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    Posts posted by Deruelle

    1. Hi,

      I think I have got your man. I have found 2 Hauptmann Heinemann, one in the FAR Nr. 15 and the other in the Fuss AR Nr. 14. The second one is not the good officer cos his firstname was Friedrich. So Heinemann from FAR Nr. 15 was in the Ehrenranglisten from 1926 Major in the Reichsheer. And I found him in the RL 1927, p. 124.

      RL 1914 Hauptmann Heinemann 27.1.1914 Q3q

      RL 1927 Major Heinemann 1.12.1922

      His awards : Iron cross 1st and 2nd class, HHO3X (24.8.1918) DA 25.

      I haven't got more information. That's all



    2. Paul,

      The awards rolls of the RE3X have been lost with the end of the WW2 so we will probably never know the awards number of each medals and orders of Reuss. So it will be very difficult to trace one medal bar. Only if the officers is present in the Ranglisten before the WW1 and only if he survived the war in was in the Reichsheer. In the 1925 Ranglisten I have found only 54 officers who received orders from Reuss, maybe I have forgotten one or two but that's all.



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