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    My Second 1870 EK II

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    Posted (edited)



    When I posted on January 12 of this year about my first 1870 EK II, the purchase of which fulfilled a roughly 22 year old desire, I thought that it was a simple “Yep, one and done. Whew. Thank God that’s over with.” Well, being a collector of things I should have known that my sentiment was merely a fantasy, and that with time I would acquire others. 


    I read Mike Estelmann’s “Reflections on the 1870 Iron Cross…” (Imperial German Orders, Medals & Decorations website at http://www.medalnet.net/Iron_Cross_1870.htm

    before purchasing my first 1870 EK II. Once I became enlightened about Type A and Type B cores, and identified my first cross as a Type A core, I knew that I wanted a Type B core. 


    Below is my most recent purchase from about six weeks ago, a Type B core 1870 EK II. The cross and ring weigh 17.7g (.1g, I note, higher than the upper limit that Estelmann mentions for Type B cores) and the size is 42 mm. The jump ring is open on the reverse and exhibits a repair on the obverse. The cross was purchased detached from the ribbon. 


    Upon very close inspection (25x magnification) the detail is not nearly as sharp as my first cross but it didn’t scream “9th Bead”, “Latvian”, or “Muffin Crown” fake to me. I purchased it from a very reputable purveyor, but even dealers can make a mistake, and with my inexperience I could most certainly make a mistake very easily. I have much trepidation everytime I think about purchasing one of these. Nonetheless, it’s now mine and sits next to my Type A core cross.








    Ratisbons 1870 EK II B Core Obv.jpg




    Ratisbons 1870 EK II B Core Rev.jpg


    Edge of the 6h arm:


    Ratisbons 1870 EK II B Core 6h Edge.jpg


    Ribbon obverse:


    Ratisbons 1870 EK II B Core Ribbon Obv.jpg

    Edited by TracA
    Spacing; Ribbon explanation.
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    So you are well and truly bitten now by the Imperial EK collecting bug ? It's good to note that you are doing all the necessary reading & research and that your acquisitions are via reputable outlets. That in itself, plus the wealth of experience you will find on this forum, should help you avoid most of the errors & disappointments that every collector will inevitably experience at one time or another. As for your most recent purchase, I can only too well appreciate your anxiety to acquire something that you really wanted to compliment your collection, but patience is also a virtue to a collector and in this case I would personally have waited for a crisper example to come to market. I don't like the overall finish but, that said, I see no particular reason to doubt it's authenticity. I am no expert, far from it, so my opinion is purely subjective but others here will, I'm sure, provide you with far better informed opinions on your latest acquisition. Meantime, very good luck to you & congratulations     

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    Hello Peter, Alex, and Archie


    Thank you very much. I guess that I have to admit that I am now truly bitten by the Imperial EK bug. Hopefully I can limit myself to very select 1870 EKs, but I fear that I might before long venture into the 1914 era.


    I too had some consternation with the crispness/finish, but I lacked patience to wait. That is something that I will most definitely have to learn when it comes to purchasing these pieces.


    I would not even begin to venture into these waters without forums such as GMIC, and the War Relics Forum, and apprising myself of the knowledge, expertise, and wisdom that the members of such forums generously pass on so freely. A big Thank You to everyone who does so.


    All the best,



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