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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Bob, there is an entry in Transfeldt's "Wort und Brauch in Heer und Flotte". he states that the Schellenbaum was not an instrument as such but a victory trophy and as such was carried not by a musician but a member of the ordinary troops. He goes on to say that the Schellenbaum probably originated in China and later was carried by Turkish Jannissary bands. The Schellenbaum was introduced into Prussian Infantry and Foot artillery units during 1813/15 presumably captured from the French. Following the wars of liberation other regiments were awarded Schellenb?ume as a symbol of gratitude from the Fatherland. Named as such after the small hanging bells (Schellen). Regards Glenn
    2. Hi Rick, the old boy was almost certainly a former medical officer with that commander's grade FJO. Regards Glenn
    3. Hi Claudio, I am as certain as I can be that the Major Riese who signed this document was the later Generalmajor and Artillerie-Kommandeur 143 from 1 Jan 1916 - 22 Feb 1917 Friedrich Riese. General Riese was born on the 20 Mar 1856 and died on 18 Nov 1919. Major Riese returned from Africa and assumed command of II./FAR. 50 on the 1 Nov 1906 and of FAR. 5 on 18 Aug 1908 having been promoted to Oberstleutnant on the 20 Jul 1907. He retired as an Oberst on 24 Mar 1909. As Rick points out he is listed twice in the Ehrenrangliste: once as a Generalmajor and once as an Oberst and both incorrectly give his last peacetime appointment as FAR. 15 and not FAR. 5! He was still an Oberst whilst ARKO 143 so I presume he was given a "charakterisierte" promotion on his final retirement. Sekonde-Lieutenant: 17.10.78 Premier-Lieutenant: 22.3.87 Hauptmann: 18.11.90 Major: 18.1.01 Oberstleutnant: 20.7.07 Regards Glenn
    4. Christophe, I think the other Prussian General Officer is Generalmajor Emil Hell, Chief of Staff of Heeresgruppe Mackensen. Regards Glenn
    5. Hi Rick, Leutnant der Landwehr Minte was killed on the 21st of July 1918 at Buzancv (Soissons). Regards Glenn
    6. stands for War/substantive (Quartermaster) Regards Glenn
    7. Tony, I can't make out the branch colour on the captains's board but the cypher is that of an officer of the Wehrmacht administrative branch of the "Special Troop Service" or Truppensonderdienst. The rank designation is Stabsintendant and the branch was formed from former administrative officials of the intendance and paymaster branches on the 1st of May 1944. The correct piping should be light blue. Regards Glenn
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