Alan Baird
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'Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins at the Police Court in 1871.' An incident occurred on the night of the 7th of September in 1871 and which resulted in an individual being charged [drunk and disorderly] and was taken to the Police Court on the 8th of September in 1871 for the hearing/trial. The disturbance occurred in 'Bishopsgate Street Within,' and City of London Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins arrested the individual involved, 'John Bass.' Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins, at approximately 10.30pm, found the prisoner 'John Bass' in Bishopsgate Street was causing a disturbance. John Bass was in a dirty and wretched condition. Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins told the prisoner to go away and the prisoner then lay on the ground and began kicking with his feet and barking like a dog and pretending to be in a fit. The prisoner was then taken to the police station and charged. John Bass had a record of numerous convictions and was sentenced to 7 days imprisonment with hard labour. See the articles from the 'London Daily News' and the 'Morning Advertiser' for more on the story. Interestingly, John Bass's brother James Bass who was also in a filthy state and was barely covered with clothes, was charged at the same Police Court with stealing two plates of fowl and ham. The plates of food were stolen from the 'Mitre Tavern' in Fleet Street. This occurred at approximately 10.30am that morning. James Bass was found guilty and sentenced to 21 days imprisonment with hard labour. I am sure the prisons in 1871 would have been very unpleasant places to be sent to but I suspect that these two brothers would have been better looked after in prison, in comparison to their lives on the streets of London. I wonder if Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins was only concerned with carrying out his duties that night or did he also realise that John Bass would be better off in gaol.
Hi, Your right - the photograph clearly appears to show the second medal ie Coronation medal 1902, as being visibly smaller than the other two medals. I wonder if this is more of an ''optical illusion'' especially because this Coronation medal had been badly attached to the ribbon bar holding the first two medals. The Coronation medal is positioned with the medal suspension bar adjacent to the level of the 1897 Jubilee clasp, instead of all the medal suspension bars being at the same level. The medal is also slightly angled due to its position on the tunic breast pocket. Attaching medals to ribbon bars sounds easy but there is definitely a knack to doing it so I think...….. many people awarded such medals would not have been too concerned with small discrepancies in this area. I have attached a few medals to ribbon bars.... in my time..... because I thought it enhanced their presentation. I would place the medals on the bar and pin the ribbons at the correct level and my wife would then sew the ribbons but if I were to criticize the end result, I would be told ''do it yourself next time.'' Maybe Sergeant Bradley was in the same boat. ls this illusion or is the medal smaller in size than it should be ? I am not sure...……….. Alan.
Hi, Nice puzzle.....the first two medals are probably his and they are the ''Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police medal for 1887 and with the 1897 clasp'' and then we have the ''Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902'' and they both appear to be fixed to the same ribbon/medal bar. There were 19,885 bronze Coronation medals for 1902 issued to the Metropolitan Police The second and third medals both appear to the ''Metropolitan Police Coronation medals for 1902'' What if.......................the third medal [Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902] and which appears to be separately attached to his tunic, is actually the ''Silver Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902'' Only 57 of these silver medals were issued and only to individuals of the rank of Superintendents and above. If the medal belonged to his father, that could explain why he was wearing the medal. This Coronation medal does look much brighter in the photograph compared to the other example which definitely would have been the bronze example. Just a theory and maybe a bit far fetched but you never know...….. Alan.
Hi, I think a ''Police Constable's retirement gift'' in the 1890's would have been selected from a small official range of gifts that were normally requested and would have been within a financial range appropriate to the rank. That would have been the same basic system for all of London's Police Constables ie City and Metropolitan forces. But Police Constable Edward Watkins was different from the other Police Constables retiring during this period because he had found the mutilated body of Catherine Eddowes in Mitre Square, on the 30th of September in 1888. This particular event in history made him famous and a celebrity and therefore his retirement might have created a much greater deal of interest from his friends, colleagues, general public and the newspapers etc. That is just my opinion, as I have never researched this area. Here is an original ''Testimonial to Inspector Frank Wells in 1891'' relating to his retirement from Hampstead or 'S' division. Inspector Frank Wells had spent the last 9 years of his service in this division and he had just completed 25 year total service with the Metropolitan Police. Local individuals and traders subscribed to his retirement and he was given a presentation and ''Testimonial'' and a gold keyless watch and chain, a purse of gold and Mrs Wells received a diamond and ruby ring. ''Not a bad haul for 1891 - I think.'' [There is some staining to the ''Testimonial'' otherwise it is in nice condition especially for its age.]
