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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. This is not a PLM! This is a Kleine Dekoration of the Prussian Black Eagle Order, cased with original ribbon. The asking price was 3500- Euro, or best offer. Can’t tell if he took an offer, I’m just showing the auction as ended. Again, not a PLM.
    2. Thanks Lew, appreciate the information and additional images. Makes more sense to me now, didn’t realize just how scarce this was. The eBay piece does look like a hollow crown but I agree the pictures leave much to be desired. Thanks for the help!
    3. Wow! Impressive group and work to get those images. Never owned one of these
    4. Beautiful mini! I used to own several full sized FJO that I bought from Detlev Nieman years ago. Never had a miniature though.
    5. Another 1870 “Grand Cross”, probably the fourth one this guy has sold. Seems to have a never-ending supply of these and “PLM”s, lol
    6. Interesting article, I wonder if it could apply to collecting and what the cost would be. Thanks for sharing
    7. Thank you for the information and help, the seller did state the cross had been altered but didn’t know when
    8. Is it my poor eyesight or are the white stripes on the Hohenzollern a different width than the EK2 ribbon?
    9. I think this one is real, am I right or wrong? Seller says the 1870 was added by a jeweler?
    10. Split into 2 lots by the seller but quite real. $535 combined final bid. Very nice cross on the trifold ribbon and as clean a case as I’ve seen
    11. Nice Wurttemburg NCO bar, final bid was 970- Euro. Couple of scarce awards but seems pretty high to me!
    12. Here’s the back, I know what you mean. Can anyone answer my original question?
    13. Here’s what I see: 1914 EK2 Hessian Bravery Medal Anhalt Friedrich Cross Red Eagle Crown Order General Decoration Long Service, maybe Officer’s 25 Centennial Medal 4 Turkish Awards Is it possible that this is researchable?
    14. I tend to doubt authenticity of almost everything I see on eBay but this one caught my eye. Is it possible that someone received both the Red Eagle and the General Honor Decoration from Prussia? Precedence seems correct on this bar? Not for me but thought it would make for a good discussion
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