Alan Baird
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Hi, I have written out Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins City of London Police career details so that they are easier to read, just hope I attach the document correctly, otherwise I will fix it another time. PC Watkins City of London Police career.odt That document did not come out the way I intended it to...... so I will try and fix it later. Alan.
Hi, It is nice to know I am not the only one that finds these old documents difficult to read at times - tks. Anyway, I was asked about researching City of London Police so here is an example of such an individual from my own collection which is still awaiting to be fully researched. It is the same medal, as that which was awarded to Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins and these two men would have served roughly during the same period. It is a Queen Victoria City of London Police Jubilee medal for 1887 with the City of London Police Jubilee clasp for 1897. This is a nice example and was awarded to ''PC 353 J Saveall.'' James Saveall was born in Upminster, in Essex [Parish of Rainham/District of Romford] in 1852. The establishment of the City of London Police in 1888 was :- 1 Commissioner. 1 Chief Superintendent. 1 Superintendent. 14 Inspectors. 92 Sergeants. 781 Constables. Making a total of 890 personnel. There is an Old Bailey trial record relating to a theft, pocket-picking offence which was dealt with on the 20th of October in 1879. James Saveall [City Policeman 353] gave evidence and the prisoner was sentenced to 7 years hard labour. This is roughly the extent of what I know about his City of London Police career. On the other hand, through 'ancestry.co.uk' I have his family history ie his wife died between October to December in 1888 and his niece then begins to take over the role of housekeeper to the family. Between his wife dying and the hunt for Jack the Ripper, the end of 1888 would have been extremely difficult for this City of London Police Constable. The London Metropolitan Archives, I believe, hold the majority of these officer's personal files. Therefore I 'e' mailed ''ask.lma@cityoflondon.gov,uk'' and they soon confirmed that James Saveall's personal file [reference CLA/048/AD/01/655] was available from their archives. Normally, depending on who answers your query, they will usually supply you with a few basic details about the individual you are researching. They will usually add an attachment which will allow you to pay a small fee [previously £20] which will then allow them to give you a breakdown of the file contents and the cost of providing copies of the documents. This is referring to distance researching, the 'e' mail will also give you all the information necessary for attending the London Metropolitan Archives personally. Obviously, attending the archives personally is much cheaper than having the London Metropolitan Archive staff prepare the documents for you which is, to say the least, quite expensive. Remember, if the file contents have been listed, then you can just order what you consider absolutely necessary and reduce the overall cost of the research. I have used their services, at least half a dozen times and it has always been a good experience. I have not completed the research on this individual because one day I hope to visit the LMA personally. If anybody is thinking of visiting the LMA for research purposes etc make sure read up all the rules governing the archives. Hope this might be of interest. Alan.
Hi, I thought the translation of the letter relating to Edward Watkins was superb especially since I find these things so difficult. I have one other mystery from December in 1888 which revolves around confirming just one word. It does not directly connect with Police Constable Edward Watkins story except that when Edward Watkins was at the height of his fame, this other Police Constable was retiring on pension. Police Constable Edward Browning served in the Metropolitan Police from the 21st of August in 1863 and until his retired on pension on the 4th of December in 1888. Police Constable Edward Browning completed his entire service in 'M' or Southwark division. If an individual is on, ''special duties,'' at the time of their retirement, then this is recorded below the particulars of service entry, on page two. Police Constable Edward Browning's special duty was on, ''diving service.'' It might be spelt 'divinng service.' Because I felt I did not do so well on the Edward Watkins letter, I was hoping somebody might again give me their opinions on this entry. I might have read the entry wrongly so a second opinion would be interesting. The entry, ''diving service'' appears quite unique, as I have not encountered this before. Alan.
Many thanks and thank your mother for me. 108 years later and the letter comes back to life. Now that I know it was William Piddington that wrote the letter......it will help in trying to find a connection between William Piddington and Edward Watkins. Edward Watkins wrote back to the City of London Police Office and thanked them for passing on the address of an old friend [singular] so maybe the friendship started before William Piddington was married in 1886 and I need to look more closely at the early part of the 1880's. That's is just thinking out aloud. again much appreciated, Alan.
