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    Everything posted by dante

    1. Reichswehr-Kavallerie-Regiment 105 in which he served was part of Reichswehr-Brigade 5 which was formed from Freikorps Görlitz (also called Freikorps Faupel or Schlesische Jäger-Brigade)........
    2. I can display it with this.........guess he may have served with Freikorps Görlitz ?
    3. Yes that was my initial thoughts....then doubt.....
    4. Cheers Chris, What's the Badges 1&2 after the EK2?
    5. Not often seen and nicely filled out....welcome your comments
    6. Thanks Odulf, Or transferred to the SS?? could it be "Grimsel, Walter, 14.02.1943, Oberleutnant d.R., 9./Gren.Rgt. 306"
    7. Killed in Action 6 March 1942 near Kolmowo, Russia.......former party member and NSKK, born 2 December 1899, has anyone an idea who he served with..thanks, Paul
    8. Couple of interesting photos, which Freikorps unit.....? welcome your thoughts, thanks, Paul
    9. Interesting (well to me) photo with a ribbon I have been unable to identify.....any thoughts?
    10. On the off chance....would anyone have a note of this guy....as to service (Heer, Luftwaffe etc) officer? any pointers......? cheers, Paul
    11. Bernhard, Many thanks......any thought on the signature? regards, Paul
    12. Interesting document, can anyone help as to what its is for and who signed it, many thanks, Paul
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