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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. A nice bag of tricks you found yourself Nick.

      Can't help with that last one, been through all my references & there's nothing like it I'm afraid, sorry.

      The SS civil pin isn't really my area either, but I wouldn't be comfortable with one that didn't have a makers mark & serial number.......

      Nice looking yellow Arbeits Dank pin, is there any sign of the pin being replaced? I've only seen pinbacks of these before.



    2. Well seeing as no one has replied yet I'll set the ball rolling & see if we can flush anyone else out to respond....

      These are a couple of badges which split the collecting community down the middle depending on your views as to how they should be marked.

      One group (to which I suscribe) believe that these were early badges & so should not have RZM markings.

      The other group believe that the production of these badges continued well after the election of AH & that they were sold officially to commemorate the success of the Party & to continue to raise funds, thus would be RZM marked.

      I think until more evidence either way is found the discussion will rage on & it will be down to personal opinion as to whether they are good or bad.

      Apart from the RZM markings, I cannot see any red flags that would cause concern.



    3. Here I think that we have a fake large version marked for Aurich. It feels wrong in the hand & has various differences when compared to others. Unfortunately, I do not yet have another Aurich to compare it with.


      As you can see, the pin is very crudely attached, but this could be down to it being a replacement. The centre of the starburst is not under the letter "L" as with the others.

      The lettering has little or no pattern under the blue enamel, others are ribbed in some way.

      Below left suspect fake, right original.






    4. Sorry for my late reply. I wanted to fully read the article before I did so & have only just had the time to do so.

      You may well have a good point there James. It may also explain why there is so little known about the RDK. I've often wondered about them, the mothers cross was in place to reward large families so why have another organisation?..... Perhaps the members where the ones who took the adopted children in?



    5. As some of you may remember, I was lucky enough last year & again earlier this year to pick up a couple of complete badge & pin collections.

      Well it's happened again, 112 in total, some very rare pieces as well. Once I've sorted & scanned them all I'll post some more detailed images, & as before some of the more common ones will be looking for a new home. I apologies for the poor picture but I was desperate to get a shot before the sun went down.



    6. I really do not know what to make of this.

      My first impression was that it is a fantasy piece made to catch people out. However, having now seen the back I am not so sure, it looks too well made...... I can not find any reference to an AH Schule badge at all in any of my books. Can you read the name of the maker? I can not make it out on my small screen. I think that it is one of those items that I would need to "feel" to make a firm judgment either way.

      Anyone else have any idea?



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