Hi, Edward Watkins died in March of 1913 but less than a year and a half before this event, he was contacted by an old friend. On the 2nd of November in 1911, Mrs Piddington [appears to be Mrs but the title could have been Mr] wrote to the City of London Police Office requesting the address of ex-Police Constable Watkins. They in turn wrote to Edward Watkins passing on the request and the address of the ''Piddington's'' at 26 Marine Parade in Dover. On the 4th of November in 1911, Edward Watkins thanked the City of London Police Office for putting him back in touch with an old friend. I am finding it hard to read parts of the second page of the letter and I have not identified the period the friendship probably started from but I will give you the details I have so far. England Census 1911. [a] William Thomas Piddington [50], born in Woolwich in Kent, in 1861. Occupation Naval pensioner and teacher of music. Mary Ann Elizabeth Piddington [45], born in Chatham in Kent, in 1866. Occupation Lodging Housekeeper. The Piddington's residing at 26 Marine Parade, in Dover. England Census of 1901. William T Piddington occupation ''Bandmaster Military.'' No occupation listed for Mary Piddington. The family home is at 5 Bereford Terrace, St Mary, Dover, in Kent. 15th of April in 1893. First payment of Lodge fee's by Sergeant Piddington R.M.L.S. [Lord Warden Lodge in Deal]. England Census of 1891 is unfortunately missing. Marriage in 1886 of William Thomas Piddington………. marries Mary Ann Elizabeth Bromley at Medway in Kent. England Census of 1881. William T Piddington [20 and single] musician R.M.L.I. and residing at the Royal Marine Barracks, Gillingham, in Chatham. I just thought I would list it but I am not sure how it fits in just yet. aLAN.
Hi Gordon and David, The pictures look good and the museum would be worth a visit, very interesting. I have to admit I did not know these items were there or about the helmet badge. The BBC article I did see a couple of years ago but after that I never heard any more.....so thanks for the update to both of you. Alan.
Hi, I have attached further photographs on information relating to Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins City of London Police service. [a] The cover page to Edward Watkins application to join the City of London Police in 1871. The City of London Police form describing Police Constable Edward Watkins physical appearance in 1896. Note he has grown taller over the years, by three quarters of an inch, must have been all that exercise walking. [c] Constable Edward Watkins official request to retired from the City of London Police on pension. Note his collar number is now 944 instead of 881. Alan.
Hi, Many thanks you have just solved a 137 year old mystery of why George Keay told the City of London Police he was 21 years old when all the evidence pointed to George Keay being only 18 years old and now we know why...….he wanted to join the City of London Police and was 3 years too young. Police Constable George Keay would have had to maintain that secret through-out his City of London Police career. But he told the truth in the England Census records etc but he could never have guessed that in 2018 the different records would be compared and someone would work out his secret and his ''white lie'' would be exposed. I have a feeling that in Victorian times this kind of situation would have not been an uncommon occurrence ie you hear of under age individuals joining the Army etc. Just my opinion. many thank again. Alan.
Hi, Not that I know about...…..what is a bit crazy, is that because of one man, ''J. F. H. Kemp,'' and his years of research, we could name the majority of the 14,000 Metropolitan Policeman that were awarded the Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 and the 16,189 Metropolitan Policemen that were awarded the Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal or clasp for 1897 but for the approximately 900/1,000 City of London Policemen involved in the same events, I don't think there are even medal rolls available. I think part of the problem is that these City of London Police medals are very difficult to find and even becoming quite rare and it appears that the London Metropolitan Archives is really the only place to go for information on their police service. While with the Metropolitan Policemen, from this period, you can go quite a few places ie National Archives, Metropolitan Police museum and friends, Men and their medals etc. If there are any City of London Police medal collectors viewing, maybe they would be able to give more details on the subject as I am definitely not an expert on City of London Police medals. Anyway, I don't mind waiting until the end of next year and maybe going to the LMA. I believe it may only be £5.00 for a camera card...…... to take photographs of the pages you are interested in. Alan.
Hi, I have attached ''Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins'' application to join the City of London Police. [Basically, the first page contains all the relevant details, second page lists the criteria for being accepted as a City of London Police Constable and has his signature and the third page lists references but in Edward Watkins case he was already a Metropolitan Police Constable so it was left blank.....a separate report from the two forces covers his reference.] Edward Watkins previous employment is recorded as being...…….. Metropolitan Police Constable Edward Watkins, warrant number 53299, joined on the 31/10/1870 as a PC in 'L' or Lambeth division, left on the 15/5/1871 with no reports against him...…....and then joined the City of London Police. The criteria for acceptance into the City of London Police is really quite interesting. Another page records City of London Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins rate of pay and advancements within the rank of Police Constable ie Class 3, Class 2 or Class 1. [That would allows you to work out the true cost of being reduced in rank for his offenses.] Alan.
Unfortunately not but on the other hand I have never seen any Metropolitan Police or City of London Police personal files that have listed or referred to the individuals medals or that they participated in either the Queen Victoria Jubilee of 1897 or the later Coronation Parades etc. I think that information may be found in the City of London Police Orders or records relating to the City of London Receiver's Office. Edward Watkins fits the criteria perfectly for being recalled in 1897 but one day I might just visit the LMA. Cheap flight at the end of 2019, could be fun. Alan.