Hi Mike, I bought the ''presentation tea set'' because nobody seemed interested in it and it was going very cheap. I just loved the history behind the gift and was also interested in researching the Jack the Ripper connection from 1888. It is in a very nice condition especially for being approximately 115 years old and so it has been well looked after over the decades. It is a typical example a retirement gift that would have been given during this period. Unfortunately, my wife does not share the same passion for history so the ''tea set'' was banished to a box in the attic. I have temporary brought the other pieces of the set down from the attic to photograph. Since these items have not been cleaned in years...….it is difficult to see his initials [JTC] marked on the hot water pot, milk and sugar dishes. Alan.
Hi, It would have been interesting to know what Police Constable Edward Watkins received from the City of London Police, as his retirement gift, in May of 1896...…….. Here we have a nice example of a Metropolitan Police retirement gift which was presented to Inspector John Thomas Cathcart in April of 1905. [I believe he served as a Police Constable in Whitechapel or 'H' division in 1888 during the Jack the Ripper murders.] It is a presentation ''silver plated tea set'' to Inspector John Thomas Cathcart, dated the 9th of April in 1905, in respect of his retirement from the Metropolitan Police after 25 years of service. He joined the Metropolitan Police on the 5th of April in 1880 and was assigned to Bow or 'K' division. Retired on the 10th of April in 1905, from Camberwell or 'P' division and attained the rank of Inspector. Sometime after joining the Metropolitan Police, he was transferred to Whitechapel or 'H' division and this can be confirmed by an Old Bailey trial record in 1884 which states his collar number is now PC 410H. In 1887 Police Constable J Cathcart is awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 whilst serving in Whitechapel or 'H' division. By 1890 John Cathcart has been promoted to Police Sergeant and is now serving in Holborn or 'E' division, collar number PS 43E. Later he is promoted to Inspector and transferred to Camberwell or 'P' division and is awarded the 1897 Jubilee Clasp whilst serving in this division. On the 10th of April in 1905, Inspector John T Cathcart retires from Camberwell division and the Metropolitan Police and here we can see photographs of the ''tea pot'' which was part of the ''presentation tea set.'' The hot water pot and milk and sugar bowls are all of the same design.
Hi Gordon, Your photograph of Inspector Joseph Helson's ceramic ''tobacco jar'' which was presented to him on the occasion of his retirement from Bethnal Green or 'J' division in 1895, is very interesting. I have seen retirement photographs to Police Constables and Police Sergeants, from approximately this same period and their retirement gifts involved ''mantle clocks'' or ''presentation cutlery sets in wooden boxes'' or ''tea sets ie tea pot, hot water pot and sugar and milk jugs etc.'' Senior Police Officers were sometimes rewarded for their services to the local community by being presented with a ''monetary collection'' and or with gifts from that grateful local community. I wonder if this gift was from the Metropolitan Police or could it have been from the local community. Anyway we now know that Joseph Helson was a ''smoker'' or why would they give him such a gift...……..... Alan.
Hi, Here we have the ''before and after'' photographs, on how I though, I could better present/display Inspector John Carter's Metropolitan Police Coronation medals for 1902 and 1911. I used an original unnamed Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 and with the 1897 clasp, as a ''filler medal'' for this particular group. These medals were originally issued to Sergeants and above unnamed and the individual was required to pay for the engraving of the medal, should he wish to do so. Later medals were engraved to all ranks ie Metropolitan Police Coronation medal 1911 etc. I would suspect Police Sergeant John Carter's medal will be out there somewhere engraved and detailing he was serving in Lambeth or 'L' division during Queen Victoria's Jubilee. The ''filler medal'' allows the other medals to be viewed in their full glory and attached to a medal ribbon bar/broach. Obviously since original unnamed Metropolitan Police Jubilee medals for 1887 are difficult to find, you would only do this for a group of medals you think are important to you..... for whatever reasons that may be. During the Jack the Ripper murders John Carter was a Police Sergeant with Whitechapel or 'H' division and therefore this is why I did the upgrade. It is interesting to note that none of John Carter's medals are engraved 'H' division because they were issued during periods when he was serving with other divisions but I do think this emphasizes the point...….. that it is the stories that are important and not just what is engraved on the medal. Another important aspect of John Carter's Metropolitan Police history is that we can evidence his service with Whitechapel or 'H' division quite clearly through his Metropolitan Police pension records and through the England Census of 1891 etc. There may be additional information I can find later when the research continues. Hope you like the presentation of ''before and after.'' Alan.
