief salutation the Fuhrer said , Herr General I decided to nominate you Field Marshall here is the diplom, Luddendorf answered : Herr Hitler , one not nominate a Feldmarschall during Peace and less when he is in his home taking cofee and fruit cake with wife and friends !


    Remember to search first among the Vogel von Falkenstein , Falkenhayn , Falkenhausen, Falkenberg, Falkenhorst , Falkenstein , etc

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