Hi, Service papers - I have a copy of Police Constable Edward Watkins City of London Police personal file which I received from the London Metropolitan Archives. Many City of London Police personal files, from the period have survived, unlike the personal files for the Metropolitan Police. It consists of 13 pages [A4] but not every page would be worth copying ie his application to join the City of London Police, the first page contains all the main details but pages two and three are mainly blank. On his retirement in 1896, his personal record was basically closed down but there are two requests for information on Edward Watkins, one from a friend in 1911 and the second was from a family member in 1993. I was surprised there was no mention of his death in the file, as this directly relates to the cancellation of his pension. But on his report sheet [discipline] there is some interesting reading which I will post today and at a later time, I will add additional information and pages. Edward Watkins joined the City of London Police, as a Police Constable [3rd Class], on the 25th of May in 1871. It appears he had a few mishaps during roughly his first five years of Police service. What is interesting is that having sexual intercourse, on his beat and whilst on duty, only resulted in a fine of 2 shillings and 6 pence. Yet when Police Constable Edward Watkins missed a key that was left in a door lock on his beat, that resulted in a fine of 5 shillings. But the great demon in those days was definitely ''alcohol'' and acts involving this could easily result in a reduction in rank or even dismissal. The reduction in the class of Police Constable [Class 1, 2 or 3] especially over an extended period could be extremely costly. It would appear the 1889 incident, was considered as a one-of-mishap and so Police Constable Edward Watkins was more lightly dealt and only issued with a caution/reprimand. Alan
Hi, [Merry Xmas and New Year] In Victorian times newspapers would sketch individuals appearing at famous court or inquest hearings and the sketches would then be printed in the newspapers. The same sketches would often be shared with different publications. The sketches tended to be very basic and could vary in quality quite considerably. I have seen two sketches of Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins, one referred to the, ''City Coroner's Court hearing on the murder of Catherine Eddowes, on the 7th of October in 1888'' and the other is a portrait view which you can find in many articles and sites. We have a family friend who is an artist and I have seen him take a blurred photograph of three sisters and from that blurred photograph produced a portrait of them which captured them brilliantly. It was not just about being artistic, it was about researching the facial images and comparing them with other similar images ie long face, narrow face etc. Anyway I was hoping he could possibly do the same for Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins, just a simple pencil sketch, a bit more detail and just A4 in size but unfortunately this was months ago and I forgot all about it. Then on Xmas day I got this portrait which is A3 in size so it is much bigger and now I am going to get it framed. I hope you like it as much as I do. My camera is quite old so I will take a few extra photographs so that hopefully they do the sketch justice. [This idea came originally from seeing the sketches of Detective Inspector Helson of Bethnal Green or 'J' division...….which are a good example of the above on how sketches can be quite different.] Alan. Hi, Here is the final two photographs, just in case they come out better. Alan.
Hi, The ''Styles'' family connection to the Jack the Ripper Murders. Metropolitan Police Inspector Henry Charles Styles was born in Canterbury, in Kent, in 1848 and his parents were John George and Ann Styles and he also had an older brother John George Styles. Inspector Henry Charles Styles [49046] served with the Metropolitan Police from 2/12/1867 to 1/1/1893. And there is also his older brother John George Styles who was a Divisional Inspector [46033] and served in the Metropolitan Police from 1/5/1865 to 6/8/1890. The suspect Jacob Isenschmid. On the 11th of September in 1888 which was 3 days after the murder of Annie Chapman, Dr. Cowan of Landseer Road and Dr. Crabb of Holloway Road, walked into the Police Station in Holloway Road, to inform the Police of their suspicions regarding a specific individual, relating to the Jack the Ripper murders. A Mr George Tyler of 60 Milford Road had spoken to them about his concerns regarding one of his tenants, a Jacob Isenschmid who was locally know as, ''Mad Pork Butcher.'' Mr George Tyler had only been providing accommodation for Jacob Isenschmid since early September but he often stayed out all night and had been missing since the recent murder of Annie Chapman. Detective Sergeant Thick arrested this individual on the 12th of September and Detective Inspector John George Styles was sent to investigate this potential suspect. It was soon apparent that Jacob Isenschmid was a certified lunatic and sent, under restraint, to the Islington Workhouse and then later to the Grove Hall Lunatic Asylum. Detective Inspector John George Styles confirmed the fact that Jacob Isenshmid was not Jack the Ripper. Jacob Isenschmid was still under medical care when Long Liz Stride and Mary Kelly were murdered which again proved Jacob could not have been the murderer. Detective Inspector John George Styles was therefore in the very heart of the investigations to capture Jack the Ripper and when he retired in 1890, his rank was listed as being a Divisional Inspector. Alan.
