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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. the deer hooves are in the shape of an " f " - could be FM Hardy
    2. Kaiser Wilhelm's? very poor pictures: http://cgi.ebay.de/Grosse-21er-Ordensspang...1QQcmdZViewItem Regards, Hardy
    3. It is Croatian fascist; it depicts Poglavnik Ante Pavelic the president of the German puppet state of Nezavisna Drzava Hrvatska 1941 - 45 Hardy
    4. Thank you, so is yours - these "Degen" with the Regiment on the blade are very collectible and sought after. Yours is from the same Ulanen Regiment "Kaiser Alexander III von Ru?land (Westpreu?isches) Nr.1" that Richthofen belonged to. Does yours have a folding or solid crossguard? Hardy
    5. Very nice, here is mine from the Husaren Regiment Nr.5 "F?rst Bl?cher von Wahlstatt" (with the wrong saber knot) Hardy
    6. more of Erich Becker group from the Becker group: Oberleutnant Ismail Hakki t?rkischer Atjudant
    7. Not quite sure what you think about this - but here it is: It is hard to watch nice named groups split up and getting sold on eBay as nameless single pieces. Without any record these items will have little chance ever being identified or united again. Some time ago I started my own little data base of eBay Group split-ups. I'm sure some of you are doing the same - How about an online data base of Groups that have been lost that way? Perhaps some day these images will help to identify an owner or even reunite a group. Please let me know your thoughts on this. Regards, Hardy
    8. Troy, The tinnie says: "Kinder aufs Land" meaning: children into the country (rural areas). They wanted to get the kids out of the city and experience the country life. This tinnie is simply promoting that initiative - "seltenes Abzeichen" was added by the seller meaning: rare badge. Hardy
    9. Bob, I don't have the Ehrenrangliste - I'm interested in the awards that Ihlenfeld received and his assignments before he was with IR170 - Hardy
    10. He held the rank of Major in 1916, Oberstleutnant in 1918 and retired as Oberst before 1926. Any help appreciated I will show you pictures of the Herr Oberstleutnant von Ihlenfeld later. Regards, Hardy
    11. Let's share some ideas of displaying collections (any era - any military subject). Regards, Hardy
    12. Price shoot of the 11th company 1910 / 5th place Infantrist (rifleman) Hirner Mike, I believe it says 1910 - Regards, Hardy
    13. Yes Chip, in my home town the bell from the 17th century that survived the War of the Spanish Succession was melted down in 1917. Hardy
    14. Josef St?rk, a Bavarian temporarily assined to a W?rttemberg Pionier Kompanie while they were removing the bell from the Church steeple in Saulgau. Hardy
    15. which would mean that he was provisorisch = provisional "serving at the time with a W?rttemberg Pionier Kompanie" Hardy
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