Alan Baird
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'''2nd letter, dated 28th of October in 1886, to the Commissioner of the City of London Police James Fraser.''' This is the second letter that I purchased for just a few pounds and it is dated 28th of October in 1886. It is again written on the same quality notepaper and has the same embossed motif and words. The letter refers to a request to obtain a photograph of James Fraser which raises some interesting questions. Why would anybody want a photograph of James Fraser the Commissioner of the City of London Police especially as he is now approximately 71 years old. Why would anybody request a photograph of James Fraser the Commissioner of the City of London Police, did they think he would have such a thing just lying around. I would imagine in 1886 that cabinet photographs etc would have been quite expensive to produce. I wonder if you requested a photograph from a modern day Chief Constable, would you be supplied with such a thing? The letter reads, '''28 October 1886. Dear Sir, I regret that I am unable to comply with your request as I have no photographs of myself in my possession. In fact I have submitted to the operation of being photographed only twice in my life and that long ago.....If I had a copy I would send it to your ___ ___ ___. Yours faithfully James Fraser.'''
'''An interesting piece of Tovil, Maidstone local history.''' This is a Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police medal for 1887/1897 and was awarded to '''PC G Clarke F divn.''' [Paddington division].George Clarke was born in Dalby, in Leicestershire, in 1862. On the 26th of November in 1883 George Clarke joined the Metropolitan Police and was assigned to Kilburn[Paddington] or 'X' division and was issued with the warrant number of 68768. In 1887 PC George Clarke is awarded the above medal. In 1888 PC George Clarke is serving in Paddington or 'F' division during the JTR murders. In 1897 PC George Clarke is serving in Paddington or 'F' division and awarded 1897 Jubilee Clasp. On the 7th of June in 1899 Police Constable George Clarke leaves the Metropolitan Police and Paddington or 'F' division and is also given a gratuity. George Clarke then becomes the '''Licenced Victualler'' of the Royal Paper Mill Inn at 39 Tovil Hill, Maidstone, in Kent. This is also confirmed in the England Census of 1901 and 1911 and in the Post Directory Listings of 1913 and the licensee's name does not change until 1918. This means George Clarke was the Licenced Victualler for the Royal Paper Mill Inn for over 17 years. Public houses from Victorian times have often been demolished or had their names changed so many times that you loose track of their origins but the Royal Paper Mill public house is still trading under the same name even today so publican George Clarke is a nice piece of Tovil, Maidstone local history.
Hi, '''Commissioner of the City of London Police Sir James Fraser.''' If you attempt to buy a Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 and which was issued to a Whitechapel or '''H''' division policeman who assisted in the hunt for '''Jack the Ripper,''' then it will be expensive. City of London Police medals covering the same period are also not cheap. But here is a simple letter that was written by Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins '''boss'' and that only cost a few pounds but still has a nice later connection to the above events. The letter was written on quality notepaper and is embossed with the motif and the words '''City Police Office London''' and was written by Sir James Fraser who was the Commissioner of the City of London Police. The note/letter is dated the 26th of November in 1879 and relates to one of his daughter's artistic drawings and some assistance that was given with her work. James Fraser [1816-13/4/1892] and who was both a soldier and a senior police officer. James Fraser was an Army Colonel in 1854 and by 1856 be became the Chief Constable of Berkshire and he remained in that post until 1863. Then he was appointed the Commissioner of the City of London Police in 1863 and he remained the Commissioner until 1890. When Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins found the mutilated body of Catherine Eddowes in Mitre Square, technically Commissioner James Fraser was his '''boss''' but at the time of this murder Commissioner James Fraser was abroad. Therefore the Acting Commissioner of the City of London Police was Major Henry Smith [1835-1921] and he had placed a third of his force into doing plain clothes duties and they were told not to act like Policemen. To ensure that good discipline was still maintained, he ordered senior officers to go out and supervise all the activities. The letter appears to read :- '''26th Nov 1879. Dear Mr Swain. I write at once to thank you for ___ note to which I have just received. It will be a great encouragement to my daughter to learn that Mr Iagler has through your kind assistance, accepted the little drawing I left with you and I am sure that she will be very grateful for any advice or instructions for ___ ___ ___ to fine her. She is now finishing another small drawing which I think is clearer than the last but she shall bring it herself and hear your opinion of it and what she should do to ___ as she is much deserves of doing. Your truly James Fraser.''' [That's the best I could do with the translation of the writing, as this is not my strong point.]
