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    Bayern last won the day on July 13

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    1. King Ludwig III of Bayern was a true soldier , he was wounded in a leg while serving in the Royal Bavarian Army during 1866 war against the Prussians and allied with Austria Hungary . the bullet was not removed and the future King carried until his death a certain slight limp . you can see this in the films portraying the King and you can observe that he normally wear long trousers and not Breeches and riding boots . He was Much Loved in Bavaria and I wish to remember that Bavaria was a Federate Kingdom into the Empire with his own Army and War Minister, his own Railways and his own Post and Prussian postal stamps were not current in Bavaria . Army Officers Lists run separate the same was valid for Numbering the Army Regiments . to end, Ludwig III dont fled
    2. The Artillery sabre and riding boots of the model reglamented in 1915 for all Mounted Units
    3. And all the badges to be changed , all those with Her Majesty Cipher RIP Her Majesty after 70 years of dedicated service to Great Britain and the Commonwealth
    4. Normally were made in Kriegsmetall
    5. Matthew , Lebensborn ,Why not ? I remember that SS men publishes Birth notes with the rune on the badge instead of the more usual star
    6. Perhaps a intended badge for members of the Ahnenerbe ?
    7. Excuse me if i expressed bad , I only intend to add details , Servitore !
    8. Hello Grey C , Is not officer because officers wear sash and bandolier in silver thread with in the case of Prussia ,two black stripes . Kind greetings !
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