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    Posts posted by Deruelle

    1. For you the best books in english are the O'Connor's books. These books are in the first place in my room. I've read them, read them and will read them all the time. Because I want to have in memory the most important things about medals.

      You can read also the following book in french and in english :

      BLONDEL (J-M), Ordres des Etats de l?Allemagne Imp?riale, Boissy en Brie, sans ?diteur, 1987, 101 p.

      You will find only orders of each states. All orders are in color. I have bought this book in 1987 and I know it is very rare to find one exemplar.


    2. Bonjour Thierry,

      Voici une photo de Max Clausius du R?giment Nr. 83 . Il a entre autre re?u les d?corations suivantes :

      Waldeck Verdienstkreuz 4. kl. X (WV4X) , le 3 octobre 1914,

      Waldeck Verdienstkreuz 3. Kl. X (WV3X), le 1er f?vrier 1915 (source tir?e du livre de Efler sur les ordres de chevalerie et m?dailles de Waldeck),

      Waldeck Offizierkreuz mit X (WOX), le 20 janvier 1915.

      Kreuz f?r Kriegsverdienst Lippe Detmold en 1915,

      Ehrenkreuz 4. Kl en 1915,

      Johanniterorden kreuz der Ritter.



    3. Hi Ramblinfarms,

      The SEHO is the second class with X (in silver). For the first class it is in gold

      I usually use the following abreviation to describe the medals:

      EK2 : iron cross 2nd class

      EH3bX : knight cross 2nd class with X of the Ernestine House Order

      SF3bX : knight cross 2nd class with X of the White Falcon of Saxe Weimar

      I will see if I have a date for the using of the french swords.



    4. Hi,

      Who can buy such fake for the price like that :mad::speechless1: I don't understand. I have a copy of the Plm that my wife has bought for me 8 years ago for 400 francs fran?ais (80$). I love it because my wife makes me this gift. If people has got enough money to buy fake medals, they do what they want with their money. They can cry when they know the true.


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