Hi, This refers to a Metropolitan Police Sergeant that hunted Jack the Ripper, just as Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins had done with the City of London Police. The medals are not fully researched as I am on a break from my hobby and I will complete the research sometime during the earlier months of 2020. At the moment I am basically just looking for ways to better present my collection and to prioritise what research needs to be done in the future. This is just a short summary of ''John Carter's,' Metropolitan Police career because I think he has the potential to become a very interesting individual. John Carter joined the Metropolitan Police on the 19th of August in 1878 and was assigned to Lambeth or 'L' division and was given the warrant number of 63040. In 1887, PC John Carter was on duty for Queen Victoria's Jubilee Parade through London and was therefore awarded the Queen Victoria Metropolitan Police Jubilee medal for 1887 whilst attached to Lambeth or 'L' division. This medal and with the later 1897 clasp is missing. PC John Carter was promoted to Sergeant and transferred to Whitechapel or 'H' division on the 2nd of February in 1888. Police Sergeant John Carter served in Whitechapel throughout the, ''reign of terror by the infamous Jack the Ripper.'' In the England Census of 1891, Police Sergeant John Carter is recorded as being attached to the Commercial Street Police Station, in Shoreditch, Whitechapel or 'H' division. Inspector Edmund Reid and Inspector Walter Frost are also listed and then it is Sergeant John Carter who comes next on the census form. Therefore we can confirm he knew and worked with the famous Inspector Edmund Reid etc. Police Sergeant John Carter remained in Whitechapel or 'H' division until the 13th of December in 1892. On the 14th of December in 1892, John Carter was promoted to Station Sergeant and transferred to Bow or 'K' division. On the 8th of February in 1897, John Carter was promoted to Inspector and transferred to Paddington or 'F' division and it is with this division he would have been awarded his 1897 Jubilee clasp. In 1902, Inspector John Carter was on duty for the Coronation Parade through London and was therefore awarded the Metropolitan Police Coronation medal for 1902 whilst serving with Paddington or 'F' division. On the 8th of August in 1903, Inspector John Carter retired on pension from the Metropolitan Police and Paddington or 'F' division. John Carter was recalled for Police duty, as an Inspector with Paddington or 'F' division, for the Coronation Parade through London in 1911 and was issued with the temporary warrant number of 03455. [John Carter born in Heathfield in Sussex, in 1859.] Hopefully there will be more to record....at a later date, regarding Inspector John Carter. Some more info...……………….
Hi, I found another sketch of Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins in the book, ''Jack the Ripper,'' by Stewart P Evans and Donald Rumberlow. Between this sketch and the other two original sketches listed previously on this thread, it gives you a nice overall balanced picture of what he would have looked like when you compare and combine them together. I have also attached the modern date artist's impression of what he would have looked like and it should be remembered this was done by looking at the original sketches and by comparing other individuals with similar facial features to produce the end result.
Hi, [Observation - PC Samuel Knowles transferred to Bethnal Green or 'J' division on the 31/10/1888.] I would suspect that all the Metropolitan Police divisions hunting 'Jack the Ripper' would have been working/manned below their official establishment levels. This would have been especially difficult for Whitechapel or 'H' division. It would have also been a problem for divisions like Bethnal Green or 'J' division who were closely connected to these investigations and it should be remembered that one of the murders took place within their divisional area. To compensate for this deficiency in Whitechapel or 'H' division, Police Order dated 31/10/1888 recorded the permanent transfer of 42 Police Constables into Whitechapel or 'H' division. It is interesting to note that Police Constable Samuel Knowles was transferred into Bethnal Green or 'J' division on the 31/10/1888. This might indicate a smaller reinforcement was organised for Bethnal Green division because of their heavy involvement in the Jack the Ripper murders. It would be interesting to see if Police Order dated 31/10/1888 records Police Constable Samuel Knowles as being transferred as an individual to Bethnal Green or as part of a small group of reinforcements.
