I think your right. It looks like an higher grade foreign award. I have mailed a contact at the British embassy in the Hague. Maybe he can find out more. Thanks!
Could someone check if there is a Zahlmeister Friedrich Maisel in the imperal ranklists? He was a diplomat before wwI. Zahlmeister Friedrich Maisel 3 batterie Bay. F. art. Bat. 19
The first medal is most likely Police related, Erik Muller might be able to help. The second medal is the "Eremedaille in de Orde van Oranje Nassau" The classe could be Bronze, Silver or Gold. I think this is a Silver one..
I already thought that it was "van suchtelen van de Haare" Generaal Jonkheer Cornelis Lubertus van Suchtelen van de Haare Born 25 september 1960 Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion Officer in the House Order of Oranje Nassau Commandeur in the Order of The Oaken Crown from Luxemburg Honour Cross third casse of Lippe Honour Cross second classe of Swarzburg Knight first classe in the Order of Frederik of Wurtenberg Knight in the Order of The Griffiondor of Mecklenburg Officer in the Order of Hendrik the Lion of Brunswick Officers Honour Cross from Schaumburg Lippe Knight in the Order of the Crown of Italy Knight second classe in the Order of the Crown of Prussia Commandeur in the Order of Leopold II from Belgium Officer of the Legioen of Honour from France Officer in the Order of the Lion and the Sun of Persia Knight in the Order of Peter Frederik Lodewijk of Oldenburg Knight in the Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia Grandcross in the Order of the Star of Romania Order of Merit third classe from Waldeck Pyrmont Knight in the Order of the Wendic Crown of mecklenburg Knight first classe in the Order of the White Falcon of Saksen Weimar Eisenach Knight third classe in the Order of the Iron Crown of Austria He received the above awards al before the age of 80. I think that this is a bar he used at one time. Not his first bar in a set of two. As a servant of the Royal Court he would have placed his House Order in the first bar....
Did you delete it ? Or what do you mean? -edit- found it, http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=17591 I thin Yankee hit the new Topic button instead off the add reply! Yankee, May we now the name of this Jonkheer?
What remains a mistery to me is that a lackey that resigned in 1934 (according to the archive of the Royal House) received a award for servants of foreign courts in 1938....
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