Hi, They say '''a picture is worth a thousand words,''' so here we have a photograph of Ex-PS [Whitechapel/'H' division] Ben [Benjamin] Leeson The photograph was taken from his book which he had published in 1934. The book is titled, '''Lost London The memoirs of an East End Detective.''' If you thought the medal was expensive......….the book is selling on ebay for £145.00 …...…….free postage.
Hi, That was very interesting. At first I could not remember who '''Leeson''' was until you mentioned '''Sidney Street'' from 1911. I must admit I have not read anything that states Police Constable Leeson assisted Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson after he raised the alarm to Frances Coles murder. Police Constable Hyde and Hinton and then followed by Police Constable Elliott did but not Police Constable Leeson. Although Detective Sergeant Ben [Benjamin] Leeson certainly was a very brave man at 100 Sidney Street. I believe he was shot and gravely wounded when they originally banged on the doors and called out for the two anarchists to surrender. Ben Leeson recovered but due to his injuries was invalided out of the Police at a later date. So maybe he was there in 1891.
'''Sub Divisional Inspector John Pickett.''' Another person that almost certainly would have known Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson was Sub Divisional Inspector John Pickett. From the records we can confirm that he attended Police Constable Thompson's funeral especially as he was representing the senior officers and men within the Whitechapel division of the Metropolitan Police. Sub Divisional Inspector John Pickett joined Whitechapel or '''H''' division on the 27th of August in 1898 and remained there until he retired on pension on the 26th of July in 1904. On the day of the funeral there was a dark and threatening grey sky and the burial took place at Bow cemetery. Whitechapel or '''H''' division had previously purchased a plot of land at the cemetery and it was to be used to bury officers that were killed in the line of duty. Not only were there 2,500 Metropolitan Police officers attending the funeral in uniform, Dockyard and City of London Police also sent squads of men and a score of firemen also attended. The Whitechapel divisional band headed the funeral cortege but divisional bands from Lambeth and Highgate also were present within the funeral formation. There were also hundreds of wreaths to be carried to the Police Constable Thompson's grave. It must have been an impressive sight to see and a sombre moment in the Metropolitan Police's history. and here are these two Whitechapel or '''H''' Inspectors medals shown side by side...……………...
'''General information on Inspector Henry Thomas Weidner.''' Henry Thomas Weidner was born in Barking, in Essex, in 1856. Henry had a younger brother '''George Weidner''' and one interesting fact is that they both ended their careers as '''Metropolitan Police Inspectors.''' Henry Thomas Weidner served between 1874 to 1906. George Weidner served between 1876 to 1901. Inspector George Weidner retires from Marylebone or ''D'' division and with the rank of Sub Divisional Inspector in 1901. Inspector Henry Thomas Weidner's pension records in 1906 record that he is residing at 76 Leman Street in Whitechapel and therefore he is living in the family accommodation at the Leman Street Police Station
Hi, Somebody that almost certainly knew Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson was Inspector Henry Thomas Weidner who was also serving in Whitechapel or ''H'' division. At the inquest on the death of Police Constable Thompson...….Inspector Henry Thomas Weidner gave evidence regarding the coffee stalls that were located in Commercial Street. One of the main witnesses was a coffee stall vender. It is also known that Inspector Weidner was in charge of the Whitechapel or ''H'' division band during the funeral cortege and that ''H'' division's band lead the procession. Inspector Henry Thomas Weidner was a Whitechapel or ''H'' division Inspector from the 21st of November in 1891 until he retired on the 29th of October in 1906.
Hi, This first part of this post is the basic general information and background on Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson and later I will add the second part relating to him ie either tonight or tomorrow. '''Murder of Frances Coles.''' Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson, on his first solo beat duty found the body of Frances Coles in Swallow Gardens in 1891. To be exact, the discovery of her body was at 2.15am on Friday the 13th of February in 1891. Police Constable Thompson blew his whistle to raise the alarm and even although he heard the distant footsteps of somebody walking away from the scene, he decided to remain with the victim during her apparent last moments of life. The murderer was thought to be '''Jack the Ripper''' or''' James Thomas Sadler''' who was the man that had been paying for Frances Coles company over her last couple of days or maybe it was somebody else. The incident is well documented and I believe Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson often relived the events of that night and wondered if he should have gone after the unknown stranger. '''Murder of PC 240H Thompson.''' Now if we jump approximately a decade later, we find that Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson is again on night shift. It is the early morning hours of the 1st of December in 1900 and he is attempting to disperse some people near a coffee stall in Commercial Road. Police Constable Thompson is stabbed twice in the neck by Barnet Abrahams. This occurred at the same time as some prisoner's were being transferred from Leman Street Police Station to Arbour Square Court. Two of the escorting Policemen immediately went to their injured colleagues assistance. Although Police Constable Thompson had been fatally wounded he still held on to his prisoner until the other Police Constables took over. The main artery in his neck had been severed and he died very soon afterwards. Barnet Abrahams was later found guilty of manslaughter and was sentenced to 20 years penal servitude. '''The funeral of Police Constable 240H Ernest Thompson.''' Ernest Thompson was a family man leaving a widow and three young children. There was a huge outcry at the Police Constable's murder. Very large crowds gathered for the funeral procession to make its way to Bow Cemetery. Heading the cortege was Whitechapel or ''H'' division's band, followed by the family/friends carriages and then followed over 3,000 officers and men of the Metropolitan Police and other Constabularies etc. All along the funeral route the streets were packed with grieving spectators and hundreds of wreaths were also taken to the grave.