Hi, ''Police families often just get bigger.'' On the 4th of April in 1908, George W Fulcher's son ''Walter Ansell Fulcher'' marries Beatrice Mole and he is recorded as being a Metropolitan Police Constable .I have photographed his pension records. On the 12th of September in 1908, George W Fulcher's daughter ''Beatrice Mary Annie Fulcher [26] marries William Henry Washington Page [27] who is also recorded as being employed as a Police Constable. I have attached their wedding photograph.
Hi, Police Constable 491 George Walter Fulcher served in the City of London Police basically during the same period as Police Constable 881 Edward Watkins. Police Constable 491 George Fulcher's City of London Police personal file has not survived and his Queen Victoria City of London Jubilee medal for 1887 has been damaged. The ribbon suspension bar has been removed and somebody has tested the metal.... by filing the metal between his initial and surname on the rim of the medal. Apart from the above damage, the medal has a very nice patina and the engraved details can still be easily read. George Walter Fulcher was born in Bermondsey, in London, in 1848. What we can confirm is that in the England Census of 1871, George Walter Fulcher was employed as a City of London Police Constable and was boarding at 1& 2 St. Thomas the Apostle Police Station in the district of the City of London. Therefore it is reasonable to suspect he would have probably joined the City of London Police in approximately the 1869 period. In the Old Bailey trial records for the 13th of July in 1871, it records the trial of James Wood [18] who was charged with ''pocket picking.'' James Wood stole a purse containing a quantity of money from a Sarah Webster at the Moorgate Street Station. The prisoner bumped into Mrs Webster, cut her jacket pocket and stole the purse. PC 491 George Fulcher took the prisoner to the Moor Lane Station where he was charged with the offence. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to 7 years penal servitude. [There was no messing about with that sentence]. In the Old Bailey trial records for the 26th of June in 1882, it records the trial of John McMahon [20] and Thomas Mead [21] for robbery with violence on Charles Jack and the stealing of a diamond ring and scarf pin from the victim. The incident occurred at Blackfriars Bridge and PC 491 Fulcher arrested and took the prisoners into custody. A 12 months hard labour sentence was given to John McMahon and Thomas Mead was found not guilty. In 1887, awarded the Queen Victoria City of London Jubilee medal. In the Old Bailey trial records for the 24th of October in 1887, it records the trial of Margaret Jones [54] for coining offences. Margaret Jones attempted to purchase a quantity of meat at a butchers shop in Water Lane, in the City of London, with a bad half-crown. PC 491 Fulcher took the prisoner into custody and she was found guilty and sentenced to 18 months hard labour. [obviously they took the coinage offences very seriously]. In 1888, you have the Jack the Ripper murders……………….. Although we do not know exactly when PC 491 George Walter Fulcher retired on pension from the City of London Police, we can reasonably assume, it was around the 1894 period. In the England Census of 1901, we find that George W Fulcher [52] and his family are residing at 31 Ely Place, Hatton Gardens and Liberty of Saffron Hill, in London. George Fulcher is recorded as being a retired City of London Police Constable and is now employed as a house-keeper in charge of officers. In the England Census of 1911, we find that George W Fulcher [62] and his family are residing at 14 Brookfield Avenue, in Walthamstow, in Essex. In 1919, George Walter Fulcher died.
Hi, The following photographs refer to a ''Special Branch undercover operation in 1911. [long after Herman Bulterman died in 1895] But the photograph definitely reminds me of that ''Dad's Army episode of ''Operation wake-up Walmington'' where the platoon dresses up as ''cut-throats and desperadoes.''
Hi, The following photographs are of ''Adolphus Frederick ''Dolly'' Williamson'' [1830-9/12/1889] and who was the head of the Detectives Branch and then became the head of the newly formed Criminal Investigation Department in 1878. This is also the man that recruited German speaking detectives into the C.I.D. at the Commissioner's Office at Scotland Yard in approximately 1883/84 . Herman Henrik Bulterman's career started as a ''detective'' because of the forward thinking of Adolphus Williamson and others.
