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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. What an interesting thread. I assume that they`d ask around to see if anyone had seen him being killed or wounded. I also a ssume that there are cases where a guy was presumed dead, only to turn up as a POW at a later date?
    2. Interesting, I take it they didn`t deploy as a Regiment during WW2? Can this be right? What about Korea, did they fight in that war?
    3. Good question, it is Ebay after all, but I imagine that the least it will be 9ct?
    4. Hi Guys, Came across this whilst surfing Ebay, thought it might be of interest, and topic of conversation for the fourm. SOLID GOLD WW1 I SERVED MEDAL ROYAL WELSH FUSILIERS Item number: 220230428395 HEAVY 17.5 GRAMS 9ct SOLID GOLD WORLD WAR 1 I - SERVED MEDAL ROYAL WELSH FUSILIERS - ENGRAVED WITH - PTE L DOWNES - ROYAL WELSH FUSILIERS Complete with The ORIGINAL box, T Armstrong, Jewellers, Manchester Gordon.
    5. Found these on the net which might also be of interest.... http://www.titanic-whitestarships.com/whit...asure_ships.htm http://www.geocities.com/White_Star_Liners/Laurentic-I.html
    6. Arharrr.....cheers for the Kev. A nice medal anyway.. Along the same lines as the sweetheart badges from the UK, during the same period, it would seem.
    7. Found this WW1 Swiss medal up for auction on Ebay (US seller). WW1 Swiss Military Service Medal 800 Silver - No Reserve This is a nice heavy silver badge as awarded to a WW1 Swiss Soldier. 1 1/8" wide x 1 3/8" tall lightly vaulted badge features a Swiss Soldier on the front. The back has a large Swiss cross and writing in three languages. Dated 1918. The back is stamped "0800". WW1 Swiss Military Service Medal 800 Silver - No Res Item number: 270232709021
    8. Bormann is he dead? "Parker insists that Martin Bormann did not die in Germany, as West German officials had declared. "I can assure you that Martin Bormann did *not* die in Berlin. He looked very much alive, in March of 1975, in a villa outside of Madrid, Spain, where I went to negotiate the liquidation of various tons of gold which were turned into perfect Krugerrands."" http://www.conspiracybomb.com/nazigold.htm The Independant newspaper ran their front page today, about Nazi war criminals still at large, Bormann wasn`t amongest them, if he is still alive?
    9. I like the Bosnia one, far better quality then the NATO ones they issued us!!! Are Swiss medals expensive to buy do we know?
    10. Kev, love the bottom one, you`d need two hands to hold it.. What do you think of the latest issue Swiss Army assault rifle...?
    11. The Swiss Army knife in tactical red, they don`t really use/issue them do they?
    12. ......and lets not forget their women folk!!!!!! Miss Switzerland
    13. Cheers Guys, I suppose this makes sense, as their not the most warlike country in the world are they!!!! I was very surprised to learn that their not part of NATO!!!! They make nice chocolate mind...
    14. Just out of interest, does Switzerland issue any military medals, to it soldiers? Did they have any for WW1 or WW2? Have they got any soldiers deployed any where for the current war on terror, do they have a medal for this?
    15. But seriously (& getting back on topic), I can see some sort of poll is required here, as to whether we like these new coins or not.....
    16. Going but I can`t resist, 5p called tiddlers...I can see why that didn`t stick... I thought the common nick name for a 5p was a `cats arse`??
    17. http://www.royalmint.com/newdesigns/designsRevealed.aspx What do we think? Personally I think there rather good....
    18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england...set/6956363.stm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...amp;expand=true
    19. Found this whilst surfing the net thought it might be of interest...... <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...19/nbarc119.xml" target="_blank">http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml...19/nbarc119.xml</a> Barclays plans to ditch 'Nazi' eagle logo By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Correspondent Last Updated: 2:17am BST 21/06/2007 Barclays, the High Street bank, is planning to drop its 317-year-old eagle logo because of concerns that it has Nazi overtones ? a move designed to appease the Dutch bank ABN Amro with which it is planning to merge. The Barclays logo has been modified many times in the past Bank insiders confirmed today that it was a "logical move" to drop its iconic logo if the deal with ABN Amro goes ahead, agreeing with comments that it had "unfortunate connotations". Branding experts said they thought the move was sensible, considering how much more potent the eagle symbol is on the Continent. Stuart Whitwell, joint managing director of Intangible Business, a brand consultancy said: "I think it is a great shame, especially considering they have had it for 317 years. But you can sense there would be problems in parts of Europe." If the merger goes ahead Barclays has promised to move its corporate headquarters to Amsterdam, a city that was occupied during the Second World War. The Anne Frank Museum is one of countless daily reminders in the city of its uncomfortable past. advertisementThe Nazis used the historic Germanic eagle as part of its iconography and it remains part of the federal coat of arms to this day. The eagle logo used by Barclays, however, predates the Nazi era by 230 years, dating back to 1690 when its predecessor bank set up in Lombard Street ? the historic home of banking in the City of London. The image has been modified many times in the past. The black Teutonic-style eagle emblazoned on a shield was redrawn blue with less fierce talons in 1981. Seventeen years later, the shield was dropped as part of a re-branding by leading consultancy Interbrand. In 2004 the logo was softened further, with the three crowns being consigned to the bin, and the bird shorn of all of its claws. If the bank merger goes ahead ? a deal worth ?96 billion ? the merged entity will be called Barclays, but the British directors have agreed to appease its Dutch counterparts by moving its headquarters and dropping its logo. It is likely to adopt a version of the simple green and yellow shield currently used by the Dutch bank. If the deal collapses Barclays insiders said that they would "absolutely" hang on to the eagle logo. It would not be the first time that a British bank had lost its logo as part of a international merger. Midland bank's blue griffin was replaced in 1997 by HSBC's red and white hexagon, five years after the Hong Kong giant took over the British High Street bank. Santander, the Spanish banking group, ditched Abbey's logo of a couple sheltering under an umbrella after they took over the bank in 2005. It was replaced with the Spanish company's insignia of a red flame. Mr Whitwell said: "I am sure that people will accept it eventually. It is all part of globalisation. It's a shame, but it makes sense if all the banks share the same logo. And let's face it ? most banks aren't very well like by their customers anyway. Will anyone really miss the eagle?"
    20. Heres something else I`ve found that I thought might be of interst... Brazil opens suspected Nazi bank vault The Brazilian authorities have opened a bank vault in Sao Paulo, containing more than four million dollars worth of property believed to have been stolen from victims of the Nazis. The vault, belonging to a German named as Albert Blume who arrived in Brazil before the Second World War, was found to contain cash, gold bars and jewellery -- and his diary. He's alleged to have acted as a banker for Nazis who fled from Germany to South America. But members of his family deny that, and claim the fortune belongs to them. The Brazilian commission investigating the country's role in sheltering Nazi fugitives is planning to run scientific tests to try to establish ownership.
    21. Don`t quote me but I may have solved the mystery as to what this is........I think it maybe a canteen token. http://www.epicmilitaria.com/product.php/4...s-canteen-token
    22. Very possible, i`m sure you`ll all agree there is an aweful lot of `dodgey` nazi stuff on the market...
    23. A mysterious golden pot discovered in a Bavarian lake in 2001 has been the focus of interest for archaeologists, art dealers -- and now the German and Swiss police. Its convoluted history involves Nazi cults, treasure hunters and modern-day profiteers. http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiege...,478958,00.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_gold
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