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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. Yes I think your just about hit the nail on the head, with all you comments there!! wub.gif :violent-smiley-007: :violent-smiley-017:
    2. Hi, I thought the 5.56 (SA80 to civvies and hats!, on offence!!!), was ok. I never had any problems with it, especially when they jazzed it up pre Afganistan. M16 was okay a lot lighter than the 5.56, it must be doing something right for the yanks to have used it for so long. SLR now theres a quality rifle, you know when you`ve been hit by one of those. AK, narrrrr, it uncontrolable on automatic, heavy, however, it takes a lot of punishment. The roll of the British Army has changed as has the ethos of the way we wage war, the 5.56, fits the bill, and I think we`ll keep it for a good few years yet.
    3. Smashing thanks again for the further information, that sounds about right as I know he retired on the 6th August 1944, due to ill health, I have also since discovered that he was born in 1893, so he was getting on a bit then. His obituary states that he served for 40 years as a Special, but given other facts, I can`t see how this information is correct, for instance, it also states that he served in WW1, in the Coorg & Mysore Rifles (he was born in India and worked as a Coffee Planter), he was also the son of an Indian Army Col. So even if he joined the SC in 1919, that still doesn`t give him time to do 40 years, unless of course he joined up again after the war as Special again, in his 50`s??? His Medal appears to mounted as worn (very tatty ribbon), but no sign of a BWM, Defence Medal or any bars? Do you know when the E Type LSGC was issued? It looks just like the BWM, which poses the question when was the C type issued? Will have to dig deeper into this guys service if I can. If I turn anything up, I`ll let you know.
    4. Hi, jumping Can anyone tell me if women, served in the RASC, during WW2. I`d also be interested to know, which unit of the RASC served in Corngreaves Hall, Cradley Heath, Staffs in 1940. If anyone can help, I`d really like to hear from you. Gordon. jumping
    5. Smashing thank you very much indeed, I found her on the CWGC site, I hadn`t thought of looking there!!!!! Many many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
    6. Thank you very much for your reply, it answered my question, however, it has caused more!!! I do not know if Beville, served as a full time Officer, I have writen to Kent Police, but as yet have not received a reply. I know Beville was a Special in 1926, and a War Reserve, 1940 to 44, his LSGC has GVR E type profile. Any idea when this profile was issued from?
    7. Yes please that would be smashing, thank you. jumping
    8. Hi, Can anyone suggest anywhere were I might be able to confirm details, in relation to Civilian loses to air raids. I`m trying to find out more about a lady who was killed during one in Westerham in 1940. Her name was V T Beville (nee Russell). Any suggestions?
    9. Hi, Can anyone tell me when the GVR "C" type LSGC was issued? Also the "E" Type?
    10. Hi, I`d very much like to hear from anyone who can explain to me, the differance between, a Special Constable and a War Reserve Constable. I have a LSGC Special Constable Medal to an Officer who served 40 years in the Kent Constabulary, the paperwork with this medal includes two certificates one to Special Constable Beville for his work/volunteering for duties during the 1926 General Strike, and another for his services as a War Reserve Constable 1940-1944. His obituary states that he served for 40 years!!! I take it that War Reserve, like Specials were unpaid, am I right. Do War Reserve Offciers get the same LSGC as a Special?
    11. Hi, I was lucky enough to buy the medal mentioned via ebay, from Nick, who is involved in this website. I`m really looking forward to starting to research the guy killed, if anyone has any information which maybe of interest, i`d really like to hear from you. Gordon.
    12. Hi, I have a Special Constables LSGC, to Geoffrey Mccartney Beville, who served in the Kent Constabulary, for 40 years, from it appears 1904 to 1944. I`m in the process of researching him, so far its proved very interesting. Gordon.
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