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    Everything posted by Hardinge

    1. Hi, I have medals to over 600 tank corps guys and may be able to provide some information on your man, if you still have him ? he was not commissioned TC until March 1918 so may just have seen action at Amiens. Geoffrey
    2. Lieutenant W H Stokes MBE DCM Gloucester Regiment (7th Battalion) Machine Gun Corps Order of the British Empire, Member, Military, 1st Type; Distinguished Conduct Medal (GV) (11359 Sjt 7/Glouc R); 1915/15 Star (Pte 7-11359); 1914/18 British War Medal & Victory Medal MID (2.Lieut); France, Medaille Militaire; Russia. Order of St Anne, Military, 3rd Class. (Gold Faberge) Award Citations MBE - London Gazette 03/02/1920 (Archangel, South Russia) DCM - London Gazette 02/02/1916 & 11/03/1916 (Gallipoli) "For conspicious gallantry on the 8th August 1915, at "Chunuk Bair". After the commander and Officer of the machine-gun detachments had been killed, Sgt Stokes assumed command, and later, when the gun was disabled he successfully withdrew it, with the ammunition." France Medaille Militaire - London Gazette 24/02/1916 (Gallipoli) Russia Order of St Anne 3rd Class - London Gazette 00/00/0000 (Archangel) MIDs - London Gazette 00/00/0000
    3. Lieutenant E Doole Army Service Corps & Tank Corps 1914 Star (Pte E Doole ASC) “5th August 22nd November 1914"; 1914/18 British War Medal & Victory Medal MID (Lieut); Russia, Order of St Anne, Military, 3rd Class (Gold); Russia, Order of Saintstanilas, Military, 3rd Class (Gold); France, Medaille Militaire; France, Croix de Guerre avec Palm, 1914-18. (i) Miniature matching set and ribbon bars; (ii) Letter from CinC North Russia, Archangel confirming award of St Anne. Research & Citations Russia St Anne/Stanislas North West Russia 1918/20 2nd Lieutenant (Tank Corps) 19/12/1917 (Nov 1918 Army List) Looking for any help from our Russian friends for information on the two awards to this chap.
    4. Sergeant EC Savory Royal Naval Air Service & Machine Gun Corps 1914/15 Star (F 6224 EC Savory POM RNAS); 1914/18 British War Medal & Victory Medal MID (Sjt MGC); Russia, Cross of St George 4th Class “934699"; Russia, Medal of St George 4th Class “1032909" Research & Citations Anglo-Russian Armoured Cars, Locker-Lampson’s “Tsars” Squadron Russia St George Cross 4th Class - London Gazette 00/00/0000 St George Cross, 4th Class, No. 934,699, “During the battle of 19 November 1916 under heavy fire brought shells and petrol for the armoured cars thereby helping the advance.” (ADM.137.3943B & 171.174) Russia St George Medal 4th Class - London Gazette 00/00/0000 St George Medal, 4th class, No. 1,032,309, “For bravery under fire at the Battle of Topolul, Dobrudsha during the period 30 November to 2 December 1916, whilst working under the orders of the 4th Siberian Corps, Danube Army. Medal presented by General Sirelius at Korsova on 8 December 1916.” (ADM.171.174) MIDs - London Gazette 00/00/0000 M.I.D. “These ratings have all seen active service in more than one country with the cars and have been selected as the most deserving of mention.” Signed O. Locker-Lampson, Commander, R.N.R. (ADM.116/1575 & 137.3943B)
    5. Alastair Norman Fraser was born at Duirinish, Rosshire on 10 March 1881, the son of Major-General C. A. D. Fraser. Educated at Blair Lodge and Edinburgh University, he qualified as a M.B. and Ch.B. in 1904. He served in the ranks of the Volunteer Medical Staff Corps during the Boer War. After qualification he was commissioned a Lieutenant in the R.A.M.C. in July 1904. Promoted a Captain in January 1908 and a Major in July 1915, he held the rank of Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel, July-October 1917 and Acting Lieutenant-Colonel, December 1918-February 1919. He was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel in December 1926 and attained the rank of Colonel in September 1933, being placed on Retired Pay on 2 September 1937. His extensive military service took him to North China, 1905-08; Straits and Settlements, 1912-15 and Egypt, 1915-16. During 