Hi, Inspector Henry Charles Styles and the Old Bailey trial of Franz Joseph Munch, indicted for the murder of James Hickey. The trial date was the 29th of June in 1891and Franz Joseph Munch was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death. Anatomy of murder - in the year of 1891, only 19 individuals were sentenced to be hanged and of that number only 11 were actually hanged. Bridget Konrath was a 30 year old widow with 3 young children and ran her own bakery, Konrath Bakery at 49 Lucy Road, in Bermondsey. Bridget's bakery foreman was Franz Joseph Munch, aged 31 and was born in Germany. Franz had been in Bridget's employment since July of 1890. Bridget stated that he not only gave the utmost satisfaction as the bakery foreman but was as quiet as a child and she had never seen him lose his temper. Franz had come to London to escape conscription into the German Army. James Hickey was Bridget's cousin and was 29 years old and came to stay with her from about the 25th of February in 1891. James stated that he was in London to buy into some type of business. Bridget and Franz had previously been on intimate terms but it would appear by this stage, Franz was more infatuated with her, than her with him. Bridget also had a small number of employees or lodgers living at the same address. For the first two or three weeks they all lived in general harmony in the house. Then on a Saturday night Franz told James he had heard that, '' James wanted to be the master of the shop'' and their first argument began and several more occurred thereafter. There were threats of violence and nasty name calling ie Franz was often referred to as a, ''German bastard'' but Bridget was able to cool and defuse each situation. Since James's arrival he had never assisted or helped in any way whilst he lodged with his cousin and there was a suggestion that the shop takings had also gone down, over the same period. On the 15th of April another altercation took place in which Franz summoned the police. Inspector Henry Styles [Inspector from 'M' or Southwark division] arrived at the premises and found Franz outside the building. Franz made several accusations against James which included he had attempted to murder or murdered his brother in Manchester and that there would be warrants or summons in existence for his arrest. Inspector Styles questioned Franz on how he came by such information and this is probably when Franz's story started to unravel. He could not explain how he knew such information and his reasoning for making such acquisitions appeared questionable. Inspector Styles came to the conclusion that no offences had been committed and there was no further action that could be reasonable taken. This was a minor incident of no real significance and it would have been impossible to anticipate what would occur in the coming days. Inspector Henry Styles gave his evidence at Franz Joseph Munch's trial. On the 18th of April, Police Constable William Taylor [M170] and another constable were called to 49 Lucy Road, to an altercation which involved two men, outside the shop. Franz then went inside the building and returned and told the constables that everything was now alright and the incident then ended. It may have been that Bridget had again defused the situation, unseen and from within the building. Again there was no obvious signs that this minor incident would later turn into a case of murder. In both incidents of the 15th and the 18th of April, Inspector Henry Styles and Police Constable William Taylor recorded that Franz Munch and James Hickey seemed to be quite sober and that alcohol did not appear to be involved. Inspector Styles stated that Franz Munch came over as being perfectly calm and collected and in a man's usual senses. Although Henry Styles and William Taylor had nothing to reproach themselves, in regard to their professional conduct in investigating these incident, after the murder had taken place, they may have mentally re-examined their actions. This would have been a natural human reaction to the sudden tragic events that were to follow. On Tuesday the 21st of April Franz complained of having toothache and after lunch he went to bed at approximately half past two. Bridget stated that at approximately 5pm Franz went out for a couple of hours and returned drunk and under the influence of alcohol. Bridget did not really have much to do with him for the rest of the evening. At 11pm on Tuesday the 21st of April in 1891, James Hickey entered the Lord Palmerston public-house which is located at 42 Lucy Road, in Bermondsey. The public-house is opposite Mrs Konrath's Bakers Shop. John Tapper the landlord and George Dixon the public-house potman, testified to this fact and that he left the premises at approximately half-past twelve, in the early hours of Wednesday the 22nd of April. James Hickey left with Joel Dymond who was an engineer and lived at 4 Duppas Road. James invited Joel back to the bakery which was only a short distance away, being just over the other side of