Hi, Regarding a newspaper article I had listed previously................. ''The newspaper article from June of 1888 which stated that Scotland Yard detectives had arrested two notorious American burglars at the Café Monaco, in London, on behalf of the German Empire. The two criminals were to face extradition back to German on the charges of stealing £30,00 from a Munich jewellery shop.'' It is interesting to note the Detectives involved were Herman Bulterman, Alfred Leach, Fank Froest and White [unknown]. If Herman Bulterman had not died when he was only 40 years old, I believe, he may have attained a much higher rank as his service progressed. Alfred Leach, warrant number 58059, joined the Metropolitan Police on the 20th of July in 1874. Retired on pension on the 1st of January in 1908 as a Superintendent in the C.I.D. [C.O./Commissioner's Office] at Scotland Yard. Frank Castle Froest, joined 17th of March in 1879 and retired on pension on the 1st of October in 1912. On retirement his rank was that of Superintendent in the C.I.D. [C.O./Commissioner's Office] at Scotland Yard. Frank Castle Froest [1858-1930], a British Detective and Crime writer. A journalist once described Frank Froest as being, ''short, thick-set, full-faced and when in uniform looked more like a Prussian Field-Marshal than anything else. Out of uniform he was always immaculate in a silk hat, patent leather boots and carrying a carefully rolled umbrella.'' He was known to be extremely strong and in retirement also became an author. There is lots of information about him on the internet. So Herman Hendrik Bulterman was in some very fine company in 1888.
Hi, The transformation from 'Special Irish Branch' to 'Special Branch' within the Criminal Investigation Department of Scotland Yard - 1883 to 1887. Police Constable Timothy Enright of 'K' or Bow division joined the 'Special Irish Branch' on the 19th of March in 1883. Police Constable Timothy Enright only served with the Special Irish Branch for approximately 2 months before he was returned to 'K' or Bow division for being reprimanded and cautioned. Police Constable Herman Bulterman was also assigned to the 'Special Irish Branch' on the 10th of April in 1884 and was sent abroad to observe and monitor the activities at Rotterdam Port but he remained with the Branch for more than a decade and rose to the rank of Detective Police Sergeant. In 1887, the majority of the Criminal Investigation Department personnel at Scotland Yard were in Section 'A' which meant they were dealing with London criminals and London crimes. Police Order dated 5/3/1887 - then established 'Special Branch' in a more formal and permanent way :- Section 'B' [Special Irish Branch]. Manned by 25 C.I.D. officers. Their main responsibility was stated as focusing on the 'Fenian groups in the London area. Section 'D' [Special Secret Branch]. Manned by 4 C.I.D. officers. [Inspectors].Their main responsibility was stated as focusing on the 'Fenian groups outside the London area. Section 'C' [Watching Ports]. Manned by 6 C.I.D. officers. Their main responsibility was stated as focusing on observing and monitoring the activities occurring at the ports. That is a very simplistic version of what the Sections within the Special Branch in the C.I.D. at Scotland Yard were doing and working on. There were threats from anarchists, socialist and other groups, stories of Royal protection duties and dealing with foreign citizens for all various reasons etc. I believe, that Detective Sergeant Herman Bulterman may have continued to serve in Section 'C' because he had the experience of working at ports, including his time at Rotterdam Port. Herman Bulterman's linguistic skills would have been much in demand and very useful in dealing with foreigners and in relation to European activities etc and since Section 'C' is dealing with all ports, this seems the most appropriate use for his skills.
Hello G, I noticed this group as well....and I suspect there may be a couple of reasons for it not selling just now. [a] The seller has, to their credit, added an ''important notice'' in the descriptive text stating that this individual was not in the Metropolitan Police during the Jack the Ripper murders in 1888. I can find the group under ''Metropolitan Police medals'' but it does not seem to appear under ''Police medals.'' [c] It does appear to be quite expensive but that is just my opinion. [d] There does not appear to be much on this individual ie Old Bailey trial records etc. [e] and I think you may be right...the market seems to be a bit quiet at times
Hi Paul, I totally agree and understand what you are saying. The auction house that sold Deputy Inspector General Norman Mainwaring medals and other items also kept the flag with these items and therefore they were all sold together. The decision made economic sense for the auction house and for their client. The dealer that purchased them, then sells them separately. The dealer is running a commercial business and therefore has to obtain the best price for his purchases. The decision to sell them separately made economic sense for the dealer. My point is that it is sad from a collectors or historic point of view that the items are no longer together. Alan.
