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    Pfc Tokuji Nishimura -Siege of Tsingtau


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    I wanted to share my newest acquisition.  It was the first one I have ever saw for a Japanese soldier who was at the siege of Tsingtau.  

    An early translation:


    Paybook/ID to

    Private 1st class Tokuji Nishimura 

    18th Division, 18th Transport Battalion 

    Departed Nagasaki on September 13th, 1914 (third year of Taisho)

    Landed at Longkou, China on September 17th

    Participated in the Siege of Tsingtau from October 29th to November 7th. 
    Returned to Japan (Nagasaki?) on December 7th.  
    Received the Emperor’s imperial edict of reward (encouragement).  

    any comments or clarifications are welcome.  







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    Hello Claudius,


    A wonderful 1912 - 1930 passbook. You might want to check out Nick Komiya's amazing passbook thread on the War Relics Forum, here: https://www.warrelics.eu/forum/japanese-militaria/evolution-japanese-army-passbook-1871-1945-a-708090/. In particular, check out Nick's 09-08-2018, 03:15 PM #15 post on the second page.


    All the best,



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    Hi Claudius,

    Nice item! Are you switching now to the enemy side, because you alredy picked up all German related Tsingtao items? 🤣

    BR, Chris

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    7 hours ago, Gensui said:

    Hi Claudius,

    Nice item! Are you switching now to the enemy side, because you alredy picked up all German related Tsingtao items? 🤣

    BR, Chris

    Hello Chris,


    It does appear like that!  😆.  But there might be some German related Tsingtao items that I don’t own.  😆


    I thought it was a wonderful document considering that it was carried by the soldier throughout the siege.  



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    • 4 weeks later...

    Regarding the photos I provided, can any give me an overall idea what is presented on each page?


    name/ rank


    dates of service 


    service destination/ activities 


    I would just like to line up the information known about Mr. Nishimura, with the page the information is found. 

    thank you

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