the road. As James open the door and entered the passageway, he half turned around to remove the key from the door and was facing the street. There was a sudden bang and flash and James fell into the street and called out, ''I am shot.'' Franz Joseph Munch then stepped out of the doorway and onto the pavement with a double barrel pistol in his right hand and a knife in his left. Police Constable Frederick Crask [M246] who was close by and saw and heard the incident, seized Franz by the right arm and disarmed him. Police Constable George Hamilton [M162] seized Franz's left arm and removed the knife. Whilst Police Constable Frederick Crask detained Franz, Police Constable George Hamilton helped to take the wounded James Hickey into the Lord Palmerston public-house where he died approximately ten minutes later. Sergeant John Ayrest [Sergeant MR1] lived at 13 Lucy Street and was aroused by the sound of gunfire. He quickly dressed and assisted in the incident by taking charge of the prisoner and taking him to the police station. Franz stated to several people that, ''he had done what he had done in the name of love.'' Mr Roger Lee, a medical practitioner at 97 Southwark Park Road, in Bermondsey, attended the incident and carried out the post mortem. James Hickey had died from a single gunshot wound in the back which was located between the 4th and 5th rib and close to the spine. The bullet entered on the left hand side of the spine, half way down the back. Inspector Pike [Inspector M] was at Bermondsey Police-Station when Franz was charged. All the police officers, involved in the incident, reported that they thought Franz was sober and not affected by drink. On the 29th of June in 1891, Franz Joseph Munch was put on trial for the murder of James Hickey. The jury found him guilty but recommended mercy due to the extreme provocation he had endured. The trial judge sentenced Franz to death and so no mercy was shown to him and maybe the sentence would have been different, if he had been a British subject, instead of being a German. Franz made an appear to the German Embassy for assistance but once the embassy realised he had fled Germany to escape doing his military service, they quickly turned their back on him. Franz was hanged for the murder and these were still quite rare occurrences in 1891, as only 19 people were given a death sentence that year and of these only 11 were actually hanged. One of the saddest facts about this case, is that James Hickey had already told Bridget Konrath, that he intended to leave for Liverpool on Wednesday the 22nd of April. Bridget did not think it was necessary to tell Franz Munch about her cousins plans, even although the two men were obviously very volatile when in each others company. James was leaving the same day that he was killed. Inspector Henry Charles Styles. Joined 2/12/1867, warrant number 49046. Retired on pension 2/1/1893, Inspector in 'M' or Southwark division. Awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee for 1887 [Inspector in 'N' division] and then recalled to duty for the Coronation of 1902. [Inspector 'X' ]. There is a connection with Jack the Ripper which is interesting but I will add that later because I hate typing and need to stop. Alan.
Hi Mike, I went back and checked and only a few medals were issued to civilian staff in the Metropolitan Police, during Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1897 and they were all employed in one of two departments...…... [a] The Receiver's Office and The Commissioner's Office. I have listed the figures for the various Jubilee and Coronations below :- [a] Metropolitan Police Queen Victoria Jubilee medal for 1887...….24 medals issued to civilian staff in the Receiver's and Commissioner's Office. Metropolitan Police Queen Victoria Jubilee medal for 1897...….15 Clasps issued to those that already had the 1887 medal and 14 medals issued to civilian staff in the Receiver's and Commissioner's Office. James Hyam Carpenter was one of these 14. [c] Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902...….97 medals issued to civilian staff in the Receiver's and Commissioner's Office. These figures come from 'The Metropolitan Police, Men and their Medals by J. H. F. Kemp.' Since we know James Hyam Carpenter was classified as a civil servant, then maybe all the issued medals, were awarded to civil servants who worked on that day. They would have been classed as essential staff in the running of the Metropolitan Police. Another fact that you might find interesting is that 'J H F Kemp' recorded the list of Metropolitan Police pensioners that were recalled to assist in the Queen Victoria Jubilee of 1897. It is 14 pages long so I have estimated the number of officers recalled and it is approximately 820. I would have thought there would have been no leave allowed during Jubilee and Coronation events for either the Metropolitan Police and also the City of London Police and the only officers [uniformed and CID etc] not working...…. would have been on sick leave. Alan.
