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    Everything posted by JimZ

    1. The score is presently as follows: 7 points - JimZ 6 points - Harvey 4 points - Hauptmann (Dan) 3 points - Valter 1 point - kapten_windu 1 point - Gunner 1 and now...to Harvey's question 23..... Jim :cheers:
    2. Harvey, I would say that the answer is now complete. Whether you used another forum, a dealer site or wikipedia does not really matter. The authors of the "Red Bible" are probably the only ones who have translate the descriptions word for word from the medals or the award booklets. You do come across several different and even incorrect or incomplete translations. Given that this book is THE most authoritative book on Soviet ODMs written in English to date (even if slighly out dated now and even if there are some lovely books written by Durov and Strekalov in Russian language), I still use it as a reference point for terminology. So the point goes to you... and I am glad that nobody jumped in to take the point in the last minute - of course I would have accepted that, but still glad that if you did the spade work, you got the point! Well done. Jim :cheers:
    3. Gents - Harvey did most of the hard work and is almost there....perhaps we let him modify his answer and get the point himself.....? Just a sportsman's suggestion!! Of course, first full correct answer still secures.... Jim :cheers:
    4. Harvey, I am not accepting 1,3 5 and 6 as correct due to slight inaccuracies in the name. There are several translations but for the purposes of this answer (where I requested the full and correct english name) I am relying on the McDaniel/Schmitt translations. Just to help you out.... 1 - needs one word replaced 3 - needs the last two words replaced 5 and 6 are not the proper full names ....all as translated!! You can probably run a few more searches and will find the correct translated names that I am looking for - granted that you find the medals under various names....which is why I am relying on the names in the book we all know as, the Red Bible!! Jim :cheers:
    5. The Soviet Quiz - do you know your ODMs? Identify the various soviet ODMs!!

    6. I can see Harvey and Hauptmann waiting already....wonder who will get it Good luck guys!!!
    7. Yes Dan, in fact I prepared this question for my next victory.... so without much ado, here goes: Question 22 Below are bits of 9 various ODMs Please list from 1 - 9 giving the full and correct English name of the respective ODM - there is no need to give the class (if applicable). Its a fairly easy question if you are familiar with ODM's .... but might need some research for those who do not collect them..... I'd like to start putting some focus on ODMs themself in this quiz too. First full correct answer secures the point - Remeber that partial answers will only assist other members to answer correctly ....... Enjoy and good luck!! Jim
    8. The score is presently as follows: 7 points - JimZ 5 points - Harvey 4 points - Hauptmann (Dan) 3 points - Valter 1 point - kapten_windu 1 point - Gunner 1 and now...to question 22 which I prepared earlier on today..... Jim :cheers:
    9. We are speaking of captain (I believe) Georgy Gubkin who fought in Stalingrad and Kursk. A few years later, as commander of the first battalion to reach the pre-invasion German frontier, he got into a duel with a a German Luftwaffe officer which Gubkin won. After doing so, he dragged the wounded Luftwaffe officer back to the Russianlines, interrogated him and on the basis of the information extracted, proceeded to launch an attack which ended in the capture of ove 700 germans. Gubkin would eventually be awarded with the title of HSU. You may need to correct some of the info as I am not sure how reliable it all is - but this seems to be our guy and his story. Hope the answer is complete enough! Jim :cheers:
    10. Haptmann got Valter's Question 20 to retain his third place!! The score is presently updated as follows: 6 points - JimZ 5 points - Harvey 4 points - Hauptmann (Dan) 3 points - Valter 1 point - kapten_windu 1 point - Gunner 1 Hauptmann's latest question 21 in post 245... Jim :cheers:
    11. Valter got Harvey's Question 19 !! The score is presently updated as follows: 6 points - JimZ 5 points - Harvey 3 points - Hauptmann (Dan) 3 points - Valter 1 point - kapten_windu 1 point - Gunner 1 Valter's latest question 20 in post 239... (although while I posted this I think Harvey may have already replied to it ) Jim :cheers:
    12. The Soviet Quiz - what will the next question be??

    13. LOL....at the curses!!! Lets wait for Harvey to confirm your reply. In the meantime I suggest you start working on the next challenge Jim :cheers:
    14. Thanks Harvey. In terms of research that was the toughest one for me... I did spend quite some time on Sunday searching and cross searching and not a whiff of the guy :-) The onus of making sure that there is available information remains with the person asking the question. That a member has to go through certain lengths only shows how involved some members are with the quiz which is a very good sign. Of course Russian sourced information to reply to a question is fully acceptable as there are online translators! So that makes your hard earned point even more valid. The HSU point was in fact pivotal in this question. My searches were carried out prior to that info, and with the original clue, I simply disregarded any person I came across with an HSU. Not that I came across Belousov!!! Again well done! Jim :cheers:
    15. The Soviet Quiz - Any GMIC member can take up the honour of asking the next question....grab it now!!!!

