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    nickstrenk last won the day on May 11

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    1. nickstrenk

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      Help in identification.
    2. Some friends of mine identified it as Missionaries of Some religious organisation.
    3. Megan,hi!Thanks for your reply.Also Hungarian cross is the same profile or the French Croix de Lorraine.Slovak Cross is situated on 3 hills.Here grows from the crown.Linden leaves are typical for Bohemian badges and the thistle for the Scots.
    4. Good morning.Help to identify this medal witout ribbon.France,Hungary?Something connected with the agriculture?
    5. The next certificate For Victory over Germany-Hnatko Nikolai
    6. A next piece.From the collection of one of my friends.
    7. Medal XX Years for Victory in GPW bestowed on Czechoslovak citizen.Awarded in 1972.
    8. A next piece of Medal 100 years of birth of Lenin.For sale.Price 300 euro.
    9. Hello,if somebody needs that medal I am ready to sell it.Dia 30mm,white metal,probably Nickel.20euro with my postage.
    10. Some collectors helped.The photo of the document.
    11. Has anybody any information about this meda?.Has anybody already seen the document to it?Thanks for answers.
    12. A next piece with the translation of the document to Czech.And the photo of the recipient.
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