1916-18 he was C.O. of the R.A.M.C. Training Centre and Commandant of the R.A.M.C. Officers School of Instruction. Later in 1918 and into 1919 he was C.O. of the 20th Field Ambulance in France. For his wartime services he was mentioned in despatches (London Gazette 21 June 1916) and awarded the D.S.O. (London Gazette 3 June 1916). He then served in India, 1919-23 and 1926-31. It was as D.D.M.S. at F.H.Q. Gibraltar, 1933-37, that he came to be awarded the German Red Cross Order for his part in tending the wounded from the German ship Deutschand. The Deutschland (later renamed Lützow) was officially designated an ‘armoured ship’ or ‘heavy cruiser’ but was actually a light battlecruiser, popularly referred to at the time as a ‘pocket battleship’. During the Spanish Civil War the ship was deployed along the Spanish coast, ostensibly as a part of an international force charged with keeping the sea lanes open but actually supporting Franco and the Spanish ‘Nationalists’. On 29 May 1937, the ship was at anchor off Ibiza in the Balearic Islands, when she was bombed by two ‘Republican’ bombers. The aircraft dropped 12 bombs, two of which hit - one of which hit the unprotected mess quarters in the forward part of the ship causing heavy casualties. Early reports listed 23 dead, 19 severely wounded and 30 plus less seriously wounded. Needing specialist facilities to treat many of the wounded, the ship made for nearby Gibraltar. There the wounded received treatment at the military hospital, and such was the influx of patients during this ‘time of peace’ that a reinforcement party of nurses was summoned to the base. The Germans were appreciative of the help extended and extensively awarded their Red Cross Order to those who gave assistance - Colonel Fraser was one of five officers to be awarded the 1st Class of the Order; presentations being made at Gibraltar by Admiral Carls on 17 August 1937. Although they were not to know it, recipients had but two years during which to wear their German decoration. Colonel Fraser was placed on Retired Pay on 2 September 1937 but rejoined on 1 September 1939. During the Second World War he was A.D.M.S. H.Q. Northumbrian Area, 1939-41 and A.D.M.S. H.Q. Durham and N. Riding County Area, 1941-42. Colonel Fraser reverted to Retired Pay on 1 August 1942 and died on 5 March 1964. Sold with copied research on the recipient, decoration, incident and the state funeral of those killed.
    6. Here is another one from my collection. Also an admin reward ! Nice to get though.
    7. Reading a number of the threads on here concerning the Cross of St George 4th Class is enought to make one paranoid !! I bought this one as part of a British medal group back in 1996 from the Upfield-Brown collection. 1914/15 Trio plus St George Cross 4th Class and St George Medal 4th Class. He was with Locker Lampsons "Tzars Tank" Squadron.
    8. These were intended primarily as tank driver masks. Looking out of the front hatch was somewhat hazzardous !
    9. Rather than re-inventing the wheel, try this https://sites.google.com/site/landships/
    10. There was just 4Nr 1st bars issued between the wars and these were all to WW1 MMs. There were 181Nr 1st bars and just 2Nr 2nd bars awarded during WW2 (However I only know of 1 and that is to Kite whose medals are in the tank museum and do not reflect these ribbons. There were just 8Nr 1st bars awarded post WW2 to the present day. Only 98 DCM/MMs for WW2 of which just 2 are DCM MM & Bar R Chambers RNF W Lumsden SG (KIA 06/03/45) Neither received a third MM in WW2 or post WW2 or the QPM. There is just 1 QPM MM & Bar, L O'Donnell IG, but he did not receive the DCM or a third MM. There are no post WW2 2nd bars to any MM previously awarded. I thought it may have been Chambers incorrectly wearing two rosettes, ie one for each MM, an easy mistake, but I am more inclined to believe it is a fanciful fabrication !
    11. The above badge with a slider is correct for an OR cap badge. I believe the top badge posted is an officer collar badge.
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