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    Swords: Silver WW1 Bavarian


    These wide falttened real silver swords are on a 25mm width ribbon. Just to confuse things, theBavarian Military Merit Orders/Crosses after 1913 had THREE ribbons:

    1) the "statute" ribbon, whichwas the ONLY ribbon until 1913 and becaame the peacetime ribbon from then on

    2) the "war" ribbon, to be seen in many other scans here (mainly white with a wide blue stripe near each edge, and edge in narrow white-black-white stripes) and

    3) this ribbon, commonly called the "Beamtenband," or "Military Officials Ribbon," but actually given for non-frontline war merit awards rtaher than frontline bravery.

    Being real silver, this war merit ribbon is doubtless for a Military Merit Order 4th Class.

    Notice that it is the generic style of swords and not the Bavarian "bound" style. Simple fashion or availability.

    From the album:

    Ribbon Bar Devices Gallery

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