Hi, 'A short story of a civilian working for the Metropolitan Police and the power of the Receiver's Office at Scotland Yard.' James Hyam Carpenter was born in Pebmarsh, in the district of Halstead, in Essex, in April of 1850 and his parents were John and Harriet Carpenter. His father was an agricultural labourer and his mothers maiden name was, 'Hyam.' In the England Census of 1871, James [21] is working/boarding with a family in the Peckham area of London and is a journeyman carpenter to trade. In the England Census of 1881, James is now married to Lydia Rachel Carpenter [maiden name German] and they have a family and are residing at 38 Brayard Road, in Camberwell and he is recorded as being employed as a carpenter and joiner. In the England Census of 1891, James and the family are now residing at 90 Clayton Road, in Peckham and he still employed as a carpenter. Sometime after the England Census of 1891 and before the Queen's Jubilee Parade in 1897, James Hyam Carpenter takes up a position in the Metropolitan Police's Receiver's Office at Scotland Yard, as a civilian clerk, civil servant. In 1897, James Hyam Carpenter is on duty with the Receiver's Office during Queen Victoria's Jubilee Parade through London and is therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1897. The medal is engraved ''J H Carpenter Receivers Office.'' In the England Census of 1901, the family are still residing at 90 Clayton Road, in Peckham and James Carpenter [51] is recorded as being employed as a ''building foreman clerk [civil service].'' In 1902, James Carpenter is on duty for the Coronation Parade through London and is therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902. The medal is engraved ''J Carpenter.'' In 1911, James Carpenter is on duty for the Coronation Parade through London and is therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1911 whilst still employed with Metropolitan Police in the Receiver's Office. The medal is engraved ''J Carpenter.'' In the England Census of 1911, we find James [61] and family are residing at 38 Crystal Palace Road, East Dulwich, in London and he is recorded as being employed as a ''Building Clerk of Works'' and this is obviously with the Metropolitan Police in the Receiver's Office. James Hyam Carpenter now has a trio of Metropolitan Police Jubilee and Coronation medals which is quite a feat and is also quite rare especially compared to the number of medals issued to Metropolitan Policemen. '''''The Receiver's Office of the Metropolitan Police.''''' The 'Receiver' or 'Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District and Courts of the Metropolis,' was located at the Police Office and they were originally given this title because they received the money from the rates of the Metropolitan Police District's Parishes. The Receiver was appointed by the crown. [a] Sir Richard Pennefather held the post between 1883-1909. Mr George Tripp succeeded him from 1910-1919. They owned all the Metropolitan Police property and were responsible for all purchases, sales, contracts etc and their approval and authority was required on most things and they were equal in power to the Commissioners. An interesting fact is that Sir Charles Warren [Jack the Ripper period] was know to intensely dislike having to clear every decision with this bureaucrat and especially since this bureaucrat was deemed to be of equal standing to Sir Warren. I do not know the figures for the number of people employed in the Receiver's Office during the above time-frame but I do know that in 1886 the Receiver's Office employed 12 civilian clerks and obviously they must have been very able and professional men. This was a powerful office within the Headquarters at Scotland Yard and they would have employed other professionals like surveyors, clerk of works etc. This would be quite an interesting area to research, as it is showing how the Metropolitan Police managed the running of such a large organisation. With the medals came his police whistle, I have included some photo's. Alan.
Hi, ''''Frank Baker knew many criminals and murderers and here is a couple of examples of these interesting characters, that were imprisoned, during his period of service.'''' Frank Baker was born in East Cowes, in Hampshire, in 1854 and his parents were Charles and Ann Baker. In the England Census of 1871, Charles Baker is employed as a bricklayer and the family are residing at Whippingham, in Hampshire. In the England Census of 1881, we find Frank Baker is employed as a Civil Guard at the Portland [Convict] Prison. A Civil Guard was below the rank of warden but if an individual showed that he possessed the necessary higher qualifications to become a warden, then they could progress in this way. They would have to have experience in effectively dealing with convicts and have the knowledge of the disciplines and procedures etc that were all part of the skills of being a warden. This is exactly how Frank Baker advanced from being a Civil Guard, to finally becoming the Principle Warden at Portland Prison. In the England Census of 1881, we also find that Michael Ostrog [47] was listed as being a convict at Portland Prison and was recorded as being a Surgeon. Michael Ostrog was a Russian born thief and con man, claiming to be a Count and had several aliases and disguises. Michael Ostrog's physical description was 5 feet 11 inches tall, dark brown hair, grey eyes, often dressed in a semi-clerical suit, had a scar on his right thumb and on his right shin, had numerous flogging marks on his back and two large moles on his right shoulder, one on the back of his neck. He was described as a Russian, Russian Pole or a Polish Jew and had been admitted into various lunatic asylums during his life. In January of 1874, Michael Ostrog, was convicted of theft and given a harsh sentence of 10 years for his crime. We know he was in Portland Prison in 1881 and was released from there on the 28th of August in 1883. Meville Macnaghton had been involved in the hunt for Jack the Ripper with the Metropolitan Police between 1889 and 1891 and Sir Meville Macnaghton was also the Assistant Commissioner in the in the Metropolitan Police from 1903 to 1913. Michael Ostrog was first mentioned as a Jack the Ripper suspect in the ''Macnaghton Memoranda of 1894'' which stated, ''Michael Ostrog, a mad Russian doctor and convict and unquestionable was a homicidal maniac. This man was said to have been habitually cruel to women and was known to have carried with him surgical knives and other instruments and