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      USSR, Kharkov

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    1. 昭和辛巳春 興亜一心滿鐵作之 : http://www.wyeasyads.com/viewitem.php?sid=0&item=321508227737
    2. Тhis is "nine folds" style. 大韓國璽
    3. Аbout 1979: http://bbs.tiexue.net/post2_4135622_1.html
    4. You are welcome. Are you sure you will be able to use this dictionary? For example, here English-Japanese and Japanese-English military dictionary in 1907: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/842833
    5. 帰還 - return (home); (early) demobilization.
    6. 出願中 - pending. 実用新案 - utility model. 意匠登録 - design registration.
    7. I think - this is wényán (in the Japanese interpretation ). 我武惟揚 侵于之疆 我伐用張 于湯有光 克完厥功 振旅奏功 http://ctext.org/shang-shu/great-declaration-ii 我武維揚,侵于之疆,取彼凶殘。我伐用張,于湯有光 = My military prowess is displayed, and I enter his territories to take the wicked tyrant. My punishment (of evil) will be great, and more glorious than that executed by Tang. http://ctext.org/pre-qin-and-han?searchu=%E4%BC%90%E7%94%A8%E5%BC%B5%E4%BA%8E%E6%B9%AF%E6%9C%89%E5%85%89 我武惟揚,侵于之疆,則取于殘,殺伐用張,于湯有光 = My power shall be put forth, and, invading the territories of Shang, I will seize the oppressor. I will put him to death to punish him - so shall the greatness of my work appear, more glorious than that of Tang.
    8. 呂彭 - Lü Peng, 齡 - perhaps: "senior", "older".
    9. 三河鄉友會員之章 - badge of member of association of fellow-countrymans Mikawa: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikawa_Province
    10. Thank you. I will look with Russian subtitles: http://tvs24.ru/video/filmy/smotret-onlain-mikelandzhelo-antonioni-chzhun-go-kitai-1972.html
    11. 理善勸戒煙酒總會 - Association for the Prevention of Alcohol and Tobacco according to Li Virtuous Teachings, 慈善紀念章 – charity commemorative medal, 仁 – humanity.
    12. 京都府熊野郡 – Kumano District of Kyoto Prefecture, 尚武恊會 – martial (warlike) spirit association. /// 三重朝明軍人義會 – association of military personnel loyal to their duty Asake District of Mie Prefecture, 賛助客員 – support honorary member.
    13. Jktu

      Unk. Medal

      Most likely.
    14. Jktu

      Unk. Medal

      岡中柔道部 柔道部 – Judo Club. I think: 中 – middle school (grades 7-9), 岡 – the first character of the city name.
    15. 銃剣術競技會 - bayonet art competition, 優勝 - victory. 陸軍歩兵上等兵 - infantry gefreiter, 森田金惠 - Morita Kanee.
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