    16. Well done indeed Harvey for finding the last question which has baffled many of us! Harvey has moved up the scale and is now close to sharing and taking the lead from JimZ Keep it up!!! Hauptmann Dan currently in third place. However, with many questions to go, and with so many members who may still participate, the game could belong to anyone. The score is presently as follows: 6 points - JimZ 5 points - Harvey 3 points - Hauptmann (Dan) 2 points - Valter 1 point - kapten_windu 1 point - Gunner 1 Harvey has offered up Question 19 to any member. He may still exercise his right to set the question within the next two days. However, if anyone else wants to take up the honour till then, please go ahead. If there are no takers, and Harvey does not set question 19, I will do so myself tomorrow evening. Here's hoping that someone will take up the gauntlet till then..... gentlemen....anyone? Jim PS - for all participants, do try to have a reserve question standing by just in case you ever win a point. This will enable the quiz to keep on running smoothly. And remember....nothing too obscure that cannot be researched!
    17. These comments are bing made in my capacity as the quiz host and not as a particpant: Gentlemen, could you post the source of the information. I am now running searches for Leonid G. Belousov and nothing is turning up other than a one liner!!! Also, I must comment on the fact that the initial question hinted that the person was not an HSU when it transpires that he was indeed given such an award. This was slightly misleading, even though I guess the reference was made to the war years only. As a general rule, remember, that the question has to be researchable. This means that we are trying to find questions that can be ideally resolved through online searches. The idea of this is to involve club members from all areas and if we focus on specialist areas, that may be unknown or cannot be found online, then we are limiting particcpation to the Soviet section. The aim of the quiz is to go beyond that. So the fact that I am running searches with our pilots full name and nothing much is turning up is not the best of signs. Notwithstanding, let this take nothing away from Harvey for giving the correct answer Harvey, we are ready to wait for you to set a question and the rules grant you up to 48 hours in which to do so. Part of the game is to answer the question but in doing so, we should also be more ready to take on responsibility to post a new question. Its OK to pass a question on from time to time but as a general rule, the running of the quiz should pass on to the person who answers the last question correctly and so on and so forth. I fully agree that answering the question is much more fun than asking the question and monitoring replies....but someone has to do it And as much as we sometimes seem to ask and reply to questions in real time, it does not always have to be so fast and furious (although fast and furious is good!!) Jim If I see to much repeat passing of questions I'll tweak the rules to limit this....but for now things stand as is.
    18. Agreed guys..... unless we're speaking of something like KGB or NKVD or HSU which are the common abbreviations, we should always try to give their full name in parenthesis. Jim :cheers:
    19. Well done Gunner and welcome to the roll of honour!! You gave the correct full answer so as I said before you deserved it. - as you deserve the honour of the next question Juts as a general recap The score is presently as follows: 6 points - JimZ 4 points - Harvey 3 points - Hauptmann (Dan) 2 points - Valter 1 point - kapten_windu 1 point - Gunner 1 Question 18 is being asked in the above post (216) by Gunner 1, our latest winner....
    20. Lol...well I did say "Kalashnikov" as in the surname: "Taking a stab here..... is it Kalashnikov or rather, more specifically, Avtomat Kalashnikov?" but then thought you wanted to focus on the specific product (i.e. AK) that is on the flags, vodka bottles or is a household item rather than the person....sigh! So if you wanted the full name Mikhail Timofeyevivh Kalashnikov....then I guess the point should actually be awarded to Gunner 1 Of course, its Harvey who must confirm the point and in doing so, the Quiz can proceed. Jim PS... you could also have said that his products are also present on GMIC... :violent:
    21. The Soviet Quiz - What will the next questions be?? Quiz open to all members!!!

    22. ..... its on the label of vodka bottles... ...and heck, its also the shape of a very pricey vodka bottle!! And its a common household item in the middle east and Africa! Also, what other item could have influenced world history over the last 50 years, other than perhaps the drinking (and acting on) Vodka itself!!! Am I close? Jim :cheers:
    23. Taking a stab here..... is it Kalashnikov or rather, more specifically, Avtomat Kalashnikov? Its on a flag (hezbollah) ......
    24. Well it was a good revision of who's who :-) I would not have dared to go for the same question with 16 lesser people as that would have made the question way too hard. At least the epualettes and the stars gave a good general direction. And now to your next question...... Jim :cheers:
    25. The Soviet Quiz - Onto question 17 with Harvey to ask the next one ....fresh blood needed...... join in!!

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