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    Everything posted by Alexandre

    1. Hello Laurence, Thx for your explanation. Do you have pics of 3 sleeve patchs ? Im looking for the high officer rank administrative,judicial and medical sleeve patchs. I have a poor pictures of 2. Do you can help me ? Thx a lot in advance again. Regards
    2. Hello Gentlemen, One more question about shoulder boards: In Kriegmarine, the shoulder boards of Judicial,Administrative and Medical Officers are the same method of Heer and Luftwaffe ?? Sword for Judicials, Esculapius for Medical and what for Administrative ??? Thx in advance for a answer. regards
    3. Hello Gentlemen, Im looked in internet for informations on religious officers of Kriegsmarine, but im found poor informations. I would like to know if someone has informations about collar tabs , shoulder boards of Rear-Admiral rank. Pictures will be great, if possible. Thx in advance Regards
    4. Hello Gentlemen, Im looked in the internet for informations on religious generals of Luftwaffe, but im found only of the Kriegsmarine. I would like to know if someone has informations on these officers. (Names, collar tabs , shoulder boards) Thx in advance Regards
    5. Hello Gentlemen, Im looked in the internet for informations on religious generals of Heer, but im found only of the Kriegsmarine. I would like to know if someone has informations on these officers. (Names, collar tabs , shoulder boards) Thx in advance Regards
    6. Hello Gentlemen, Im a little confused with the collar tabs and shoulder straps of Medicals and Judicials Generals of Luftwaffe. I have two questions: for medical generals - they wear white collar tabs like others generals. But the shoulder straps ?? white too ?? or cornflower blue ?? with pips and medical symbol ?? for judicial generals - they wear Bordeaux Red collar tabs ?? I like to see a picture of Generalrichter and Generalstabsrichter collar tabs if possible, i never seen one before. And shoulder straps ?? what the colours used ?? with pips and sword?? Thx in advance Regards
    7. Hello Gentlemen, Im looking for a bio and list of decorations in WW1. (WW2 if possible) of Jen? Oszk?r Ruszkay. He held the rank of Waffen-SS Obergruppenf?hrer in WW2. Thx in advance Regards
    8. Hello Gentlemen, I like to know the decorations and awards of Josias Erbrinz zu Waldeck Pyrmont before and in WW1 time. Thx a lot Regards
    9. Hello Gentlemen, Im trying to complete my list of decorations of von Neurath. Anyone can help me ? I have this : 1914 EK I 1914 EK II KVK I ohne Schw. KVK II ohne Schw. Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer Wurttembergische Ritterkreuz des Milit?rverdienstorden 1. kl Ehrendegen des RF SS Totenkopfring der SS Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 M?rz 1938, Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1 Oktober 1938 mit Spange ?Prager Burg Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (30.11.1937) Goldenes Treuedienstabzeichen f?r 40j?hrige Dienstzeit (02.02.1938) Grand Cross of the Order of the German Eagle in Gold Grand Cross with Diamonds of the Order of Dannebrog Thx in advance Regards
    10. Hello Gentlemen, Anyone can help me to identificate the decorations in ribonbar of Adolf H?hnlein?s picture below ? Thx in advance Regards picture from www.forosegundaguerra.com
    11. Hello Gentlemen, This picture below shows Jakob Sprenger, Gauleiter of Hessen-Nassau. Im trying to identificate the medals: Anyone can help me ? picture from www.calvin.edu 1 - 1914 EKII 2 - ?? 3 - Maybe a Bavarian Order of Merit ?? 4 - Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer 5 - ?? Thx in advance Regards
    12. Hello Uwe, Thx a lot, very apreciated. great picture. Regards
    13. Hello Gentlemen, This organization was led by Dr. Robert Ley and it function was open space to the work, to build houses, speedways, industrial sector in general. My question is : Dr. Ley has a special uniform of DAF ?? with collar tabs for your rank ?? I don?t never seen any picture of him wearing anything like this. I like to know more about the ranks in this organization. Thx in advance, Regards
    14. Hello Gentlemen, Im looking for more infos about this Organization I like to know the ranks and see the insignias of these ranks. I have this informations : Reichj?germeister - Hermann G?ring Landesj?germeister ?? Gauj?germeister ?? Maybe exist more ranks?? Thx in advance Regards
    15. Hello Daniel Thx a lot, very apreciated Best regards Alexandre
    16. Hello Daniel, I don?t reconigse these abbreviations : KO4 JM1 LEK5 SMV1 Please, Do you can translate ?? BTW, in this picture he was wearing 2 brest stars, do you know them ?? Best regards Alexandre
    17. Hello Rick, Yes, this picture isnt ?very good When you say the turkish War Medal star, you refer the Gallipoli Star ??? regards
    18. Hello Gentlemen, im trying to recognise the decorations in this picture of von Papen. Can anyone help me ? BTW , im looking for a complete list of decorations of von Papen Thx in advance regards (picture from www.ullsteinbilde.de)
    19. Hello Gentlemen, I dont know if is the right place to put my question, but here goes Im looking for pictures or drawings of these collar tabs insignias Can anyone help me ? Thx in advance Reichminister Reichsminister f?r Finanz HJ - Obergebeitsf?hrer HJ - Reichsjugendf?hrer RAD - Oberstarbeitsf?hrer RAD - Reichsarbeitsf?hrer Regards
    20. Hello Eddie, Thx for your support. Yes, Charv?t served in French squadrons f.58 and n.315/spa.315. Maybe the third medal is a French condecoration. Regards
    21. Hello Gentlemen, Im trying to identificate the medals of WW1 Czech pilot August?n Charv?t in this picture. Sorry, picture in poor quality. (picture from a slovak forum in internet) Can anyone help me ? Thx in advance regards
    22. Hello Gentlemen, I found this medal below in a site of Italian pilots of WW1 (www.aspeterpan.com/book1/piccio.htm) I don?t recognize her. Anyone can help me ? Thx in advance regards
    23. Hello Gentlemen, Im looking for a list of decorations of Michel Dorance who flew in GCI/5 and GCI/3. he got 17 victories. A picture will be reat too. Thx in advance. Regards
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