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    Bilco last won the day on December 20 2011

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      Oxford, England
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      WW1 Victory and associated medals

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    1. My latest acquisition is the 'Covered Ear' unofficial ... I think it is a genuine item, and welcome any comments. Bill
    2. I've just received this from a seller on eBay - Obviously a mis-strike, and probably rejected, as there is no sign of a suspensiomn knob having been attached. It's well-worn, so had a lot of handling. Has anyone seen a similar -mis-strike? Bill
    3. Pershing’s WWI Victory Medal was stamped “U.S.M. 5”. Colonel Al Gleim speculated that USM stood for US Mint and that medals #s 1 to 4 were issued to President Woodrow Wilson, Secretary of War Newton Baker, Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and Army Chief of Staff Peyton Marsh. Other known numbered medals: U.S.M. 37 awarded to Colonel James P. Barney U.S.M. 68 (mentioned on page 92 of Laslo's book) U.S.M. 70 (figure 113 on page 86 of Laslo’s book) U.S.M. 95 awarded to Brigadier General R. Krauthoff Bill
    4. Hi Rob, There are good photos to compare your medals with here https://www.medaillesinteralliees.fr/portugal Bill
    5. It looks go to me Rob. My 'tell' is the fineness of the fingers, particularly the forefinger of the hand holding the baton. Bill
    6. Hi Rob, Check your second medal against the photos here https://www.medaillesinteralliees.fr/tchecoslovaquie For the first one, there are treatments for verdigris. I use a product called Verdi-care, but I've heard that WD-40 does the job. In both case, wash in distilled water after treatment. Bill
    7. They do come in different thicknesses of planchet. See https://www.medaillesinteralliees.fr/pologne
    8. It has the diacritical marks on the appropriate letters, so it looks promising. https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1416873608-brazilian-victory-medal-medalha-vitoria-guerra-ww1-militaria-_JM#position=31&type=item&tracking_id=75e7502a-3e80-476b-be5d-7f8e734ce543
    9. Hi Rob, There is a post about half-way down on page 23 of this thread showing a So-Called Dollar version of the US Victory medal. It's made of copper, so is a different colour to the issue planchet. Bill
    10. Hi Rob, I'm interested to see the version with the blank central disk. It looks significantly smaller than the other medal. I have an example which is the same size as the standard : Diameter 36.5mm, thickness 2.3mm, with the Delande punch and BRONZE on the edge. I gave it a gentle clean, and it appears to be Delande's bronze doré, like yours. Bill
    11. Good evening Gentlemen, A new web site dealing with the Victory Medals of all the Allied and Associated Nations has just come on-line: https://www.medaillesinteralliees.fr/ The author is Jean-Michel, who posts on this section of the Forum, and he invites comments, corrections and additions from collectors. I hope you enjoy the web site, Bill
    12. The BBC News web site has an item about an exhibition of photos of German POW at Donington Hall in WW1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-50168487 The small selection shown is from 54 exhibited at the University of Derby until 3 January. There are a few more here https://www.google.com/search?q=exhibition+of+German+POW+photos+at+university+of+Derby&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvg9vD27nlAhUnRhUIHUqTA48Q7Al6BAgJECQ&biw=1594&bih=710#imgrc=_ Bill
    13. Good evening Gentlemen, My latest acquisition ... The planchet is a straight-forward French Reproduction, with no marks on the edge as to maker or MADE IN FRANCE. The 4 clasps seem to match the description in Laslo's book, page 99, where the raised 'frame' around the wording, and the 'grained' background is mentioned. They show the M like an inverted W that Jim Michels shows in his book as a Reproduction type 3 clasp. As can be seen in the last photo, the clasps are inside the ribbon, and the bottom three are held in place by stitches of red thread. The top clasp has a narrower backstrap than the others. The top clasp and the two bottom ones have thick ends, while the second is much thinner. I can't get to see the back of the back-straps to check for a MADE IN FRANCE stamp. All-in-all, an interesting item, and I welcome your comments on it! Bill
    14. Oliver - I think your medal is a perfectly good original Unofficial Type 1. Graham - I think the differences that you point to are just the effect of different lighting and wear. Bill
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