who's whereabouts at the time of the Whitechapel murders could never be satisfactorily accounted for.'' Michael Ostrog was only really introduced to the public as a suspect much later and by 1994/95 a fuller account of his life was then available. This acknowledged that Michael Ostrog was basically a habitual criminal, spending a large part of his life in prisons or asylums and was really a more pitiful character. Michael Davitt who was also listed as a convict in the England Census of 1881, at Portland Prison, aged 35, was recorded as a printer and from Ireland. He was a famous Irish Republican who whilst in prison wrote his ''Prison Diary'' and which was published in 1885 and spoke about his relationship with the famous Count Von Ostrog, the foreign-nobleman imposter who he found gentlemanly and agreeable. Michael Ostrog's command of English was faultless and he could converse in French, German and Italian and reputed to have a working knowledge in several other languages. He was well read in English literature and the two of them had many interesting conversations which helped pass the time in prison. It is important to note that Michael Ostrog and Michael Davitt would have been classed as important and privileged convicts, within the Portland Prison. In Victorian times these convicts would have been given special treatment and all those that worked within that penal establishment would have known what this meant. Remember Michael Ostrog was also listed as a surgeon which would have been a rare occurrence. Civil Guard/Warden Frank Baker would have understood the segregation and privileges that Michael Ostrog was allowed to have since he was classed with special convict status. Frank Baker was employed for several years during Michael Ostrog's imprisonment and therefore would have known this famous prisoner. There was a famous newspaper report which stated that the Authorities knew the identity of Jack the Ripper and that he was serving a 20 year sentence in Portland Prison . It was agreed that this account related to Charles Grande. He was a criminal and also played the part of a private detective, hired by the Whitechapel Vigilante Committee to help investigate the Ripper murders. In approximately 1891, he was convicted of deception and forgery, for sending threatening letters to some high society ladies. If the report from the newspaper is true, this would be another famous criminal held at Portland Prison whilst Frank Baker was serving there. In the England Census of 1911, we find that Principle Warden [Portland Prison] Frank Baker is now 57 and recorded as being a ''H.M. Prisons Pensioner'' and he and his family are residing at 38 Victoria Road, St Peter's, in Portland. In 1911, we find that retired Principle Warden [Portland Prison] Frank Baker is awarded the Imperial Service Medal for his services to H.M. Prison, at Portland. Frank Baker dies in March of 1933. [Obviously, Frank Baker knew the above prisoners but it is impossible to know how well he did know them. Police, Prison Service....are directly connected and sister services] I have struggled typing this one so hopefully I have not made too many errors. Alan.
Hi, ''The murder of Sophia Lovell on the 10th of September in 1906.'' Sophia Lovell was born in the Parish of Walworth St Mark, in the Borough of Southwark, on the 22nd of April in 1888. In 1906, Sophia was 18 years old and was single, as Sophia and her boyfriend Frederick Reynolds had broken up approximately 3 months before the murder. They had been walking out for approximately 18 months prior to the break-up. Frederick Reynolds had previously been employed as a builder's labourer with Henry Neale who was a local builder. Unfortunately, he became unemployed about the same time as he and Sophia parted company. On the 10th of September in 1906, Sophia Lovell and her cousin Annie Bristow were in the Prince and Princess of Wales Public House, in Kingslake Street, in Walworth. Sophia was meeting with Henry Limbourne, a baker by trade and they had only recently met a few times. They all remained in the Public House from 8pm to approximately 9.30pm and after that Henry Limbourne started to walk Sophia home to her house in Weston Street. On the way home they met Frederick Reynolds and words were spoken and then Sophia and Henry Limbourne continued on their journey. They crossed over Greyhound Bridge and walked approximately 60 yards down Willow Walk when suddenly Frederick Reynolds struck Sophia Lovell several times on the back of the head and in her face and she fell to the ground. Frederick Reynolds then immediately attacked Sophia and cut her throat while she was dazed and on the ground. A scream and cries for help summoned two male passers-by and Frederick Reynolds ran off. Sophia Lovell died within a few minutes due to her loss of blood from the severe wounds to her throat. Police Constable Oliver Langton became aware of the disturbance and on seeing Frederick Reynolds running from the scene, arrested the prisoner. Now in custody, he was then taken to Orange Road Police Station. Police Constable Oliver Langton noticed the blood on Frederick's right hand and sleeve. Frederick Reynolds admitted to Police Constable Oliver Langton what he had done to Sophia Lovell. Police Constable Oliver Langton was assigned the duty of looking after the prisoner during the night and again Frederick Reynolds admitted the attack Sophia Lovell. Police Constable Oliver Langton repeated the information at the Old Bailey trial. William James Lovell, a labourer who was Sophia's brother also confirmed to the court, that he had identified the body as being his sister. William James Lovell also confirmed that Sophia was 18 year old and was employed as a domestic servant. Two other Metropolitan Police officers also gave evidence at the trial and to a lessor extent....Police Sergeant Arthur Goodenough [M divn] and Detective Inspector Alfred Nicholls [M divn]. At the trial at the Old Bailey on the 22nd of October in 1906, Frederick Reynolds, refused to be represented by council and called no witnesses and had nothing to say in his defence. Frederick Reynolds was found guilty of the murder and was sentenced to death and was hanged on the 13th of November in 1906, at Wandsworth Prison, by Henry Pierrepoint. Police Constable Oliver Langton. Joined 15/9/1890 - PC - 'M' divn. Retired on pension 26/1/1917 -PC - 'M' divn. ['M' is Southwark division.] Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1897, Coronation medals for 1902 and 1911 awarded to PC Oliver Langton. Alan.
