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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. This one is on eBay, 7 bids, $305 so far. Looks like an absolute piece of junk to me. The individual pieces look okay but the mounting is ridiculous!
    2. Hesse Order of The Iron Helm, two variations, difficulty shooting the reverse because of the dimensional aspect of the order.
    3. Alright, alright… you guys are getting bored. This should wake you up! Early, Russian made PLM with Crown
    4. Good Morning, I did forget to mention that. Eric Ludwigson was attempting to research the numbers before he passed but nothing definitive came of it. Sorry about the misidentification. I saw and handled so many wonderful things I kind of lost track. The scary part of all this…. Barely scratched the surface of the collection!
    5. Well, I don’t know about that, he’s been actively collecting for years now. Showed me some old mail order price lists, you wouldn’t believe the prices from back then!
    6. You’re welcome!! He also had a prinzen 1813 EK2 but I forgot to photograph it!
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