Hi, ''Your words of wisdom and warning, I believe, have been heard loud and clear and are much appreciated.'' There is a point I would like to make about the Deputy Inspector General Norman Mainwaring's medals and other items. When these items were originally sold by the Auction House and bought by a dealer and I must stress that both of these companies are very good and reputable companies, there was a flag with the group. It was a ''Khalafat Flag'' which was given by the Madras Government and was officially listed as being presented to Deputy Inspector General Norman Mainwaring. The flag, I believe, was captured on the first day of the Rebellion when the ''Khalafat Standard Bearer'' was killed. Deputy Inspector General Norman Mainwaring was one of those who led the charge and his Police company was responsible for killing this flag bearer. The flag must have meant a great deal to him because it remained with the other items for so long. I understand the pressures on the dealers and that they are commercial businesses and have many overheads and expenses which must be met. Items therefore must also be commercially viewed and split up, if necessary but I would have never have divided these medals from the flag and sold them off separately. The medals and flag had a strong connection and story but the flag on its own does not have the same meaning. This is just my opinion in this particular case.
Hi, The first ''Special Branch'' or ''Special Irish Branch,'' as it was known then within the Metropolitan Police was created in March of 1883. It is also stated that after the formation of ''Special Branch'' they were also given the responsibility for the ''applications for naturalisation.'' It makes sense for Special Branch to do the verifying on who is trying to become a British Citizen. They were responsible for checking the good character, employment, addresses and references that had be presented in the application to the Home Secretary. Herman Bulterman's application was processed in 1890 but it would appear there was never any doubt he would be accepted and Herman could have probably completed this processes even earlier, if he had wished to. Special Branch checking Special Branch. [The photographed page comes from the book - Metropolitan Special Branch. A history 1883-2006 by Ray Wilson and Ian Adams. I have only just got the book so I have not read it yet.]
Hi, Now we have the sad part of the story to tell...……. On the 1st of March in 1895, Detective Sergeant Herman Bulterman resigned from Scotland Yard and the Metropolitan Police. Police Sergeant Herman Bulterman was given a gratuity payment for his services. The reason for the resignation was ill health and approximately one month later, in April of 1895, he died when he was only 40 years old. On the 24th of April in 1895, Herman Bulterman [40] was buried in the district of Southward. If he had not died so young, he may well have continued to climb the promotional ladder, within Special Branch in the Criminal Investigation Department at Scotland Yard. Herman's wife Goverdina Bulterman [66] remained a resident of London and her death was registered in Wandsworth in 1906. They did not have any children. [I know very little about Special Branch or the Fenian's and other bombing campaigns so if I have made any mistakes or come to any wrong conclusion, I would be most grateful for any information.]
Hi, The books are great. I must admit I never really appreciated how interesting this whole subject is.....Special Branch, the whole Fenian and bombing campaigns that were taking place and now we have a new set of Police characters like Bulterman and Greenham and lots of others. In March of 1894, Andreas Seiler, a German national, arrived at Scotland Yard and wanted money to take him to either Bavaria or to New York. We now know that Police Sergeant Herman Bulterman could also speak German, as Andreas was taken upstairs to speak to Police Sergeant Herman Bulterman. Police Sergeant Herman Bulterman explained ''he would get not money here'' and escourted him back downstairs. Unfortunately Andreas Seiler decided it was a good course of action to then break a glass panel and hit a Constable on the back of the head. At his court hearing he complained ''he did not feel clear headed due to the drugs the Police had given him.'' The prisoner was remanded in order that his state of mind might be enquired into. In 1878, Detective Chief Inspector George Greenham could speak 3 languages ie French, German and Italian and was considered the best linguistic officer in the whole of the Metropolitan Police Constabulary. It now appears that we can confirm that Detective Sergeant Herman Bulterman equalled that same level of linguistic expertise with being able to speak Dutch, French and German.