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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. You’re welcome, like so many other areas of our hobby, flight badges are a minefield. Navy badges have been heavily faked. There’s multiple fakes on eBay right now from $1100 to 4k. Even the cases have been copied. My advice is stick with a known, reputable dealer. Also, get yourself a copy of Carsten Baldes book, it’s invaluable as a reference. Not perfect, there are some errors but extremely useful. He occasionally sells too. Just sold a nice Bavarian Pilot Badge. Good luck and Happy Hunting!
    2. Thank you everyone, not sure if I’ll go for it, it’s outside my focus but very interesting!
    3. Well that’s scary, the ritterkreuz looks very convincing! I hate the minefield our hobby has become
    4. Hi, not liking the pin assembly or catch on that badge, can you please share the front?
    5. Does anyone have a good example of this medal to share? I know they’re being faked.
    6. Post 1934, very nice bar to a brave Saxon enlisted/NCO. EK2 Silver SHM (issue piece marked FU under the bust) Bronze FAM EKmS wonderful condition! It’s amazing what a little horse trading can bring !
    7. And then there’s this one. I believe the EK2 is a copy, but the two Wurttemburg crosses look pretty convincing. Sold for 500- Euro!
    8. Currently on eBay, $473 bid so far. I don’t think it’s legitimate. Am I right?
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