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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. And something else the former Gefr. turned Unteroffizier earned.
    2. Mail call. First up, a Porsche with cut out grass. This belonged to a Gefr. Ahrens of Pzr Abt. 654. Don
    3. Thanks for the quick replies. I couldn't place the ribbon. Stogie, no marks on the first class. Don
    4. The reverse. I think next to the EKs these are the nicest imperial EK equivelents. Don
    5. Is this Mecklenburg Schwerin 1914 Grand Duke Franz Friedrich Military Merit Cross the non-combatant version? I know the only difference is the ribbon color. What would I expect to pay for one of these/ I have his combatant brother. Thanks Don
    6. I see these "Gode" awards listed on ebay.de all the time. From a distance and with a crappy picture they look ok. What is the biggest giveaway that they aren't the real deal? I was at a show a couple of moths ago and almost bought a medal bar that had an ek2, BMVK2/S, BMVK3/S, and some lesser imperial awards. The BMVK2 was flat on the back with no details. The dealer said it was a wearers copy made for medal bars. Since all the others had details on the reverse side I passed. Was that a Gode? thanks Don
    7. Nice badges. I guess its another one added to the "must acquire" list. I here these are heavily faked. Any pointers for getting a real one, preferably wartime issue would be apprieciated. Thanks Don
    8. The back with pin system and mark. Don
    9. Nice variety. I feel sorry for the Turkish soldiers. It is a shame when you risk your life and get a crappy thank you. Here is my BB&Co. Don
    10. Hi Rick, nice to see you here. Nice post. Those awards run the spread of qualitity control. It is a shame how quality and I think respect for awards suffered as the war dragged on. You see it in the TR stuff too. And we won't even bring up '57 stuff, eeeewwwww. Don
    11. All I can say is WOW!!! The only thing missing is the body. Michel, you don't have the Herr LT stuffed in the basement do you. Don
    12. I might have something in the offing Stogie. Give me a week or so. You know how the mail is. Don
    13. I try. I am moving over to a scanner for more consistant pics. I don't know whether I will redo my collection or just phase in the new stuff. Don
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