Hi, It will be interesting to see what final value is placed on '''PS [CID] Hilda D Coles''' QE11 L.S.G.C. medal' [Metropolitan Police], as there is still several days left before the sale is completed. Already it has 22 bids and the price stands at £127.00 plus postage. That just proves there are quite a few individuals/collectors out there, that appreciate her medal.
Edward Watkins had tongue/throat cancer and James Chappell had one of those illnesses that involved difficulty in swallowing, potentially chocking to death etc. Obviously there was a lot of respiratory deceases around in those days but maybe everybody smoking rough cigarettes, pipe tobacco or cigars..........made things a lot worse. [yes I am a reformed smoker from many years ago] Anyway I just had a look at the' ''The Royal London Hospital Museum and Archives site''' and it looked like an excellent museum and good potential source of information should it ever be needed.
Hi Gordon, That is really interesting about the London Hospital Whitechapel and their medical notes but how would you go about researching this ie National Archives or another site etc? When policemen retired on pension, around this time, their pension records always stated if they had received any '''on duty injuries''' and I have seen examples of it recording the dates relating to the on-duty injury and stating how the injury was caused. Therefore in some Metropolitan Police cases, your London Hospital Whitechapel medical notes could be invaluable. The attached photographs show the pension records of Police Constable James Edward Stoneham and it will show the section involved but in his case he had no relevant injuries to report. He served from 1870 to 1895 and was attached to Bow or 'K' division. I always found his situation quite sad, as in 1890 his wife Harriet was placed in the Essex Lunatic Asylum and he still had four children living at home, aged 16 and under. So for the last 5 years of his service he would have been under even more pressure than normal due to his family situation. Harriet Stoneham actually outlived her husband in the asylum and died there in 1913.
Hi, Again nice photographs...…….. '''The death of Edward Watkins in 1913.''' Normally I would not go to the extent of purchasing copies of death certificates especially as I consider it to be quite an expensive thing to do but I made an exception in Edward Watkins case. We already knew but the death certificate also confirms that Edward Watkins, aged 69, died on the 12th of March in 1913. It also states that his occupation was a, '''City of London Police Pensioner.''' There as two new details in the death certificate that are of interest :- [a] Edward Watkins died of '''Carcinoma of the tongue and glands in the neck,''' cancer of the tongue/neck. It also records '''12 months''' in the same column which I would suspect means he had been diagnosed and had suffered from this cancer for a period of 12 months. At the time of his death, his wife had been using her maiden name of '''Fowler''' for at least the last 13 years and she would continue to use her maiden name right up to her death in 1922. Under the column '''description and residence of informant''' it states that Augusta Ann Fowler was present at Edward Watkins death in Collier Row, in Romford. [They are residing in the family home.] In the England Census of 1911, it states that Edward Watkins and Augusta Ann Fowler were residing at 1 Bird Cottage, Lowshoe Lane, Collier Row, in Romford. Therefore it is reasonable to suspect that Edward and Augusta were still residing together, at this same address, in 1913. There does not appear to be any records to suggest that Edward or Augusta were ever divorced.
Nice photographs, they always help to make the story more interesting. I would almost put a bet on it...…...that your '''Police Constable 882 Joseph Daniel Phipps''' knew '''Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins''' as they worked together, in the City of London Police, over the same basic period. Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins collar number only changed to 944 near the end of his career. If I remember correctly your Police Constable Joseph Phipps also kept the collar number of 882 throughout his career. It would be nice if we could find something out there that connected the two of them together.