Hi, I like to think I have a nice collection of Police medals and nearly all of them are kept in the standard medal envelopes and housed in medal albums. The ''PC 881 Edward Watkins medal''[City of London Police] did not look right store in this fashion. The presentation of your individual items or collection is really a personal preference matter but this was my idea of how I thought it should be displayed. I had an old 1887 medal box which was still in a good condition so I placed the medal in this. Next there is an English company that supplies wooden engraved boxes at very reasonable prices and so I got one of them. Next it was to B&Q to buy a small length of 20mm pine wood which I cut and glued to the correct sizes. The results are not perfect but I was happy with the presentation. Not everybody might like it but I just thought I would share my idea. Alan.
Hi, This entry is for those that find the Jack the Ripper period interesting. Police Constable George Burton Cox of Whitechapel or 'H' division...….. and then transferred within 'H' division, to the C.I.D. on the 22nd of December in 1888. George Burton Cox was born in Woolwich, in Kent, on the 14th of October in 1859. George Burton Cox joined the Metropolitan Police on the 15th of March in 1880 and was assigned to Whitechapel or 'H' division and issued with the warrant number of 64394. In 1887, Police Constable George Cox was on duty for Queen Victoria's Jubilee Parade through London and was therefore awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 whilst serving with Whitechapel or 'H' division. Police Constable George B. Cox served in Whitechapel or 'H' division through-out the period relating to the infamous, 'Jack the Ripper murders,' in 1888. On the 22nd of December in 1888, Police Constable George B. Cox was transferred to the Whitechapel or 'H' division C.I.D. and this is also confirmed in the Police Order dated the 24th of December in 1888. Therefore Police Constable George Cox not only walked the street of Whitechapel in 1888 but would have also been involved in the investigations of the other murders that occurred between 1889 and 1890 and which also caused public apprehension, that Jack the Ripper might have returned. George Cox's time serving in Whitechapel or 'H' division C.I.D. [22/12/1888 - 22/4/1890] must have been quite successful because on the 23rd of April in 1890 Police Constable George Cox was promoted to Police Sergeant [3rd Class] C.I.D. and transferred to Bethnal Green or 'J' division C.I.D. and he remained in this position until the 8th of July in 1896. On the 9th of July in 1896 Detective Sergeant George Cox was transferred from Bethnal Green or 'J' division C.I.D. to Whitechapel or 'H' division C.I.D. and this is confirmed in the Police Order dated 10th of July in 1896. On the 20th of May in 1897, Detective Sergeant George Cox [3rd Class] was promoted within the Whitechapel C.I.D. to Detective Sergeant [2nd Class] and he remained in this position until the 19th of May in 1897. This is again evidence that Police Sergeant George Cox was considered to be a good detective within Whitechapel or 'H' division C.I.D. In 1897, Detective Sergeant George Cox is awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police clasp for 1897 whilst serving in Whitechapel or 'H' division C.I.D. On the 4th of October in 1898, Police Sergeant George Cox [2nd Class] Whitechapel or 'H' division C.I.D. is transferred to Kilburn or '''X' division C.I.D. Police Order dated 5/10/1898 confirms this transfer. Police Sergeant George Cox remained in this position until the 16th of March in 1903. In 1902, Police Sergeant George Cox is awarded the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902 whilst serving with Kilburn or 'X' division. On the 17th of March in 1903, Police Sergeant George Cox [2nd Class] Kilburn or ''X' division C.I.D. is transferred to Greenwich or 'R' division C.I.D. and is reduced in rank to Police Sergeant [3rd Class]. Police Order dated the 18/3/1903 confirms the transfer and punishment. Obviously, something happened to cause this fall in his professional conduct but more research would be required to understand why his circumstances changed. On the 14th of December in 1903, Police Sergeant George Cox [3rd Class] with Greenwich or 'R' division C.I.D. is transferred to Islington or 'N' division and is reduced in rank to Police Constable and given the collar number of 708N. In approximately 9 months George B. Cox has seen a considerable fall in his rank and reputation and so we can guess something is going wrong in his life. On the 20th of March in 1905, Police Constable George B. Cox [708N] retires on pension from the Metropolitan Police. There are also a number of Old Bailey trails that he attended. This was researched a number of years ago but I have always intended to go back one day and research it more and to try and understand why he fell so far and so quickly from grace especially when he was coming to the end of his career