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    François SAEZ

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    Everything posted by François SAEZ

    1. Thanks John I did see the pic on ebay but still don't know what unit it is - could well be training
    2. This is possibly the second time I see this kind of insigna, but I don't remember what it is used for Any help is welcome - the guy is the first on the right on the photo * The fact he has no qualification (flying) may be a clue
    3. Does anybody of you know which units these are? If you do, do you know of a picture that shows these unit insignia on a plane or vehicle or in wear on a soldier? Thanks
    4. I bought this pin as 4.(H)/21 Posting a pin of II./KG 55 * looking for - Units pins/emblems and photos showing them worn or painted on planes, cars,building, ...) - Photo showing: night fighter clasps, the Luftwaffe Honor Clasp, and photo showing Honor Goblets and LW flying cufftitles (no para no commemorative ones)
    5. According to the notes I have, he was in Norway (at Banak) from the 01.06.42 to the 05.07.42 From the 05.07.42 to 23.09.42, he is reported to be in Finland
    6. I was hoping that FrancisM or somebody who has the book you refer to "Eric Mombeek's "Eismeerj?ger: Band 2"' could have helped to confirmed one way or the other.
    7. I am a little confused here, the listing I have (from him I hope) show only 19 Does somebody have a detail list and can confirm 19 or 20, please
    8. As we all share info, thanks to let me know, even by pm, who has the pics, maybe the group can be put back together, no?
    9. The photo was taken with a flash, the color may appears different but both items were removed from the same uniform
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