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    1. I don't mean it is genuine. The suspension was used for a campion medal and some provincial labor model medals in 1950s as far as I know. But I haven't see any so called "Mao badges" using this kind of suspension. By the way, even if it is genuine, it usually doesn't worth much. 10 RMB maybe enough, as ED said. The Chinese order collectors are interested in three kinds of orders, each have 3 classes, which awarded in 1955 as PLA stared to carry out its millitary rank system and were designed and manufactured in Soviet Russia. Those three kind of orders are: Order of August 1st, Order of Independence and Freedom and Order of Liberation. The cheapest kind Order of Liberation, 3rd, is worth thousands of RMBs at the monent.
    2. It was said "Hooray! Chairman Mao." It looks like a badge given in the period of 1966-1976, the Culture Revelution.
    3. Hello, amyagkiy, could you please post the picture of the back side of this medal? I am a Chinese and I can translate the words for you.
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