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    Everything posted by slava1stclass

    1. Ed, He's wearing only one campaign medal - Defense of Leningrad. The other decoration is the Medal for Valor. Regards, slava1stclass
    2. Gordon, I have read that the five-rivet variant (with the dome rivet in the center) is ascribed to Juncker. Regards, slava1stclass
    3. Wild Card, Possibly. As noted above, however, the Navy switched to the standard Guards badge during the war. Since Barybin left active duty in September 1945 and returned to civilian life (his bio entry makes no reference to continued/subsequent military service), there would have been only four-five months for him to serve in the Navy. This seems very improbable to me - especially if he went from the most senior Army NCO rank to that of a basic seaman. You might also consider contacting one of the researchers to see if they can access the Navy archives to get a definitive answer on Barybin's potential naval service. Regards, slava1stclass
    4. Rick, The naval version of the Guards insignia was used only for a limited period of time. As seen in this image of a HSU Guards Major naval aviator (note anchors on those Epson-crisp buttons), the Navy switched to the standard Guards badge at some point during the war. Regards, slava1stclass
    5. Wild Card, Thank you for the additional information. Unfortunately, as you noted, there is nothing in this documentation to confirm a naval link. It is clear his entire wartime service was with Guards airborne organizations. Since he wasn't demob'ed until September 1945, the only possible explanation is that he transferred to the Navy post-conflict (and prior to his demobilization). If it is in fact Barybin pictured in sailor's attire, we know it is a post-conflict picture as he's wearing the medal for Victory over Germany. Speaking against this being Barybin, however, is the fact the sailor wears "dixie cup" style headgear and not the "saucer cap" associated with Soviet naval NCOs (see below photo). As we know, at war's end, Barybin was a Guards Sergeant Major. Does any of your Barybin documentation verify/confirm the four wounds displayed in the sailor photo? While we may never know the answer, you can nevertheless be very content in the knowledge that you have a Full Cavalier set to a Guards airborne soldier. Full Cavaliers from the Guards airborne ranks were very few in number. Regards, slava1stclass
    6. Wild Card, Checked my references. Barybin was demob'ed in 1945 and died in 1957. I found nothing to indicate any naval service on his part. Since he demob'ed in 1945 and immediately returned to civilian life, he had no follow-on service with the Navy. I saw the image in the Full Cavalier encyclopedia. While there are similarities in appearance, the details of Barybin's military service i.e., Guards Airborne NCO (finishing with the rank of Guards Airborne Sergeant Major) and the fact he's wearing the standard Red Army "pilotka" field cap and tunic in the accompanying image, speak against the gent in the two above photos being Barybin. In the first photograph, the sailor is wearing no identifiable insignia of rank and would appear to be a lower ranking seaman. While he has the Order of the Red Star, two Slavas, two Medals for Valor and also wears the airborne qualification badge and Guards insignia this is not ununsual. I have in my collection an image of a naval recon Double Slava winner similarly attired/decorated. The fact that naval personnel were awarded the Order of Glory with some of them rising to Full Cavalier status is documented. I would recommend you request Barybin's standard awards record card and/or Full Cavalier special awards record card to develop more information. Some general order of battle information on the 2nd Guards Airborne Division: 2nd Guards Airborne Division was established at Zvenigorod in December 1942. Fought at Ponyri, Kursk, Korsun and in the Carpathians. With 1st Guards Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front as of May 1945. Disbanded, seemingly after loss of its divisional colors, soon after the war ended. As time permits, I may cross check my research to see if I might be able to match the sailor images against one of the known naval service Full Cavaliers. Regards, slava1stclass
    7. Wild Card, Thanks. While the two images are the same individual, there is nothing on the reverse of the second photo to identify him as Barybin. The second photo is dated June 11th, 1953. In this photo he appears to be wearing either three separate Order of Glory ribbons or possibly two Order of Glory ribbons and the ribbon for Victory over Germany (which is exactly the same). From the translation of his bio above it is unclear to me when he demob'ed as the year was missing from the text and the text refers to a "Master Sergeant Dronov" and not Barybin. The other full word on the back is "Somorskiy." In Imperial Russia there was a Somorskiy shipyard. Uncertain if there is any connection. I'll check my references and let you know if I find anything more. Regards, slava1stclass
    8. To all: There were indeed instances of Full Cavaliers who came from the ranks of the Soviet naval infantry (morskaya pekhota) - they were very few in number. Since the bio for Barybin lists him as having served solely with a Guards airborne division and makes no reference to any earlier naval service on his part, I question whether the Double Slava winning sailor pictured above is Barybin. Serving in a regular Red Army Guards airborne unit as he did, he would have worn a Red Army uniform. A possible explanation is that he transferred to the Navy at some later point. Wild Card, is there text associated with this photo to verify it is Barybin? Thank you. Regards, slava1stclass
    9. To all: A very unique wound stripe configuration indeed. Regards, slava1stclass
