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    Everything posted by slava1stclass

    1. Rick, I've found the best way to identify U/I GPW-era HSU and Full Cavalier winners is to concentrate on rank (when depicted), principal orders/medals, Guards/Otlichnik badges and defense of/liberation of medals. The rest of the fruit salad is largely meaningless and, as you suggested, often inaccurate. Regards, slava1stclass
    2. To all: The Hero City of Tula was awarded its title on December 7th, 1976 and presented with Hero Star serial number 11,422 (seen below). 10 years earlier, in December 1966, Tula was awarded the Order of Lenin (serial number 382,180) for its citizens' contributions to the Nazi defeat. Regards, slava1stclass Tula.bmp
    3. To all: Another very nice image of an unidentified HSU. Regards, slava1stclass
    4. Rick, You are to be commended. By choice, however, my toiling was limited to a specific interest area - the Order of Glory. I leave it to others to expand the field of knowledge. My contribution is but one small part. Regards, slava1stclass
    5. Rick, He will still leap out based on the work I've done. Given my interest in the Order of Glory, I have compiled a list of all HSUs who were either triple, double or single Order of Glory winners. I have yet to scrub my data to identify this gentleman. Given his double-double status, it will not be hard to do. His "Koenigsberg" time will also help. More to follow. P.S. Your thought of a master HSU awards database is interesting although it is not something I personally would wish to pursue. Regards, slava1stclass
    6. Andwwils, The coin at bottom center appears to read 1881. Regards, slava1stclass
    7. To all: A nice image of an unidentified HSU who is also a double Red Banner and double Glory winner. Not something you see all too often. Regards, slava1stclass
    8. To all: Some nice images of holdings in the Russian Federation's State Archives Vault. Note that the slips of paper under each order/decoration reference the specimen's name, weight, and serial number among other things. These items represent orders/decorations that were either: 1) awarded and never presented since the recipient could not be located and/or was MIA/KIA or 2) returned to the State Archives upon the recipient's death (until the point in time that policy was altered). Regards, slava1stclass
    9. To all: Some potentially very disturbing news out of Russia: "В конце марта в Подольском Архиве был с инспекцией Министр Обороны некто Сердюков. Он очень недоумевал, как такая большая территория ЗЕМЛИ ещё до сих пор не продана. И почему до сих пор НИ КОМУ НЕ НУЖНЫЙ Архив существует. Принято решение в рамках одного из НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ПРОЕКТОВ ЦАМО ЗАКРЫТЬ, а територию сдать коммерсантам, якобы для строительства жилья для военных. Знаем мы, какие там для военных будут построены дома. Скоро на территории БЫВШЕГО АРХИВА будут увеселительные заведения функционировать! Неизвестно, куда будет перевезён Архив. И что во время этого мероприятия потеряется или погибнет. Сколько женщин-архивохранителей в одночасье потеряют работу? И как у чиновника, да и просто человека, поднимается рука на святое?" Regards, slava1stclass
    10. To all: The picture speaks for itself. Regards, slava1stclass
    11. To all: Yet another unusual profession. A. G. Kortelev earned his Full Cavalier status as an "Elektroliznik" in an aluminum factory. Regards, slava1stclass
    12. To all: Here is a nice wartime photo of the gentleman in post #4 above - Sergeant Major S. M. Zolnikov. The other quint "For Valor" winner was P. I. Gribkov. Regards, slava1stclass
    13. To all: It is nice to come across a different profession. Gospodin N. A. Mardanov was a commercial fisherman. Regards, slava1stclass
    14. To all: Skirts? That's the least of their problems. What about the stilettos? Absolutely no shoe discipline whatsoever across this formation...shocking and unheard of in a professional army. Where will it all stop? Regards, slava1stclass
    15. Rick, Marc is quite correct. Here is one of them. Regards, slava1stclass
    16. To all: I'm certainly dismayed a forum moderator hasn't stepped in to get us back on topic. Absent their action, I will oblige. Regards, slava1stclass
    17. To all: Not an every day occurrence these days - or even in those days. I like it. Regards, slava1stclass
    18. To all: There is a new museum in Moscow - The Musuem of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russia and Full Cavaliers of the Order of Glory. It is located on Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya Ulitsa. Details follow below (in Russian). Be sure to check it out the next time you are in Mockba. Regards, slava1stclass Первый в России музей Героев Советского Союза, России и полных кавалеров ордена Славы открылся в Москве на Большой Черемушкинской улице. В музее собраны уникальные фотографии, документы, личные вещи, переписка и воспоминания героев. Многие экспонаты повествуют об истории Золотой Звезды и ордена Славы. Центральными экспонатами музея являются портреты и личные вещи первого Героя Советского Союза - летчика Анатолия Ляпидевского. Общественный музей Героев Советского Союза, Российской Федерации и полных кавалеров ордена Славы начал функционировать в Москве еще в 2001 году в помещении Общественного фонда поддержки героев на улице Кржижановского. На Поклонной горе планируется открыть еще один музей, который будет отражать все этапы самой ожесточенной и важной битвы - битвы под Москвой.
    19. To all: Yet another Full Cavalier (not to mention his nifty compatriot). Regards, slava1stclass
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