Hi, Nice photo but I thought they might have put a plaque up? The following is just an opinion or a thought...….. '''Under pressure with JTR and the normal workloads.''' This is just a small point, the Metropolitan Police and to slightly lessor extent the City of London Police, were under intense pressure to find '''Jack the Ripper''' but they were also required to effectively complete all their other duties and responsibilities. Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins of the City of London Police would have also known of this intense pressure but it is Police Sergeant Hugh Gilbery of Finsbury or 'G' division within the Metropolitan Police, that I shall use as an example to explain what I mean. The local newspapers, politicians, clergy and the general public etc reserved their harshest criticism, for the continued failure to catch Jack the Ripper, against the Metropolitan Police. Mary Kelly's mutilated body was found at 13 Miller's Court on the 9th of November in 1888. On the 13th of November in 1888, people assembled in London to celebrate the first anniversary of '''Bloody Sunday in 1887.''' The original event in 1887, saw 30,000 people assembled in Trafalgar Square to highlight the subjects of '''unemployment and the question of Ireland.''' Sir Charles Warren assembled a force of 2,000 policemen and 400 soldiers to contain the situation. Unfortunately things did not go well and over 400 were arrested and 75 people were seriously injured and this included 2 policemen stabbed and 1 protester bayoneted. Many of the protesters injuries were caused by police batons and their horses hooves and the rioters used iron bars and knives etc. Therefore only a few days after Mary Kelly's murder on the 9th of November in 1888, you have this major anniversary falling on the 13th of November in 1888. Police Sergeant Hugh Gilbery attended the '''Clerkenwell Green rally''' which was attended by approximately 5,000 socialists and radical clubs etc. There appears to have been quite a lot of incitement against the police presence and Police Sergeant Hugh Gilbery was kicked on the back of the leg and that person was arrested. There must have been a considerable police presence to ensure they did not loose control of the crowd and situation. Basic details of PS H Gilbery, awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medals for 1887 and was engraved ''PS H Gilbery G divn.'' Joined on the 14/9/1868. Retired on pension 14/9/1892 as a Police Constable with Bethnal Green or 'J' division. On the 15th of June, in probably, 1891 or thereabouts, Police Sergeant Hugh Gilbery was reduced to the rank to Police Constable and transferred to Bethnal Green or 'J' division. At this present time I do not know what his offence was which resulted in such a severe punishment just prior to retirement. In the England Census of 1911, we find Hugh Gilbery is employed as a '''Hackney Cab driver and is recorded as being a Police Pensioner''' so he is doing just fine.
Hi, This is jus a bit of fun but how could a box of chocolates in 2020 have anything to do with ''Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins.'' I had forgotten all about the chocolates but I had kept the cover of the box which I have just found. The story started on Christmas day in 2019 when we shared the day with a family artist friend and his family. He always makes even the simplest of things special and he always makes you smile. He gave me a box of chocolates which was nice as I like chocolate but my wife said, ''take another look at and the box.'' There was Edward Watkins on the cover and somehow he had dressed me up as, ''Jack the Ripper.'' It did make me smile.
Hi, Edward Watkins wife ''Augusta Ann Watkins'' was buried in Romford Cemetery, Crow Lane, in Romford. She was buried under her maiden name of '''Augusta Ann Fowler'' on the 27th of May in 1922. I found her when I changed around her first and middle names during a search and there she was in Romford Cemetery ie Ann Augusta Fowler. The grave reference is KK/378. There is a second burial in the same grave but at present I do not know what relationship they are to one another. The second burial occurred on the 14th of November in 1964 and her name is '''''Collins, Alice Maud.''''' So Augusta Ann Fowler used her maiden name, for some considerable time, before and after Edward Watkins death.
Hi Gordon, The incident of being caught having ''sexual intercourse with a woman on his beat'' occurred in 1871. Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins was 27 years old and he was a married man with two young children and had served approximately 15 months with the City of London Police. I doubt he ever told his wife why he was fined ''3 shillings and 6 pence'' or why he was reduced to a ''Constables 3rd class rate of pay''. If you view the England Census for 1901 and 1911, this is when Edward and Augusta are getting older/retired and their daughters had flown the nest and it is my opinion, this is when things might have become more difficult. Remember this the Victorian/Edwardian period and you can imagine couples staying together just to survive and to try and stay above the poverty line and there is also the social pressures to see it through. No matter what their situation was between them, they successfully raised their family and remained together to the very end. It would have been nice, to have had a greater insight into their personal lives and what it was like for them to live through period of time. Alan.
