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    Everything posted by JimZ

    1. LKAS56 USS Arneb 16/11/1943 Amphibious warfare and transportation
    4. CVS 12 USS Hornet November 1943 Anti Submarine Support Carrier
    5. CVA 42 USS Franklin D. Roosevelt 29/04/1945 Midway Class Carrier
    6. CG10 USS Albany 15/06/1946 Missile Cruiser (Originally commissioned as Heavy Cruiser CA 123)
    7. ARS 8 USS Preserver 01/11/1944 Rescue & Salvage/Anti pollution
    8. Some old pics on one of my office walls that I thought I'd share with you folks apart from my clients Of course its nicer to meet them up close and personal. Should the focus not be 100% what it should be please bear in mind that my new scanner has not arrived yet so these are pics of the pics. These are the official pics of the ships collected way back in the 50s and 60s and passed on to me later on. Wish I had more of them. Enjoy them! I surely do! Jim
    9. FAKES ARE NOT DANGEROUS? Trust me that nobody is numbering a fake at the back to fool a camera! Of fakes are dangerous especially to the uninitiated. You've been bitten yourself and you feel very angry about that as can be seen in thread: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2499...mp;#entry237351 So the "thieving wretches" are not dangerous now....? The least you can do is take a position as to whether you collect fakes or originals and then intelligently put forward your arguments. In life its true there are a million shades of grey. But as far as ODMs go, I only see black and white..... and occasionally red!!! Jim
    10. And yet you consider and actively seek them as space fillers as per recent thread http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=24798. Isn't that a contradiction? Jim
    11. TGIF Christophe? Its gone already. So has half of Saturday with Monday hurtling its way towards us.... its another TGIF in 6 days time. Call it rat race. Importantly, how many questions will the quiz see answered this week Jim
    12. As an aside on Ilja's last comment: As far as soviet awards go I consider Umalatovas to be fake soviet awards. Simple. No matter what doc may accompany them. I cannot start issuing George Crosses and Victoria Crosses even if I claim to be a self appouinted heir to the throne in exile!!! At most Umalatovas are but a collectible curiosity but never and ODM of the Soviet regime. Just wanted to get that of my chest! Jim
    13. It is understandable to be upset about having bought fakes especially if and when you were a newbie and these come from a reputable collector or dealer. In fact I think that as far as a dealer goes, he should always be 200% sure as to what he is selling - otherwise he risks his reputation going down the tubes. We've lost enough dealers already along the years! Whereas your last post refers to a dealer who you believe has ripped you off, I feel that there is no harm in mentioning his name and possibly, posting images of what he sold you to add substance to your claims. I do however feel that your linking him to yet another reputable dealer (Collect Russia) is not an appropriate leap as this latter dealer did not necessarily sanction the actions of the one who sold you the fakes. Collect Russia sells to many many collectors and he has no control over what these will do in turn. On the other hand, you are making claims that dealers may have fakes on their site, then I would think that this Fakes Forum would be the appropriate area to discuss any such orders or medals. I think that you will attract sufficient feedback from other members who will then draw the necessary conclusions about the dealer/dealers in question without the need to use strong language. Again, do not get me wrong - I do understand that you are upset. Its just the way that you have expressed yourself that is not productive. If you have doubts you can do this in a more structured and constructive manner that will not only quell any doubts that you have but will also serve to educate other collectors should their be any dealers selling fakes. The ball is in your court to show up any medals you have doubts on and I hope, the Soviet Section will respond to your queries. It is only collectively that we can give fakers a run for their money! Jim
    14. I guess it makes buying the right stuff more rewarding for some. But its a definite off putter to those who are just starting out! Another trend I have noticed is to flog 1985 OGPWs 1 and 2 as rare $300 awards. I wonder how many buyers are actually fooled by that. I somehow hope that any buyer who does his homework can get the same order for a fraction of the price. But the world is a big place and buyers are many.... all it takes is one. Jim
    15. Red banners have seen an increase in their market prices. Ergo, the incentive to fake. What can be faked profitably is faked, irrespective of how common or not it may be. Perhaps it is easier to be had with fakes of 'common' ODMs as sometimes, the amount of scrutiny that such ODMs get is less. Why are you even surprised! Jim
    16. Too much time with students Ed! Its rubbing off the wrong way What a stern looking woman.... but then again..... Jim
    17. Wow. Terrible indeed. Very good question. Guess most of us learnt something new here. Well done Ferdinand! Jim
    18. Second question of the year and its already tough. ......fine...... Looks like this will be a good one. Jim
    19. I wonder when the item of Khruschov's passion will go under the hammer..... and by that I mean his shoe Jim
    20. Some two years ago or so some of us believed that dealers stocks did not turn over. I guess we got our answer and the slow down on prices was nothing more than a temporary lull. Jim
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