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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. A Tschako owned by a one year Volunteer in the 2nd Jäger Battalion in 1907... Unfortunately for me, fortunately for him, he was a Hospital Admin official during the war and did not serve in the field with the Jäger.... but it is a beauty.....
    2. Once again not Bavarian, but back then i could never resiste Unit stamped items.... RIR 234 and IR 106, named to a Gefreiter....
    3. Unfortunately not Bavarian ? ... but such is life.... Only when these arrived did it strike me that I have mot seen a good conditioned WW1 Fur pack for ages!!! here is a 1914 dated Dresden one, and a later Canvas one from 1917 with ersatz Material "good for the beach!"
    4. Thats it, it is to a VFW from the feldluftschiffer trupp 5 attached to the newly formed Gas Regiment, awarded 4 days after the attack.... maybe they were observing from their balloons.
    5. I just recieved the big Bronze one today... I do not know if that makes it "complete"... but the three go together nicely.....
    6. Hi, Hoping to do someone a favour.... I just bought some WW1 bavarian Headgear. The guy I got it from also has an SS Dogtag with photo of the wearer. It has "Waffen SS" on the back side, " and a Pz Jg Ersatz Abt on the front He wants 200 EUR for it, not sure what the prices are on these, but if anyone needs something like that drop me a line and i can maybe help 2 birds with one stone
    7. ... 5 times the same book?!?!?!?! Yup.... of course I needed a copy of the Leib Regiment history..... but them I was given one dedicated to an officer, so the old one became my working copy, and the new one became a "collectors item"... then I landed up with one belonging to a PLM winner.... then one to a Silver bravery medal winner, then I picked up one bought by a son for his father who had served the whole war in the regiment and was a Leiber ring awardee (with his photo in the book) ... so now I have 5 !! Has anyone else had the experience of a reference book becoming part of the collection???
    8. I am not sure why this dude put the metal bits on the 14 FAR straps... but these were from the same "civilian" source... so probably from the original wearer...
    9. Chip recognized these as fakes ... scarily good for a non expert like Moi...
    10. These are really sexy... not my collecting field, but I could not turn them down....
    11. Yeah, and the guy front left is a human non sequitur ! ? Hi Glenn, thanks! All th ebest Chris
    12. There is just so much going on in this photo... the decorated officers, the guys dressed up... and the Gigolo front left....
    13. French Prisoners exchange salutes with German officers after an attack by the Bavarian 12th Infantry Regiment in October 1915... then the Bavarian Walking wounded....
    14. I examined this carefully... it has not been repaired... This really is the cloth it was made with....
    15. Yeah, with that Litewka we move into "village people fan memorabilia"!! ?
    16. The question is.... at that late stage in the war did they really have the time/means/material to design and put something like this into production for such a small group of men, or did they use an item that was already in existence?
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