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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Jacques

    1. It is not a pilot wings award. It is a single document for the attribution of two medal, in this case the "medalla de la campa?a" and the "cruz blanca del merito militar". You can find the same but with the "cruz roja del merito militar". http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4879 jacques
    2. This latest is not of the best quality, this is why I think it is more post 1943 (I can't really dated it) than early manufacture. I didn't have it in hand but I suppose it in Tombac, the silver colour mostly disappeared. Here is a gold one, directly from the family obtained. it is unmarked but retains the S&L characteristics.
    3. Here is a group for a LC member who was awarded the white cross, and the SC in silver with swords.
    4. Another sample of a "late war" S&L cross. this one is a silver w/o cross. the plain swastica is more visible, thus the die used (not cut swords). same hinge, pin & hook as the previous bronze cross.
    5. here is what I think a late variant. Obverse: the eagles have the same form except the swastika which is plain (no cut out branches). Reverse: the pin's form changed thus the hinge (barrel type). the hook is thin and open to left side. the MM "4" still remains on the pin.
    6. Reverse To be noted, the same details as the previous bronze cross. S&L used a different die for the cross w/o swords.
    7. Here is a spanish cross in silver w/o sword already presented.
    8. reverse: the MM "4" is incused within a square To be noted, the flat pin, the EK1 type Hinge, the swords grip edges
    9. Steinhauer & L?ck is one of the few firm which manufactured and provided spanish crosses from 1939 to 1945. They used several MM during the war period. Generally S&L crosses are recognising by the swords grip form, hinge & pin's forms, and eagles details. Here are few samples of crosses from this manufacturer with the mark "4".
    10. Hi, I don't have figures of the number of these decorations awarded. It was in relation with the act of bravery of which the recipient performed during the war as combattant (red cross) and non combattant (white cross). The most part of the LC members did receive the red cross. The relation between white or red service cross and the attribution of the spanish cross is more obscure. I saw spanish red cross with gold, silver or bronze SC; spanish white cross with silver and bronze SC. Here is a sample of a soldier awarded with the white cross and the SC in bronze with swords.
    11. Hi Scott, this is the very type of cross which has been awarded to the members of the LC during the Spanish parades, just before their return to Germany. jacques
    12. Here are 2 pics provided by Joe. I thanks him to share with us these rare pics showing Ensslen wearing the SC with diamonds.
    13. Fake . Nothing looks to known original. Bad eagle design, swords grips, pin, hinge. the reverse is partilarly crude . jacques
    14. Hi Janjan, Welcome to the forum. Hope you will continue to share such beautiful items with us. jacques
    15. To illustrate the "Sierra Cordoba" ship menu: the picture shows two members of the PzGruppe Drohne during the travel back to Germany in may 1939. On left is the known Paul Zundorf. jacques
    16. Don't forget the moderator. Do your pics show him with his SC ? jacques
    17. another one with his wife
    18. - This decoration was authorized by german regulations as soon as their return to germany. a page from the magazin "Deutsche Kriegsopferversorgung" dated juli 1939 is showing the spanish decorations. Later, the recipients received at home the original document with a list from the Reichsluftministerium. these decorations were authorized up to the end of the war but also after (Bundeswehr). - the spanish "cruz de guerra" might be worn on the left side. it is the same regulation in Spain. I know just few pics showing it on the wrong side, but I think it is a mistake and not a regulation. Hope this help you jacques
    19. another with the "cruz blanca"
    20. You will see all my pics before I see yours....
    21. unidentifyed officer. certainly one of the few of the Pz Gruppe to have been awarded the "Cruz de guerra".
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