I prefer the Order of the Bath - it has such a fascinating history, beginning in 1725 as a single-class order with the intention of providing an additional lesser award to the Order of the Garter, being expanded to 3 classes and civil and military divisions in 1815. The original insignia was retained as the civil version and a wholly-new design applied to the military division - no mere addition of a few swords here.
The military division has a cross with lions between the arms and requires great care in wearing or display - the obverse and reverse are almost identical except that on the obverse you see the lions' faces and on the reverse their backsides! More than one museum has been caught out... I recall being in conversation with the director of a national museum and discovering that the display there had the poor lions displaying their rear ends (I won't mention which museum to spare their blushes, but I've never seen such a flurry as the display cases were opened and the badges flipped!).
And of course this is close to my heart as my father was a Knight Commander in the Civil Division. Unfortuately his insignia was taken in a burglary, GRR.
Note that the Bath, these days, is not political but more of a career award - the Civil Division being awarded to senior civil servants and the Military one to senior officers in the armed forces.