    10. To all: I had not come across this news until now. The sole surviving HSU and Full Cavalier of the Order of Glory, Nikolay Ivanovich Kuznetsov, passed away on September 12, 2008 in Pestov, Russia. As previously reported in this forum, within the past year his HSU medal, Glory orders and other combat decorations were stolen from his apartment. They were subsequently recovered and returned to him through the efforts of an investigative reporter. His obituary (in Russian) follows. Regards, slava1stclass КУЗНЕЦОВ Николай Иванович 12.09.2008 20:15 Администрация Новгородской области и Новгородская областная Дума выражают глубокие и искренние соболезнования родным и близким КУЗНЕЦОВА Николая Ивановича, ветерана Великой Отечественной войны, Героя Советского Союза, кавалера орденов Славы I, II и III степеней, в связи с его кончиной. Николай Иванович Кузнецов родился 29 апреля 1922 года в деревне Пытручий Вытегорского района Вологодской области в семье крестьянина. С 1929 года жил в Ленинграде, где окончил 7 классов, в 1938 году поступил в школу ФЗУ г. Кировска Мурманской области, учился два года и получил специальность электрослесаря. Работал на строительстве электростанции в г. Кандалакша. В январе 1941 года был призван в армию Кандалакшским военкоматом и направлен в спецшколу разведки, где учился до июля 1941 года, а затем с группой был переброшен через линию фронта, где находился до июля 1943 года. Выполняя задание командования Советской Армии, в 1943 году был тяжело ранен и вывезен из-за линии фронта для лечения. После госпиталя направлен в 263-ю стрелковую Сивашскую дивизию в 369-й отдельный истребительный батальон ордена Богдана Хмельницкого командиром отделения разведки. В боях на Юго-Западном фронте стал наводчиком орудия, а после форсирования Сиваша в Крыму назначен командиром орудия, 4-й Украинский фронт. Расчет Кузнецова уничтожил 16 немецких танков. Освобождал Крым, после Крыма ? Белоруссию, Прибалтику и Восточную Пруссию в составе 2-го и 3-го Белорусских фронтов. За боевые подвиги в 1944 году Николаю Ивановичу Кузнецову было присвоено звание Героя Советского Союза. Н.И. Кузнецов ? участник Парада Победы 24 июня 1945 года и четырех последующих. В день окончания Великой Отечественной войны 9 мая 1945 года командир орудия 396-го отдельного истребительного противотанкового дивизиона 2-го Белорусского фронта, Герой Советского Союза Н.И. Кузнецов в составе сводного батальона бросал к подножию Мавзолея В.И. Ленина поверженные немецкие знамена и штандарты. После войны Николай Иванович работал на севере, на строительстве уранового комбината, дважды избирался депутатом Верховного Совета РСФСР и СССР. С 1959 года поселился с семьей в Пестове Новгородской области. Работал 25 лет на лесокомбинате: старшим мастером биржи леса, начальником биржи и инженером по охране труда и по технике безопасности. 13 лет был председателем совета ветеранов предприятия. Николай Иванович Кузнецов ? один из четырех воинов в истории Великой Отечественной войны, удостоенных звания Героя Советского Союза и орденов Славы трех степеней. Награждён орденом Ленина, орденом Красного Знамени, двумя орденами Отечественной войны I степени, двумя медалями ?За отвагу?, медалями ?За победу над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне 1941?1945 гг.?, ?За взятие Кёнигсберга? и многими другими. Гражданская панихида пройдёт в Пестове в Доме культуры ?Энергетик? 13 сентября с 9.00 до 12.00. Траурный митинг и похороны состоятся в 12.30 на Центральном воинском захоронении на ул. Ленина.
    11. To all: With the recently concluded auction in Italy seeing a documented Full Cavalier set sell for upwards of $40,000.00, we have now witnessed a 200% increase in Full Cavalier sets' value over the past two years. Certainly no deflationary trend here. Regards, slava1stclass
    12. To all: As for being irrelevant, when it becomes a matter of those same dealers pushing to procure our collections, they sing an entirely different tune. Regards, slava1stclass
    13. To all: Ed reinforces my long-held contention that unless/until substantive published works detailing WW II Red Army soldier valor hit the shelves of major book sellers in the West, little forward progress will be made. A review of the offerings found in the military history sections of any major U.S. book seller e.g., Waldenbooks, Borders Books, or Barnes and Noble, will confirm the absolute dearth of books on this topic. While select specialized books authored by members of this forum have held great appeal for the Soviet ODM collecting community, their very low print volumes and basement/garage distribution systems did little to advance knowledge among a broader English-speaking military history audience. One exception, however, would be Henry Sakaida's works which did enjoy wider availability. My personal goal in continuing to work on a comprehensive English-language book which examines the Full Cavaliers/Knights of the Order of Glory is to help fill this void. Regards, slava1stclass
    14. To all: A couple of nice images of Full Cavalier of the Order of Labor Glory N. D. Burnashev. He earned his for service in the agricultural sector. Regards, slava1stclass
    15. To all: Guards Senior Lieutenant A. S. Okeanov. Served in the 4th Ukrainian Front. Marched in the June 24th, 1945 Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. Any wonder why? Yes, that's a Bogdan III at the top of his pyramid. Regards, slava1stclass
    16. To all: A couple more "young 'uns." Regards, slava1stclass
    17. To all: Morton and Eden is getting in on the action. Check it out: http://www.mortonandeden.com/pdfcats/34web.pdf In particular, note lot 359. Regards, slava1stclass
    18. To all: Currently listed with the well known NYC-area dealer. Asking price: $3,900.00. Check it out. Regards, slava1stclass
    19. To all: Check out this online catalog for an upcoming auction in Italy: http://www.sangiorgioaste.com/cataloghi-online/cat_a6.html Regards, slava1stclass
    20. To all: Currently available at a well known NYC-area dealer. The asking price for this Category 2 (missing official military commissariat stamp on photo) Full Cavalier set is $28,000.00. FWIW, asking prices for Full Cavalier sets have doubled over the past two years. Regards, slava1stclass
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