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    New Egyptian Medal: The Great Builder Medal

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    Egypt’s parliament on 29 January 2024 moved to create a new civil medal, the Great Builder Medal, according to Egyptian press reports. This would recognize efforts by Egyptians, military and civilian, and foreigners, for exceptional accomplishments in the planning, design, construction, or support for major infrastructure projects These infrastructure projects have been a hallmark of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s tenure, ranging from the expansion of the Suez Canal, to numerous roads and bridges, to the construction of new cities culminating in the New Administrative Capital being built east of Cairo.


    The medal will come in three classes, although no details were published, other than the monetary awards which come with each class (250,000 Egyptian pounds, 150,000 Egyptian pounds, and 100,000 Egyptian pounds respectively). The monetary awards will not go to foreign receipients of the medal.


    The new medal will rank between the Order of Sports and the Medal of Distinction in Egypt’s civil decorations system. (The full order of precedence is now the Collar of the Nile, Collar of the Republic, Grand Cordon of the Nile, Order of the Republic, Order of Merit, Order of al-Kamal, Order of Labor, Order of Sciences and Arts, Order of Sports, Great Builder Medal, Medal of Distinction, and Medal of Merit.)


    No other details were announced, such as its appearance (it probably hasn’t been designed yet), more detailed award criteria, and when it might be issued. 






    Thank you for this... off to add it to the Egypt section, albeit only a skeleton entry until more details are known. I like keeping up-to-date!

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