Hi, Why was Edward Watkins wife, ''Augusta Ann Watkins,'' not buried in the family grave with her husband ? Edward Watkins married ''Augusta Ann Fowler'' and she obviously then became ''Augusta Ann Watkins'' but latter Watkins family England Census records indicate that she reverted back to using her maiden name of ''Fowler.'' In the England Census of 1911, Edward Watkins and Augusta Ann Fowler are residing in the family home but she records her marital status as being ''single'' whilst Edward Watkins records his marital status as being ''married.'' Their children have long since flown the nest. It may be they had grown apart but remained together for other practical reasons. Edward Watkins died in 1913 and Augusta Ann Fowler died in 1922 and both of these events occurred in Romford but Augusta was not buried alongside her husband in the family grave and this may indicate the above theory is correct. When Augusta Ann Fowler died in 1922, a family member or members recorded her death twice, once as ''Augusta Ann Fowler'' and secondly as ''Augusta Ann Watkins'' and this was done in the registration district of Romford. It was only when ''Julia Ann Meek'' their daughter died in 1931, that the grave was again reused. Augusta Ann Fowler may have also been interned somewhere in Romford Cemetery but at this moment we cannot confirm this fact. This part of the family connection with Romford continues.
Hi, Edward Watkins was buried in grave BB/69 in Romford Cemetery, in the London Borough of Havering. Julia Ann Meek [nee Watkins] who is Edward Watkins daughter is also buried in the same plot. The following is some general information on his daughter, Julia Ann Meek and her sons. In the England Census of 1911, we find that Julia Ann Meek and her four sons are residing in the family home at 70 Ranelagh Road, in Tottenham. Edward Watkins grandsons are Charles Edward Meek [13], Harold Victor Meek [10], Stanley Gordon Meek [8] and Edward Arthur William Meek [3]. On the 13th of July in 1925, Harold Victor Meek who was employed as an assistant steward in the Merchant Navy is admitted to the ''Dreadnought Seaman's Hospital'' for treatment. Another grandson, Stanley Gordon Meek, is also serving in the Merchant Navy as a Chief Steward. On the 10th of August in 1940, Stanley Meek was drowned in the Thames River, in London and was 37 years old. The UK Merchant Seamen Deaths, 1939-1953 records, list Stanley Meek's death as suicide by drowning and whilst being of unsound mind. The family connection with Romford appears to have been maintained and this can be evidenced by Julia Ann Meek's burial in Romford in 1931 and with her son, Edward Arthur William Meek's marriage in Romford in 1951. Edward Arthur William Meek's death aged 74, is also recorded in the registration district of Havering in 1981.
Hi Gordon, That's great and I have already ordered a copy. Many thanks because I did not know about this book and it sound an extremely interesting read. The photograph of the cemetery also helps to put things into prospective. It is a pity a headstone was not erected for his daughter's burial in 1931. Maybe 'Julia Ann Meek' could not afford the cost of such a thing? Alan.
Hi, Many cemeteries nowadays highlight their interesting and famous burials and I was curious to know if City Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins was in that category or did he just fade away with time. From the England Census of 1911, we know that 'Police Pensioner Edward Watkins' was residing at 1 Birds Cottage, Lowshoe Lane, Collier Row, in Romford, in Essex. From the England & Wales death index, we know that Edward Watkins died in the first quarter [January to March] in 1913, aged 69 and in the registration district of Romford, in Essex. By using other online search sites, it was established that Edward Watkins was buried on the 19th of March in 1913 and this fact was recorded in the London Borough of Havering. This grave is not only the final resting place of Edward Watkins but his daughter 'Julia Ann Meek' [nee Watkins] was also buried in the same plot on the 7th of September in 1931. The 'Register of Burials in the Burial Ground of Romford, in the County of Essex,' lists entry number 7105 as referring to Edward Watkins, Police Pensioner and with the death occurring in Collier Row and the burial taken place on the 19/3/1913. Therefore Edward Watkins interment details are as follows :- [a] Authority - London Borough of Havering. Cemetery - Romford Cemetery. [c] Grave Ref. - BB/69. At present, I do not know if the Romford Cemetery are aware who 'Edward Watkins' was and his relevance especially to London's history or if his grave has a marker or what condition the burial plot is in. Maybe at a later date these questions will get answered.
I found the following paragraph quite interesting and it comes from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle, dated the 2nd of October in 1888. It is only a small point but I think it is worth sharing. A newspaper reporter passed the night away in Whitechapel after the murder of Catherine Eddowes in Mitre Square. The reporter finds a positive aspect to the atrocity and this is that Jack the Ripper now has an additional ''900 City of London Policemen'' hunting him. The reporter also believes there is a new working relationship between the Metropolitan and the City of London Police Constabulary's and this also includes those leading these organisations ie Sir Charles Warren and Col. Fraser. Further down the article it also confirms that Sir Charles Warren immediately reinforced Commercial Street Police Station with constables from both 'A' and 'B' divisions.